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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 關節炎/風濕/痛風 Arthritis/R A/Gout

Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕關節炎: 類風濕關節炎是自我免疫系統出現毛病,導致抗體攻擊自己的關節組織而引致各種痛楚及問題。 Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, in which antibodies develop against components of joint tissues to cause pain and joint problems. See Allergy /Autoimmune Disease 參過敏/自我免疫系統疾病 Gout 痛風: 痛風起因於體內過多的尿酸結晶體積累於關節、腱、腎臟及其它的組織而引致發炎、紅腫及損害。 最好減少體內尿酸的方法便是進食大量鹼性的食物如水果、生蔬菜及它們的汁。反過來說,酸性食物是導致體內形成尿酸的其中一個最大成因。 櫻桃、波羅、及西芹於降低尿酸方面特別有效。 避免進食含高嘌呤的食物及酒精可減少尿酸的形成,含高嘌呤的食物有紅肉、器官、貝殼類及酵母食物。其它會提高尿酸含量的有魚、家禽、豆類、波菜、椰菜、燕麥及菇類。 飲用大量的過濾或蒸餾水以增加排尿,幫助中和及排出尿酸。 Gout is caused by excessive uric acid crystals deposited in joints, tendons, kidneys and other tissues, where they cause considerable inflammation, swelling and damage. The best method to minimize the uric acid in the body is to eat a great amount of alkaline-forming foods, such as raw fruit, vegetable and their juices. Vice versa, acid-forming foods are one of the main causes to form uric acid in the body. Cherry, pineapple and celery is very effective in lowering uric acid. Avoidance of purine-rich foods and alcohol will help prevent the accumulation of uric acid. Purine-rich foods are all red meat, organs, shellfish and yeast products. Other foods which increase uric acid are fish, poultry, legumes, spinach, cauliflower, oatmeal and mushrooms. Drink plenty of filtered or distilled water to keep the urine diluted and to promote the excretion of uric acid. 腎臟功能出現問題會影響排除尿酸的能力。 Kidneys problems lower the ability to eliminate uric acid. See Kidney/Bladder/Urinary Tract 參腎/膀胱/尿道 See Joint/Bone參關節/骨骼 Hydrotherapy 冷熱水療法: 所有疾病都與阻塞有關,不論是淋巴、消化、營養、排除、情緒等等,排除阻塞,使能量流通,治療便會開始。 每天一至三次的輪流在患處澆上熱水一分鐘,再澆上冰水半分鐘,連續循環七次。不一定要用水,可用任何熱及冰凍的東西,如熱水袋或物理袋等。熱能快速的將血管及淋巴管大大擴張,相反,凍將血管及淋巴管大大收縮,這樣一熱一冷,血管及淋巴管不斷的快速擴張和收縮,能於短時間內將大量的營養及廢物快速的運送及帶走,同時連神經線與肌肉也被刺激,打通體內受傷部位的阻塞,促進復原。 這方法特別對較近皮膚的癌症幫助較大,如皮膚癌、骨癌、喉癌等,亦對撞傷、扭傷、肌肉、韌帶、關節等痛症和損傷十分之好。而全身冷熱水浴對全身都有好處,有助增強抵抗力。 此外,桑那浴也是不錯的選擇,熱蒸幾分鐘,再淋冷水約半分鐘,連續循環三至四次,也有很好的功效。 All diseases is caused by some type of blockage, whether it’s lymphatic, digestive, nutritional, elimination, emotional, whatever. Free the blockage, let the energy flow and healing begins immediately. Apply hot to affected area for one minute and cold for 30 seconds alternatively for seven cycles once to three times a day. You may use hot or cold water or anything that’s hot or cold. Heat will dilate the capillaries and lymph and cold will contract them. Through continual expansion and contraction in blood and lymph, nutrients and wastes will be rapidly delivered to and removed from all tissues in the body, even the nerve and muscles will be stimulated to clear all blockages to promote healing. Hydrotherapy is especially effective to cancer under or on the skin. It is also very effective to all kinds of bruises, sprains, muscles pain, ligament, joint problems and injures, etc. Furthermore, sauna is also very good to health. Steam for few minutes and then take a cold shower for 30 seconds alternatively three to four times.