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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 內外出血/傷口 Bleeding/Wound

Reference 參考資料: 最見效的天然止血劑:辣椒 用天然辣椒粉 (如沒有辣椒,黑辣也可以) 覆蓋整個傷口,便會很快可以止血,而傷口亦復原得很好。很多人看見傷口變紅便以辣椒引致傷口過敏,相反,辣椒是防止過敏的,亦不會產生痕癢。辣椒使血液流至表面而將毒素帶走,促進復原,傷口變紅只是幫助排走廢物。 除了受傷的原因外,缺鈣是引致流鼻血的常因。 The most powerful natural bleeding-stopper: Cayenne In wounds, though the wound is cut and exposed to the bone, that wound may be filled with cayenne pepper (and if cayenne is not available, black pepper) and it will heal beautifully and stop the bleeding. Many people, when they seen the skin ruddier by cayenne, believe that the skin is irritated; but cayenne is a counter-irritant; there is no itching involved with it. What cayenne is actually doing is bringing the blood to the surface to take away any toxic poisons, or to start the healing; so the redness comes to the skin from the blood that has rushed to the surface to assist in carrying off wastes. Unless it is from injury, nosebleed results from a calcium deficiency.