
Holistic Herbal Healing: The True Natural Healing  整全草本療法:真正的自然療法
Nourish + Cleanse = Self-Heal  營養 + 排毒 = 自療
Iridology ( Iris Analysis ) & Hand Diagnosis 虹膜及手掌診斷學
Pure Powerful Herbal Formulas, Dried Herbs, & Health Products: Wholesale & Retail
Consultation, Lecture, Cooperation, Planning, Writing 諮詢,教學,合作,策劃,寫作

  1. 所有於健康為理(您)所作出之聲明和出售的產品均未經香港政府及其有關部門評估。它們絕非用作診斷、治療、醫療或預防任何疾病,包括心理及生理。亦絕非代替正常的醫療護理。
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  5. 由於香港缺乏選擇健康的自由,他們可以合法的去殺人,但我們卻是非法的去幫助你自己醫治自己。
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  1. All statements made and products sold through Health for trUth have not been evaluated by the Hong Kong government and relevant authorities. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases, physical or mental, nor intended as substitutes for regular medical care. Before consuming any product provided in this website, please have a good understanding of the product(s) concerned, and consult your physicians or medical professionals first.
  2. All product information is taken from product labels, packagings or from manufacturers’ advertising materials. Health for trUth is not responsible for any statements or claims that manufacturers make about their products. Nor will we be held responsible for any typographic error, change in formulation or manufacturing of products.
  3. Health for trUth does not represent or warrant that all the information accessible through this website is accurate, complete or updated and without any error. Health for trUth, all of its employees and representatives, will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of all kind, including ( without limitation to ) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.
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  5. Because of the current lack of health freedom in Hong Kong, it is legal for medical doctors  to kill you, but il
  6. Therefore, if you are ill, have any disease, are pregnant, or just improving your health, we are forced to warn you to go to a medical doctor.
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*Subject to final approval by Health for trUth Group