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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 肝/膽囊 Liver/Gall Bladder

5 Days Liver/Gall Bladder Cleansing Program 五天肝/膽囊排毒程式
Two Weeks Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Lymph, Blood Detox Program 兩星期肝、膽囊、腎、淋巴、血排毒程式
肝臟是我們潔淨血液的過濾器,它負責清除我們血液中從日常食物、水、空氣及週圍環境所吸收的化學物質及毒素。現今的都市生活及飲食,使我們的肝臟工作過勞,充塞了泥濘般的有毒廢物,而導致及形成無數細小的膽結石。試想像如果你的濾水器,使用了長達五十年也沒有更換濾芯會是什麼樣?你的肝臟對你的生命及潔淨身體,極為重要。 在美國,第一及第二位的致命疾病都直接與肝臟有關。第一位的致命疾病是心臟病及中風,是由於冠狀或大腦動脈被膽固醇阻塞而導致心臟或腦幹死亡,而肝臟的功能是過濾血液內的膽固醇。第二位的致命疾病是癌症,相信每個人都同意,大部份的癌症都是由日常的食物、水及空氣中的有毒致癌化學物質所引致,這些毒素滲入血液內,殺死我們的細胞,造成腫瘤,演變成為癌症,最後導致死亡。肝臟的功能就是過濾血液內的毒素。 沒有人無故生病,疾病也不是偶然發生,而是被形成的。疾病通常是由一個不適、虛弱及工作過勞的肝臟所引起。如肝臟擠塞了,便失去過濾的功能,毒素及廢物便會不斷地積累,慢慢地滲入血液內,久而久之便引起各種的疼痛、不適及慢性疾病。因此,有很多專家也同意,從便秘、白內障、甚至到癌症等各種的疾病,都是由一個擠塞、有問題的肝臟而起。 患上肝炎的比率已達至流行病的程度,假若甲型及乙型肝炎似乎還不算嚴重的話,再看看有數以百萬計的美國人已經患上丙型肝炎,比率是50個美國人中便有一個受感染。現今已知的肝炎共有六種,丙型肝炎是導致需要肝臟移植的元兇。2003年將約有五十萬美國人需要切除膽囊,其中有一些人會因此而失去生命,餘下的將要一生面對肝臟及消化功能失調的痛苦。因此,肝臟及膽囊的排冲、排毒及保護,對於身體的自癒及保持健康,是不容忽視的。
Your Liver is your BLOOD CLEANING FILTER. It protects you by cleaning your blood of toxic chemicals and poisons that are in your food, water, air and environment. Modern living and our modern diet, the Good Life, overloads your Liver. It gets congested with thick, muddy, toxic sludge waste material that concentrates and ends up filling your Gallbladder with hundreds of stones and rocks. Imagine if you drove your car for 50 or 60 years and never, ever changed the oil filter. Your Liver is so important because it keeps your body clean and alive! Both the #1 and #2 causes of death are directly linked to the Liver. The #1 cause of death is Heart Attacks and Stroke caused by cholesterol blocking either coronary or cerebral arteries, killing the heart and the brain. IT’S THE LIVER’S JOB TO FILTER THIS CHOLESTEROL OUT OF YOUR BLOOD. The #2 cause of death is Cancer. Everyone now agrees that almost all cancers are caused by toxic carcinogenic chemicals in our food, water and air. These poisons get into our bloodstream, kill our cells, create tumors, cause cancer and kill us. IT’S THE LIVER’S JOB TO ELIMINATE THESE POISONS FROM OUR BLOOD. No one ever just gets sick. Disease doesn’t just happen. It is created. And often diseases are created by a sick, weak, overloaded Liver. As your Liver congests, it can’t do its filtering job. As it begins to back up you get a SLOW TRICKLE OF POISONOUS, TOXIC WASTE entering your blood. This can go on for years causing all sorts of chronic aches, pains and illness. Eventually when it fails you get a TOXIC TIDAL WAVE OF POISON and now you’re in deep trouble. Most experts agree, from Constipation and Cataracts to even Cancer, many diseases start first with a sick, constipated Liver. Viral Hepatitis (liver-inflammation) has reached epidemic proportions. As if Viral Hepatitis A and B weren’t bad enough, Hepatitis C has now infected MILLIONS of Americans, about 1 person out of every 50. There are now 6 different types of Viral Hepatitis and "C" is the #1 cause of liver transplants. 500,000 Americans this year will have their impacted Gallbladders carved out of their bellies. Some will die and the rest will have impaired liver function and digestion for the rest of their lives. The main cause of Liver and Gallbladder disease is an overworked liver that is overloaded with toxins and poisons from our food, water and air and also from taking drugs, drinking alcohol and eating too much animal food. All of these cause the liver and gallbladder to be overloaded and subsequently congest, get constipated and you get sick. This is the cause of almost all Liver and Gallbladder disease and also the cause of many seemingly unrelated diseases, even cancer, and these are the things that you need to STOP.