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按情況 By Condition > 頭痛/痛楚 Headache/Pain

不宜長期服用止痛劑,因痛楚並不是病,而是身體發出的一種訊息,止痛只是治標不治本,最重要是找出痛楚背後的真正原因,而加以處理! 食物過敏是引致痛楚常見的原因。 長期痛楚另一被忽略的原因是受到真菌、原蟲、細菌及病毒的感染。 Food allergy is a very common cause of pain. Another frequently ignored cause of chronic pain is infection with fungi, parasites, bacteria or viruses. The true mechanism of pain-killer止痛丸的真正運作模式: 一天你的臉上被刺了一根刺,這是頗痛的,你也想馬上將它拔掉,可是這時你的腳又踏上一根鐵釘子上。這時,你會感覺到臉上的痛楚嗎?當時不會。如果這時又有一人向你開槍將你的手指公打爆了,你感覺怎樣?相信除了感受到手部的痛楚外,其它也沒有了。 每粒亞士匹靈會引起胃部流出約一茶匙的血,如果你有頭痛,很可能是由於吃了一些有毒的食物所引起的。如果這時你服用一粒亞士匹靈,便會引致胃出血,身體便會將注意力轉移到危機更高的地方:胃部,你的頭痛便會自然消失。但你體內的毒素是否仍然存於體內?當然是,只是產生了一些更危害你身體的事。如果一粒亞士匹靈所引起的問題還是比頭痛的問題輕,不能將注意力轉移,這時你便會服用六粒的亞士匹靈,這樣胃部便會產生更嚴重的問題,於是頭痛便消化了。 但是為什麼亞士匹靈不能解決頭痛的問題?原因很簡單,你的痛楚根本就是從你的胃部而來,額外的損害當然不會引致身體的注意力轉移。這時,藥泰諾便會解除胃痛,因它將損傷從胃部轉移至肝臟。 藥物由產生另外一個問題而『醫治』你本來的問題,這就叫副作用。 美國食品與藥物署邀集的專家小組十九日以二十一對一票的比例,決議要求政府更改許多常用止痛劑和感冒藥的包裝警告,提醒民眾其中所含的acetaminophen化學成份,毒性很高,服用過量會傷肝,甚至導致死亡。 在美國,一兩百種常用的成藥如Tylenol都含有acetaminophen,根據藥物署的統計,因服用過量導致肝臟受損而死亡的人數每年超過一百,病重住院人數超過兩千。這項證據是小組強力建議明顯警告的原因。 小組召集人侃特利納博士(LouisCantilena)說,許多消費者並不清楚止痛劑和感冒成藥都含有acetaminophen,因而毫無戒心地兩藥並服,以致吸收毒藥過量導致肝臟受損。喝酒的人,因為肝功能不正常,即使服用合乎規定的成藥量,也是高危險群。 含有這種化學成份的成藥從一九五五年就已上市,可能是全世界應用最廣的止痛劑成份,目前美國規定一天不能服用超過四公克,也就是每顆五百毫克的強力止痛劑,一天不能超過八顆。 小組今天將另外討論止痛劑Advil等藥物所含阿斯匹靈和ibuprofen成份的副作用,進而也建議改變包裝的警告規定。 One day you get a thorn in your face. It’s quite sore and you want to take it out to alleviate the pain. However, you step on a nail suddenly. Do you still feel any pain on your face? Definitely NOT! If then someone shoot your thumb off with the shotgun. Then what do you feel? You only have a great pain at your hand. Actually you have not solved the problems on your face and foot. But just your body shifted its focus to the most crisis in one part of the body. Every aspirin causes a teaspoon worth of bleeding in the stomach. If you have a headache, which is generally caused by toxic blood from something we’ve eaten which is harmful to us, and you take an aspirin causing internal bleeding, which do must now shift its attention to the higher priority problem ( stomach ), and the headache disappears. Did the aspirin remove the toxins from the blood stream? Not at all, just created a more life threatening situation. If the aspirin does not take away the headache, it simply means the internal bleeding is not more life threatening than the toxic blood. So now take six aspirin, and a more life threatening situation will take place in the stomach and the headache dissipates. Why doesn’t aspirin take care of stomach pain? If you have stomach pain then your body’s attention is already focused on the stomach. Additional stress there will not force the body to shift its attention elsewhere in the body. Tylenol, however, will alleviate stomach pain because it plays havoc with the liver, causing the body to move its attention from the stomach to liver. A drug “cures” your complaint by creating a disease of its own. This is called the side effect. "Death is not an acceptable side effect." The FDA panel voted 21-1 to back her call for more warnings about the risk. Some 100 million people a year take acetaminophen, and serious liver damage is very rare, manufacturers insist. Although best known by the Tylenol brand, acetaminophen is in almost 200 different branded and generic products, from headache relievers to cold-and-cough remedies. While mostly sold without a prescription, it's also in a few prescription painkillers such as Percocet and Vicodin. An FDA review found more than 56,000 emergency room visits a year due to acetaminophen overdoses, about a quarter of them unintentional -- and about 100 deaths. That's probably a severe underestimate of deaths because many hospitals don't report unintentional poisonings, said University of Pennsylvania pharmacist Sarah Erush. Acetaminophen appears to be the leading single cause of acute liver failure, the most severe type of liver damage, contends Dr. William Lee of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.