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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 有機食糧及健康用品 Organic Grocery & Health Products

1) Detox 排毒: 因長期不良飲食和生活習慣等,以致體內積聚各種毒素,導致身體百病叢身。所以康復的第一步便是排除體內所有的毒素。此外,必需改變不良的生活習慣,停止繼續吸毒! Our body accumulated different toxins due to bad dietary and living habit for extended period. Hence, it is the first step in recovery to detoxify all toxins inside the body. Moreover, you have to amend your bad living habit. Stop absorbing toxins! 2) Nutrition 營養: 人體每一個系統、器官,以及每一個細胞都需要各種不同的營養如維他命、礦物質、蛋白質、酵素等來進行運作,以及賴以生存,缺乏營養是導致疾病形成和回復健康的首要關鍵。新鮮、有機、生的食物是每天所需的真正食物。 Every system, organ, even each cell in the body all need different nutrients, such as vitamin, mineral, protein and enzyme, etc to get running, and to survive. Lack of nutrients is the main cause of getting sick and the first step in recovery. Fresh organic raw foods is the real food we need everyday. 3) Self-Heal 自我治療: 當消除體內所有的毒素,而身體各系統、器官和細胞都有足夠的營養時,再配合針對個別有問題部位的配方,身體便會漸漸地自我痊癒,不需使用任何暴力、生化武器等來過同歸於盡。 After elimination of accumulated toxins from the body and all systems, organs and cells being nourished, the body will gradually self-heal with specific formulas for corresponding problems. You won't need to destroy both the enemy and yourself by force or bio-chemical weapon.