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按情況 By Condition > 皮膚問題/痕癢/感染/燒傷 Skin Problem/Itch/Infection/Burn


Skin Formula by Dr Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:各種皮膚問題。  All kinds of skin problems.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Yellow Dock Root ( Rumex crispus ) 皺葉酸模, Burdock Root ( Arctium lappa ) 牛蒡, Jamaican Sarsaparilla ( Smilax ornate ) 土當歸, White Oak Bark ( Quercus alba ) 櫟樹, Nettles Leaf ( Urtica dioica ) 蕁麻, Oregon Grape Root ( Mahonia aquifoluim ) 十大功勞, Privet Fruit ( Ligustrum lucidum ) 女貞子, Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 花椒 + Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

詳細內容 Descriptions:

皮膚毛病,包括溼疹、疹、暗瘡、牛皮癬、硬皮病;肝臟、胰臟、脾臟和腎臟的阻塞等、男和女性荷爾蒙問題。 十大功勞對於很多皮膚毛病都很有效,其收斂作用有效調理皮膚組織。它可改善肝臟功能、潔淨血液、幫助消化和幫助呼吸。 牙買加土當歸是傳統用作治療各種皮膚問題的草藥,包括突發性皮膚毛病,特別是起因於血液和荷爾蒙問題。 花椒被用作治療長期皮膚毛病,也是抗過敏的。 All skin conditions, including eczema, rashes, pimples, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc, obstructions of the liver, pancreas, spleen & kidneys, female and male hormonal conditions. Oregon Grape Root is helpful for many skin disorders, possessing astringent properties that help tonify skin tissue. It improves liver function ,purifies the blood, aids digestion and respiration. Jamaican Sarsaparilla has traditionally been used to treat a variety of skin problems, including eruptive skin disorders, especially those caused by blood impurities and hormonal imbalances. Burdock Root is very useful for chronic skin conditions and eruptions. It also promotes blood and lymph circulation, supports the excretion of toxic bi-products from the cells. Prickly Ash Bark is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and is locally counter-irritant. Allergy: Nettles, Blood Cleanser & Hormone Regulator: Sarsaparilla, Diuretic: Nettles, Immune Tonic & Anti-Inflammatory: Privet, Liver Cooling: Yellow Dock, Oregon Grape, Burdock, Skin Problem: Yellow Dock, Oregon Grape, Burdock, Sarsaparilla, White Oak, Nettles, Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

用法指引 Directions:

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒掉。

非用於:各種皮膚問題。  All kinds of skin problems.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Yellow Dock Root ( Rumex crispus ) 皺葉酸模, Burdock Root ( Arctium lappa ) 牛蒡, Jamaican Sarsaparilla ( Smilax ornate ) 土當歸, White Oak Bark ( Quercus alba ) 櫟樹, Nettles Leaf ( Urtica dioica ) 蕁麻, Oregon Grape Root ( Mahonia aquifoluim ) 十大功勞, Privet Fruit ( Ligustrum lucidum ) 女貞子, Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 花椒 + Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

皮膚毛病,包括溼疹、疹、暗瘡、牛皮癬、硬皮病;肝臟、胰臟、脾臟和腎臟的阻塞等、男和女性荷爾蒙問題。 十大功勞對於很多皮膚毛病都很有效,其收斂作用有效調理皮膚組織。它可改善肝臟功能、潔淨血液、幫助消化和幫助呼吸。 牙買加土當歸是傳統用作治療各種皮膚問題的草藥,包括突發性皮膚毛病,特別是起因於血液和荷爾蒙問題。 花椒被用作治療長期皮膚毛病,也是抗過敏的。 All skin conditions, including eczema, rashes, pimples, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc, obstructions of the liver, pancreas, spleen & kidneys, female and male hormonal conditions. Oregon Grape Root is helpful for many skin disorders, possessing astringent properties that help tonify skin tissue. It improves liver function ,purifies the blood, aids digestion and respiration. Jamaican Sarsaparilla has traditionally been used to treat a variety of skin problems, including eruptive skin disorders, especially those caused by blood impurities and hormonal imbalances. Burdock Root is very useful for chronic skin conditions and eruptions. It also promotes blood and lymph circulation, supports the excretion of toxic bi-products from the cells. Prickly Ash Bark is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and is locally counter-irritant. Allergy: Nettles, Blood Cleanser & Hormone Regulator: Sarsaparilla, Diuretic: Nettles, Immune Tonic & Anti-Inflammatory: Privet, Liver Cooling: Yellow Dock, Oregon Grape, Burdock, Skin Problem: Yellow Dock, Oregon Grape, Burdock, Sarsaparilla, White Oak, Nettles, Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒掉。

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