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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 關節/骨骼 Joint/Bone


Bones Formula by Dr Morse

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 骨骼、軟骨、連接組織。
Bone, cartilage and connective tissues.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Horsetail Grass問荊、Kelp海草、Dandelion Leaf蒲公英、Comfrey Root & Leaf康冨利、White Oak Bark英國櫟、Black Walnut Hull黑核桃、Prickly Ash Bark中國花椒。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 這配方含高份量的植物鈣及矽 ( 生物活用 ),特別有效強化骨骼、軟骨及連接組織。
This formula is high in plant ( bio-available) calcium and silica. Designed especially to strengthen the skeletal, cartilage and connective tissues.
Horsetail contains highest amount silica. The silica will be transformed into assimilable calcium. Silica is found in connective tissues throughout the body and is important in the building and repair of healthy connective tissues. It also helps in bone maintenance, enhancing bone flexibility and adhesion.
Comfrey is one of the most well-known healing plants, especially for its ability to heal tissue and bone (due to its allantoin content, which promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage.
White Oak Bark- Effective in treating bruises, swollen tissues, wounds that are bleeding, and varicose veins.

用法指引 Directions: 保健用:每日一次,每次一抽。空肚服用較好。
General: One full dropperful once daily preferably between meals.
Bone, joint problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

Bone, cartilage and connective tissues.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Horsetail Grass問荊、Kelp海草、Dandelion Leaf蒲公英、Comfrey Root & Leaf康冨利、White Oak Bark英國櫟、Black Walnut Hull黑核桃、Prickly Ash Bark中國花椒。
這配方含高份量的植物鈣及矽 ( 生物活用 ),特別有效強化骨骼、軟骨及連接組織。
This formula is high in plant ( bio-available) calcium and silica. Designed especially to strengthen the skeletal, cartilage and connective tissues.
Horsetail contains highest amount silica. The silica will be transformed into assimilable calcium. Silica is found in connective tissues throughout the body and is important in the building and repair of healthy connective tissues. It also helps in bone maintenance, enhancing bone flexibility and adhesion.
Comfrey is one of the most well-known healing plants, especially for its ability to heal tissue and bone (due to its allantoin content, which promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage.
White Oak Bark- Effective in treating bruises, swollen tissues, wounds that are bleeding, and varicose veins.
General: One full dropperful once daily preferably between meals.
Bone, joint problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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