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Blood Cleanser by Dr Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:排毒、淨血、癌症。Detox, cancer.

成份 Ingredients:

Organic or Wild-crafted 有機或野生 Red Clover Blossom ( Trifolium pretense ) 紅三葉草, Chaparral ( Larrea tridentate ) 小檞樹, Poke Root ( Phytolacca Americana ) 商陸, Oregon Grape Root ( Mahonia aquifoluim ) 十大功勞, Burdock Root ( Arctium lappa ) 牛蒡, Yellow Dock Root ( Rumex crispus ) 皺葉酸模, Goldenseal Root ( Hydrastis canadensis ) 北美黄蓮, Blood Root ( Sanguinaria Canadensis ) 血紅根, Lobelia ( Lobelia inflata ) 半邊蓮, Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

詳細內容 Descriptions:

這配方用作潔淨血液中的毒素,它可鹼化血液及組織、減少血管發炎、幫助清除金屬沈澱物、強化血液體系。 排毒、毒血症、敗血症、白血病、癌病、愛滋病、貧血、梅毒、麻瘋、膽固醇過高、肝毒、脾臟毒等。 紅三葉草廣泛被用作治療各種的疾病,特別是癌症,且是強力的淨血劑。它深層潔淨血液裡的毒素及廢物的功效,它能刺激肝臟及膽囊的功能,從而增強排除血液及淋巴的毒素。 牛蒡為強力的淨血劑。 This herbal formula was created for cleansing the blood of impurities. It alkalizes the blood and tissues, and reduces vascular inflammation. Helps remove mineral deposits, lipid deposits, and metals. Strengthens the blood system. Detoxification, toxic blood conditions, septicemia, leukocytosis, all CANCERS (esp. leukemia), AIDS, anemia, syphilis, leprosy, elevated cholesterol, toxic liver and spleen conditions. Red Clover has been used medicinally to treat a wide array of conditions especially cancer and is strong blood purifier. Red clover will deeply clean and clear the bloodstream of toxins and debris. It also stimulates the liver and activates the gallbladder which ensures the steady removal of activated toxins out of the blood and lymph systems. Burdock is a powerful blood purifier.

用法指引 Directions:

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。 請參『五天肝膽囊排毒程式』

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。

非用於:排毒、淨血、癌症。Detox, cancer.

Organic or Wild-crafted 有機或野生 Red Clover Blossom ( Trifolium pretense ) 紅三葉草, Chaparral ( Larrea tridentate ) 小檞樹, Poke Root ( Phytolacca Americana ) 商陸, Oregon Grape Root ( Mahonia aquifoluim ) 十大功勞, Burdock Root ( Arctium lappa ) 牛蒡, Yellow Dock Root ( Rumex crispus ) 皺葉酸模, Goldenseal Root ( Hydrastis canadensis ) 北美黄蓮, Blood Root ( Sanguinaria Canadensis ) 血紅根, Lobelia ( Lobelia inflata ) 半邊蓮, Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

這配方用作潔淨血液中的毒素,它可鹼化血液及組織、減少血管發炎、幫助清除金屬沈澱物、強化血液體系。 排毒、毒血症、敗血症、白血病、癌病、愛滋病、貧血、梅毒、麻瘋、膽固醇過高、肝毒、脾臟毒等。 紅三葉草廣泛被用作治療各種的疾病,特別是癌症,且是強力的淨血劑。它深層潔淨血液裡的毒素及廢物的功效,它能刺激肝臟及膽囊的功能,從而增強排除血液及淋巴的毒素。 牛蒡為強力的淨血劑。 This herbal formula was created for cleansing the blood of impurities. It alkalizes the blood and tissues, and reduces vascular inflammation. Helps remove mineral deposits, lipid deposits, and metals. Strengthens the blood system. Detoxification, toxic blood conditions, septicemia, leukocytosis, all CANCERS (esp. leukemia), AIDS, anemia, syphilis, leprosy, elevated cholesterol, toxic liver and spleen conditions. Red Clover has been used medicinally to treat a wide array of conditions especially cancer and is strong blood purifier. Red clover will deeply clean and clear the bloodstream of toxins and debris. It also stimulates the liver and activates the gallbladder which ensures the steady removal of activated toxins out of the blood and lymph systems. Burdock is a powerful blood purifier.

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。 請參『五天肝膽囊排毒程式』

於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。

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