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完美組織與骨骼配方 / 膏

Complete Tissue & Bone Tincture / Oitment by Dr. Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:骨骼、脊骨、骨刺、軟骨、連接組織、關節、皮膚、肌肉、神經等各創傷。Bone, back bone, bone spurs, cartilage, connective tissues, joint, skin and muscle.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) White Oak Bark ( Quercus alba ) 櫟樹, Comfrey Leaf ( Symphytum officinale ) 康冨利, Marshmallow Root ( Althea officinalis ) 藥蜀葵, Mullein Leaf ( Verbascum thapsus ) 毛蕊草, Black Walnut Hull ( Juglans negra L ) 黑核桃, Gravel Root ( Eupatorium purpureum ) 粉綠莖澤蘭, Wormwood Herb (Artemesia absinthium) 洋艾, Skullcap Herb ( Scutellaria lateriflora ) 美黄岑, Lobelia Herb ( Lobelia inflate ) 半邊蓮. In a base of Alcohol & Love ( Tincture) OR Wheat Germ Oil小麥胚芽精油、Extra Virgin Olive Oil特純橄欖油、Plant Wax 植物蠟。( Ointment )

詳細內容 Descriptions:

這是Dr. Christopher非常有名的骨骼、肌肉、軟骨配方。 這配方有助骨骼、肌肉及軟骨的各種毛病,它可治療斷骨、足踝扭傷、韌帶撕裂、擦傷、刀傷、創傷。它亦非常有效於靜脈曲脹、脊椎彎曲、皮膚毛病、肌肉毛病、血管阻塞及骨刺等。 英國櫟:非常有效於治療扭傷、組織腫脹、傷口流血等。 康冨利是其中一種最有名的治療草藥,特別於治療組織及骨骼,因它含有尿囊素,可促進連接組織、骨骼及軟骨的生長。 藥蜀葵:於治療扭傷非常有效,對受刺激的組織亦非常好。 毛蕊草:治療扭傷,含有維他命B、D、橙皮素、PABA、硫磺及鎂。 黑核桃:治療各種皮膚病,如庖疹、濕疹、皮膚疹、牛皮癬及皮膚潰瘍。 粉綠莖澤蘭:抗結石、抗關節炎、刺激劑、調理劑、收斂劑及鬆馳劑。 洋艾:這草藥能有效排除毒素及阻塞,對治創傷、皮膚潰瘍及損傷非常有效。 半邊蓮含有豐富的錳、維他命A、C,對治療扭傷及皮膚毛病非常有效。 美黄岑:含豐富的礦物質,有鎮靜、鬆馳、抗炎等的作用。 This formula is a very famous formula by Dr. Christopher Bone, Flesh, Cartilage. This formula is an aid for malfunction in bone, flesh and cartilage. It has been used to treat broken bones, sprained ankles, torn ligaments, scrapes, cuts and wounds. It is also excellent for varicose veins, curvature of the spine, skin eruptions, pulled muscles, blood clots and calcium spurs. White Oak Bark- Effective in treating bruises, swollen tissues, wounds that are bleeding, and varicose veins. Comfrey is one of the most well-known healing plants, especially for its ability to heal tissue and bone (due to its allantoin content, which promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage. Marshmallow Root- Excellent for treating bruises. Also used in treating irritated tissues. Mullein- Used to treat bruises. Contains some of the B vitamins, vitamin D, choline, hesperidin, PABA, sulfur, and magnesium. Black Walnut Leaf- Used in the treatment of skin troubles such as herpes, eczema, skin rashes, psoriasis, and skin ulcers. Gravel Root- This herb has anti-lithic, anti-rheumatic, stimulant, tonic, astringent, and relaxant properties. Wormwood Herb- This herb works well for eliminating toxins and congestion. Also, excellent for wounds, skin ulcers, and blemishes. Lobelia contains relatively high levels of manganese, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Excellent for sprains, bruises, and skin diseases. Skullcap Herb- Skullcap is rich in minerals and has sedative, relaxant, nervous muscle spasms, and anti-inflammatory properties.

用法指引 Directions:

Tincture 酊劑 每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。 Ointment 膏 有需要時適當外塗於皮膚上,好好的按摩五至十分鐘。 Apply externally and massage well 5 to 10 minutes as needed. 先塗上完美組織與骨骼軟膏,再塗上辣椒熱力軟膏,它們相互發揮滲透力更強,對於關節和肌肉等毛病,果效更強。 First apply Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment. Then apply the Deep Heating Balm. Work the two ointments into the skin; the deeper they seep into the skin, the greater the relief will be for joint & muscles problem.

備註 Remarks:

Tincture 酊劑 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。 Ointment 膏 External use only. 只能外用。

非用於:骨骼、脊骨、骨刺、軟骨、連接組織、關節、皮膚、肌肉、神經等各創傷。Bone, back bone, bone spurs, cartilage, connective tissues, joint, skin and muscle.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) White Oak Bark ( Quercus alba ) 櫟樹, Comfrey Leaf ( Symphytum officinale ) 康冨利, Marshmallow Root ( Althea officinalis ) 藥蜀葵, Mullein Leaf ( Verbascum thapsus ) 毛蕊草, Black Walnut Hull ( Juglans negra L ) 黑核桃, Gravel Root ( Eupatorium purpureum ) 粉綠莖澤蘭, Wormwood Herb (Artemesia absinthium) 洋艾, Skullcap Herb ( Scutellaria lateriflora ) 美黄岑, Lobelia Herb ( Lobelia inflate ) 半邊蓮. In a base of Alcohol & Love ( Tincture) OR Wheat Germ Oil小麥胚芽精油、Extra Virgin Olive Oil特純橄欖油、Plant Wax 植物蠟。( Ointment )

這是Dr. Christopher非常有名的骨骼、肌肉、軟骨配方。 這配方有助骨骼、肌肉及軟骨的各種毛病,它可治療斷骨、足踝扭傷、韌帶撕裂、擦傷、刀傷、創傷。它亦非常有效於靜脈曲脹、脊椎彎曲、皮膚毛病、肌肉毛病、血管阻塞及骨刺等。 英國櫟:非常有效於治療扭傷、組織腫脹、傷口流血等。 康冨利是其中一種最有名的治療草藥,特別於治療組織及骨骼,因它含有尿囊素,可促進連接組織、骨骼及軟骨的生長。 藥蜀葵:於治療扭傷非常有效,對受刺激的組織亦非常好。 毛蕊草:治療扭傷,含有維他命B、D、橙皮素、PABA、硫磺及鎂。 黑核桃:治療各種皮膚病,如庖疹、濕疹、皮膚疹、牛皮癬及皮膚潰瘍。 粉綠莖澤蘭:抗結石、抗關節炎、刺激劑、調理劑、收斂劑及鬆馳劑。 洋艾:這草藥能有效排除毒素及阻塞,對治創傷、皮膚潰瘍及損傷非常有效。 半邊蓮含有豐富的錳、維他命A、C,對治療扭傷及皮膚毛病非常有效。 美黄岑:含豐富的礦物質,有鎮靜、鬆馳、抗炎等的作用。 This formula is a very famous formula by Dr. Christopher Bone, Flesh, Cartilage. This formula is an aid for malfunction in bone, flesh and cartilage. It has been used to treat broken bones, sprained ankles, torn ligaments, scrapes, cuts and wounds. It is also excellent for varicose veins, curvature of the spine, skin eruptions, pulled muscles, blood clots and calcium spurs. White Oak Bark- Effective in treating bruises, swollen tissues, wounds that are bleeding, and varicose veins. Comfrey is one of the most well-known healing plants, especially for its ability to heal tissue and bone (due to its allantoin content, which promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage. Marshmallow Root- Excellent for treating bruises. Also used in treating irritated tissues. Mullein- Used to treat bruises. Contains some of the B vitamins, vitamin D, choline, hesperidin, PABA, sulfur, and magnesium. Black Walnut Leaf- Used in the treatment of skin troubles such as herpes, eczema, skin rashes, psoriasis, and skin ulcers. Gravel Root- This herb has anti-lithic, anti-rheumatic, stimulant, tonic, astringent, and relaxant properties. Wormwood Herb- This herb works well for eliminating toxins and congestion. Also, excellent for wounds, skin ulcers, and blemishes. Lobelia contains relatively high levels of manganese, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Excellent for sprains, bruises, and skin diseases. Skullcap Herb- Skullcap is rich in minerals and has sedative, relaxant, nervous muscle spasms, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tincture 酊劑 每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。 Ointment 膏 有需要時適當外塗於皮膚上,好好的按摩五至十分鐘。 Apply externally and massage well 5 to 10 minutes as needed. 先塗上完美組織與骨骼軟膏,再塗上辣椒熱力軟膏,它們相互發揮滲透力更強,對於關節和肌肉等毛病,果效更強。 First apply Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment. Then apply the Deep Heating Balm. Work the two ointments into the skin; the deeper they seep into the skin, the greater the relief will be for joint & muscles problem.

Tincture 酊劑 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。 Ointment 膏 External use only. 只能外用。

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