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按身體系統 By Body System > 免疫及淋巴系統 Immune and Lymphatic System


Lymphatic Cleanser by Dr Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:淋巴結、組織、腫瘤。Lymphatic node, tissues and tumor.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Graviola ( Annona muricata ) 牛心果, Suma Root ( Pfaffia paniculata ) 蘇馬, Cats Claw Bark ( Uncaria tomentosa ) 貓爪草, Poke Root ( Phytolacca Americana) 商陸, Red Clover Herb ( Trifolium pretense ) 紅三葉草, Cleavers Herb ( Galium aparine ), Blood Root ( Sanguinaria Canadensis) 血紅根, Madagascar Periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus ) 馬達加斯加長春花, Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 辣椒 + Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 花椒 In a base of Alcohol & Love

詳細內容 Descriptions:

這是強力的排毒配方,可鹼化、清潔及增強淋巴組織,特別針對淋巴結腫瘤。 牛心果形象似心形,是亞馬遜及南北美州的土產,它的根、皮、葉、果實以及種籽都很有藥用價值。 自1940年以來,它的植物化合物已被科學家所研究。於1976年,美國國家癌症研究所發現它的葉及莖有抗癌的作用,美國國家癌症研究所和國家健康研究所都撥出基金贊助美國普渡大學對牛心果加以研究,最少有八份臨床實驗證明牛心果對各種癌症的抗腫瘤及抗癌功效。牛心果就最主要的化合物為annonaceous acetogenins.番荔枝科乙醯生合成物,acetogenins被發現有抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生蟲、抗微生物等的功效,研究發現acetogenins比治療腸癌的化療藥:Adriamycin強一萬倍!於1998年的研究顯示牛心果有最強的抗癌植物化合物。 Sao Paulo大學藥理學主管Dr. Milton Brazzach多年於嚴重病患者,如癌症、白血病、糖尿病等的人身上對蘇馬的測試顯示,蘇馬有奇妙的醫治及預防疾病能力。研究顯示蘇馬其中的五種pfaffosides可抑制腫瘤細胞的增長。 商陸於潔淨淋巴系統和乳腺炎方面有極強的功效。 貓爪草早於1990年代已被秘魯及歐洲用來治療癌症、愛滋病及其它針對免疫系統問題的聯合藥物之一。阿根廷及其它的研究報道它的抗氧化能力,更加能增加TNF腫瘤壞死因數的數量。於2001年意大利的研究人員於動物的實驗中顯示,它能抑制乳癌細胞線增生達90%。於1998年瑞典的研究人員於動物的實驗中顯示,它能抑制淋巴腫瘤細胞的增生。其它於西班牙、日本、法國、德國、秘魯的獨立研究人員都加以證實它於根部及藤部的生物鹼能提升免疫能力的果效可達50%。 紅三葉草廣泛被用作治療各種的疾病,特別是癌症,且是強力的淨血劑。它深層潔淨血液裡的毒素及廢物的功效,它能刺激肝臟及膽囊的功能,從而增強排除血液及淋巴的毒素。 血紅根被用於腫脹的淋巴結。 A strong detoxifying formula that alkalizes, cleans and strengthens lymphatic tissues, specific at lymphatic tumor. Graviola looks like a heart and is indigenous in South and North America including the Amazon. Its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds are used in natural medicine. Many phytochemicals have been found in Graviola as scientists have been studying its properties since the 1940's. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute found the leaves and stem of Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Purdue University has conducted a great deal of research on Graviola funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National Institute of Health. Graviola have demonstrated significant anti-tumorous, anticancerous against various types of cancer cells, publishing 8 clinical studies on their findings. Its major phytochemical annonaceous acetogenins has been found antitumor, antiparasitic, pesticidal, antiprotozoal, antifeedant, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial. One study demonstrated that an acetogenin in Graviola was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells in which it was 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin (a chemotherapy drug). New studies have been published in 1998 which demonstrated acetogenins has the strongest anticancerous properties. Dr. Milton Brazzach, head of the pharmaceutical department at the University of Sao Paulo, has since gone on to test Suma on thousands of patients suffering from serious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, and diabetes. He reportedly found Suma to have great healing and preventative powers. Recent studies have shown that five of the pfaffosides found in Suma have been able to inhibit growth of cultured melanoma tumor cells. Poke Root is an excellent aid in cleansing the lymphatic glands throughout the body and is especially helpful in mastitis. Cat's claw has been used in Peru and Europe since the early 1990s as an adjunctive treatment for cancer and AIDS as well as for other diseases that target the immune system. Research in Argentina and other researchers in 2000 concluded that it is an antioxidant as well as a remarkably potent inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha production. Italian researchers reported in a 2001 in vitro study that cat's claw directly inhibited the growth of a human breast cancer cell line by 90%. Swedish researchers documented it inhibited the growth of lymphoma and leukemia cells in vitro in 1998. Other independent researchers in Spain, France, Japan, Germany, and Peru confirming the research on the immunostimulating alkaloids in the vine and root can increase immune function by up to 50%. Red Clover has been used medicinally to treat a wide array of conditions especially cancer and is strong blood purifier. Red clover will deeply clean and clear the bloodstream of toxins and debris. It also stimulates the liver and activates the gallbladder which ensures the steady removal of activated toxins out of the blood and lymph systems. Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph. Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

用法指引 Directions:

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

備註 Remarks:

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 Always use the Kidney/Bladder Formula to enhance elimination. 建議服用腎臟配方來增強排毒效力。 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒掉。

非用於:淋巴結、組織、腫瘤。Lymphatic node, tissues and tumor.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Graviola ( Annona muricata ) 牛心果, Suma Root ( Pfaffia paniculata ) 蘇馬, Cats Claw Bark ( Uncaria tomentosa ) 貓爪草, Poke Root ( Phytolacca Americana) 商陸, Red Clover Herb ( Trifolium pretense ) 紅三葉草, Cleavers Herb ( Galium aparine ), Blood Root ( Sanguinaria Canadensis) 血紅根, Madagascar Periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus ) 馬達加斯加長春花, Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 辣椒 + Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 花椒 In a base of Alcohol & Love

這是強力的排毒配方,可鹼化、清潔及增強淋巴組織,特別針對淋巴結腫瘤。 牛心果形象似心形,是亞馬遜及南北美州的土產,它的根、皮、葉、果實以及種籽都很有藥用價值。 自1940年以來,它的植物化合物已被科學家所研究。於1976年,美國國家癌症研究所發現它的葉及莖有抗癌的作用,美國國家癌症研究所和國家健康研究所都撥出基金贊助美國普渡大學對牛心果加以研究,最少有八份臨床實驗證明牛心果對各種癌症的抗腫瘤及抗癌功效。牛心果就最主要的化合物為annonaceous acetogenins.番荔枝科乙醯生合成物,acetogenins被發現有抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生蟲、抗微生物等的功效,研究發現acetogenins比治療腸癌的化療藥:Adriamycin強一萬倍!於1998年的研究顯示牛心果有最強的抗癌植物化合物。 Sao Paulo大學藥理學主管Dr. Milton Brazzach多年於嚴重病患者,如癌症、白血病、糖尿病等的人身上對蘇馬的測試顯示,蘇馬有奇妙的醫治及預防疾病能力。研究顯示蘇馬其中的五種pfaffosides可抑制腫瘤細胞的增長。 商陸於潔淨淋巴系統和乳腺炎方面有極強的功效。 貓爪草早於1990年代已被秘魯及歐洲用來治療癌症、愛滋病及其它針對免疫系統問題的聯合藥物之一。阿根廷及其它的研究報道它的抗氧化能力,更加能增加TNF腫瘤壞死因數的數量。於2001年意大利的研究人員於動物的實驗中顯示,它能抑制乳癌細胞線增生達90%。於1998年瑞典的研究人員於動物的實驗中顯示,它能抑制淋巴腫瘤細胞的增生。其它於西班牙、日本、法國、德國、秘魯的獨立研究人員都加以證實它於根部及藤部的生物鹼能提升免疫能力的果效可達50%。 紅三葉草廣泛被用作治療各種的疾病,特別是癌症,且是強力的淨血劑。它深層潔淨血液裡的毒素及廢物的功效,它能刺激肝臟及膽囊的功能,從而增強排除血液及淋巴的毒素。 血紅根被用於腫脹的淋巴結。 A strong detoxifying formula that alkalizes, cleans and strengthens lymphatic tissues, specific at lymphatic tumor. Graviola looks like a heart and is indigenous in South and North America including the Amazon. Its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds are used in natural medicine. Many phytochemicals have been found in Graviola as scientists have been studying its properties since the 1940's. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute found the leaves and stem of Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Purdue University has conducted a great deal of research on Graviola funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National Institute of Health. Graviola have demonstrated significant anti-tumorous, anticancerous against various types of cancer cells, publishing 8 clinical studies on their findings. Its major phytochemical annonaceous acetogenins has been found antitumor, antiparasitic, pesticidal, antiprotozoal, antifeedant, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial. One study demonstrated that an acetogenin in Graviola was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells in which it was 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin (a chemotherapy drug). New studies have been published in 1998 which demonstrated acetogenins has the strongest anticancerous properties. Dr. Milton Brazzach, head of the pharmaceutical department at the University of Sao Paulo, has since gone on to test Suma on thousands of patients suffering from serious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, and diabetes. He reportedly found Suma to have great healing and preventative powers. Recent studies have shown that five of the pfaffosides found in Suma have been able to inhibit growth of cultured melanoma tumor cells. Poke Root is an excellent aid in cleansing the lymphatic glands throughout the body and is especially helpful in mastitis. Cat's claw has been used in Peru and Europe since the early 1990s as an adjunctive treatment for cancer and AIDS as well as for other diseases that target the immune system. Research in Argentina and other researchers in 2000 concluded that it is an antioxidant as well as a remarkably potent inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha production. Italian researchers reported in a 2001 in vitro study that cat's claw directly inhibited the growth of a human breast cancer cell line by 90%. Swedish researchers documented it inhibited the growth of lymphoma and leukemia cells in vitro in 1998. Other independent researchers in Spain, France, Japan, Germany, and Peru confirming the research on the immunostimulating alkaloids in the vine and root can increase immune function by up to 50%. Red Clover has been used medicinally to treat a wide array of conditions especially cancer and is strong blood purifier. Red clover will deeply clean and clear the bloodstream of toxins and debris. It also stimulates the liver and activates the gallbladder which ensures the steady removal of activated toxins out of the blood and lymph systems. Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph. Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 Always use the Kidney/Bladder Formula to enhance elimination. 建議服用腎臟配方來增強排毒效力。 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒掉。

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