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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 溼疹 Eczema

溼疹是皮膚一種的過敏現象,與哮喘及花粉症類似,免疫系統的過敏反應引致痕癢、發炎、紅腫等於臉部、手肘、膝蓋、手腕等出現。溼疹最常見於嬰兒及兒童身上,於英國,有五分之一的兒童,約占十二分之一的成人人口。 食物是引致溼疹最常見的主因。牛奶、蛋及花生引致兒童溼疹的原因約占達81%。 含氯氣的水喉水是引致皮膚過敏的因素之一。 Eczema is an allergic reaction shown in the skin & is closely associated with asthma and hayfever. There is an excessive reaction by the immune system producing inflamed, irritated, itchy, inflamed patches on the face, elbows, knees, and wrists. Eczema is most commonly found in infants and young children. In the United Kingdom, up to one fifth of all children of school age have eczema, along with about one in twelve of the adult population. Food allergy is the major cause of eczema. Allergies to milk, eggs, and peanuts account for roughly 81% of all causes of childhood eczema. Chlorinated tap water is definite skin irritant and can be associated with eczema. See Allergy /Autoimmune Disease 參過敏/自我免疫系統疾病