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健品園地 Health Supplement

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Bug Ban Spray by NOW

4 oz (118 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 驅蚊、昆蟲、蟻、蚤、蒼蠅。
Mosquito, insect, ant, flea, fly repellents.

成份 Ingredients: Citronella Oil香茅油 (Cymbopogon winterianus) 2%, Lemongrass Oil 檸檬香茅(Cymbopogon citrus 2%, Rosemary Oil迷迭香 (Rosemarinus officinalis) 1%, Thyme Oil 百里香(Thymus vulgaris) 1%.

詳細內容 Descriptions: 用香茅油於的身上來驅蚊、昆蟲、蟻、蚤、蒼蠅,甚至動物等已有50年的歷史,它的效能達近一小時。

Oil of Citronella has been used for over 50 years on humans and their clothing to repel insects including mosquitoes, insect, flea, fly even as an animal repellent. It can last around an hour to protect people against mosquito bites.

DEET (diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) is the most widely used insect repellent in the United States today. Adverse reactions to high concentrations include memory loss, headache, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, tremors and shortness of breath. DEET also can melt plastic.
Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds that don’t just repel but kill insects. Synthetic pyrethroids some are carcinogens and suspected endocrine disruptors. Skin contact can cause blisters and itching. Inhaling pyrethroids can cause coughing, chest pain or breathing difficulties, including acute asthma attacks. High levels can cause dizziness, changes in awareness, convulsions and unconsciousness.
Both DEET and pyrethroids are considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) doesn’t recommend using DEET or pyrethroids at all. NCAP suggests choosing natural repellents made from plant extracts.

DEET has been proven to enter the bloodstream through application to the skin, and while many people use DEET-based products without incident, others have suffered side-effects ranging from rashes and hives to uncontrollable twitching and muscle spasms to death. Children seem especially susceptible to DEET problems. In 1995 alone, the National Poison Control Center in Washington, DC. received over 6,700 reports of repellent exposure, including one death, and of the 6,700 reports, two thirds occurred in children age six and under.

用法指引 Directions: 需要時噴兩至三下於皮膚或衣衫不同部位上。
Spray a few times as needed on different location of skin or clothes.

備註 Remarks: External use only. 只能外用。

Mosquito, insect, ant, flea, fly repellents.
Citronella Oil香茅油 (Cymbopogon winterianus) 2%, Lemongrass Oil 檸檬香茅(Cymbopogon citrus 2%, Rosemary Oil迷迭香 (Rosemarinus officinalis) 1%, Thyme Oil 百里香(Thymus vulgaris) 1%.

Oil of Citronella has been used for over 50 years on humans and their clothing to repel insects including mosquitoes, insect, flea, fly even as an animal repellent. It can last around an hour to protect people against mosquito bites.

DEET (diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) is the most widely used insect repellent in the United States today. Adverse reactions to high concentrations include memory loss, headache, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, tremors and shortness of breath. DEET also can melt plastic.
Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds that don’t just repel but kill insects. Synthetic pyrethroids some are carcinogens and suspected endocrine disruptors. Skin contact can cause blisters and itching. Inhaling pyrethroids can cause coughing, chest pain or breathing difficulties, including acute asthma attacks. High levels can cause dizziness, changes in awareness, convulsions and unconsciousness.
Both DEET and pyrethroids are considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) doesn’t recommend using DEET or pyrethroids at all. NCAP suggests choosing natural repellents made from plant extracts.

DEET has been proven to enter the bloodstream through application to the skin, and while many people use DEET-based products without incident, others have suffered side-effects ranging from rashes and hives to uncontrollable twitching and muscle spasms to death. Children seem especially susceptible to DEET problems. In 1995 alone, the National Poison Control Center in Washington, DC. received over 6,700 reports of repellent exposure, including one death, and of the 6,700 reports, two thirds occurred in children age six and under.
Spray a few times as needed on different location of skin or clothes.
External use only. 只能外用。

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