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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 眼睛/視力 Eye/Vision

龍眼補眼茶: 藥方:龍眼肉+龍眼核(即帶核的龍眼)、枸杞。 煮法:以上三味適量,加水煮成茶,龍眼核不必打碎。 服法:就當一般茶來喝就好,每天喝,至少連喝兩個月。 療效:一切跟眼睛的水晶體不正常有關的眼睛問題,包括近視,遠視,散光等等。 重點:一定要用龍眼核,只用龍眼肉,則效果折半。 建議:請飯後喝,效果最佳。 Eye Ball Movement 眼球運動: 眼球作上下、左右以及旋轉的運動。Eye exercises, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. 焦點由近至遠,遠至近的不斷變焦。From near to far, far to near, keep on swinging focus. Rest 休息: 當長期於電腦或其它眼睛勞力工作時,建議每小時休息數分鐘。閉上眼睛,用雙手緊緊遮蓋雙眼,不讓任何光線進入,然後放鬆,慢慢呼吸,對眼睛,身、心都有很大的益處。 When working at the computer or any other eye-straining job, it is best to have a few minutes rest every an hour. Close the eyes and let no any light through in, breathe slowly and relax. It is good to your eyes as well as body and mind. Full Spectrum Lighting 全色譜照明燈: 全色譜光仿照全光譜能量分配範圍 ( 包括可視光及紫外光 ) 的天然室外光,它是最好的光。傳統的日光燈並不提供高度的色光透視,雖然室內的光度可能感覺足夠,但當你向窗戶外觀望物體時,便感受到室外物體的色彩和組織與室內的不同。全色譜光的好處包括物件更清晰、顏色對比更強烈、減少刺眼感、減輕眼睛疲勞及疲倦。 Full spectrum light simulates the full spectral power distribution range (both visible and ultraviolet) of natural outdoor light. It is the light in which we see best. Standard cool white fluorescent light does not provide the type of light conducive for high color rendering. Lack of good color rendering is one reason people view objects next to windows to see colors and textures more clearly, although the light level in the room may seem adequate. The advantages of full spectrum light in the indoor environment include perceiving fine details clearer; performing visually demanding tasks (such as color matching) more effectively; reducing glare, thereby lessening eye fatigue and strain. 白內障常由於眼部組織積累膽固醇所引致,請同時服用清除膽固醇的配方。 青光眼是由於眼部組織內外的壓力引致,這壓力是由於淋巴堵塞所致,請同時服用淋巴配方。 Cataracts are the result of an accumulation of cholesterol in the pupil. It is best to take the formula to clear cholesterol. Glaucoma is pressure within and behind the eye. The pressure is a direct result of lymphatic congestion in these and surrounding tissues. It is best to use Lymphatic formula. See Cholesterol 參膽固醇 See Lymphatic System 參淋巴系統 電腦族眼睛保健