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按情況 By Condition > 腎/膀胱/尿道 Kidney/Bladder/Urinary Tract


Kidney/Bladder Formula by Dr Morse

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 利尿、感染、分解。
Diuretic, infection and dissolving.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Dandelion Leaf蒲公英、Plantain Leaf大車前草、Gravel Root粉綠莖澤蘭、Cornsilk蜀米、Parsley Root & Leaf歐芹、Uva Ursi熊果葉、Nettles蕁麻。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 腎臟、膀胱及泌尿系統:利尿 ( 增加尿流量 ) 及抗感染 ( 消滅尿道感染 ),効力強,也能分解腎結石。
熊果葉:它含有不少強力的植物化學因子,如揮發油、熊果葉素 ( Arbutin )、槲皮素 ( Quercetin )、沒食子酸 ( Gallic Acid )、蘋果酸 ( Mallic Acid )。熊果葉素在尿液中分泌金雞納醇( Hydroquinone ) 及其他的化學因子,能消滅感染尿道的真菌及細菌如大腸杆箘、白色鏈球菌、葡萄球菌等。槲皮素是一種毛細血管保護劑,保護腎臟過濾系統中數以萬億計的毛細血管。沒食子酸及蘋果酸長久以來用作幫助腎臟及膀胱的感染。
Both diuretic (increases the flow of urine) and disinfectant (destroys urinary tract infections) to the Kidneys, Bladder, and Urinary System. Moreover, it will dissolve kidney stones.
Dandelion Leaf helps the body with the elimination of urine.
Gravel root is specifics for dissolving kidney stones and renal calculi.
Crnsilk is used to help reduce inflammation and painful symptoms caused by urinary tract infections, cystitis, bladder stones and fluid retention.
Parsley Root is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water.
Uva Ursi leaf contains powerful phytochemicals such as volatile oils, arbutin, quercetin, and mallic and gallic acids. Arbutin is highly antibacterial and destroys bacteria and fungus that infect the urinary system such as E. coli, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus, etc. One of the ways arbutin does this is by releasing aglycone hydroquinone and other phytochemicals into the urine. Quercetin is a capillary protectant, protecting the literally trillions of capillaries existing as part of the delicate kidney filtering system. Mallic and Gallic acids, the same as found in apples and apple cider vinegar, have long been used for kidney and bladder infections.
All of the other herbs in this formula contain phytochemicals that are either diuretic, anti-microbial or
anti-inflammatory to the entire urinary system.

用法指引 Directions: 保健用:每日一次,每次兩抽。空肚服用較好。
General: Two dropperfuls once daily preferably between meals.
Kidney/Bladder Problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.
Kidney Detox: Please refer to the note “5 Days Kidney Cleansing Program.”

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

Diuretic, infection and dissolving.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Dandelion Leaf蒲公英、Plantain Leaf大車前草、Gravel Root粉綠莖澤蘭、Cornsilk蜀米、Parsley Root & Leaf歐芹、Uva Ursi熊果葉、Nettles蕁麻。
腎臟、膀胱及泌尿系統:利尿 ( 增加尿流量 ) 及抗感染 ( 消滅尿道感染 ),効力強,也能分解腎結石。
熊果葉:它含有不少強力的植物化學因子,如揮發油、熊果葉素 ( Arbutin )、槲皮素 ( Quercetin )、沒食子酸 ( Gallic Acid )、蘋果酸 ( Mallic Acid )。熊果葉素在尿液中分泌金雞納醇( Hydroquinone ) 及其他的化學因子,能消滅感染尿道的真菌及細菌如大腸杆箘、白色鏈球菌、葡萄球菌等。槲皮素是一種毛細血管保護劑,保護腎臟過濾系統中數以萬億計的毛細血管。沒食子酸及蘋果酸長久以來用作幫助腎臟及膀胱的感染。
Both diuretic (increases the flow of urine) and disinfectant (destroys urinary tract infections) to the Kidneys, Bladder, and Urinary System. Moreover, it will dissolve kidney stones.
Dandelion Leaf helps the body with the elimination of urine.
Gravel root is specifics for dissolving kidney stones and renal calculi.
Crnsilk is used to help reduce inflammation and painful symptoms caused by urinary tract infections, cystitis, bladder stones and fluid retention.
Parsley Root is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water.
Uva Ursi leaf contains powerful phytochemicals such as volatile oils, arbutin, quercetin, and mallic and gallic acids. Arbutin is highly antibacterial and destroys bacteria and fungus that infect the urinary system such as E. coli, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus, etc. One of the ways arbutin does this is by releasing aglycone hydroquinone and other phytochemicals into the urine. Quercetin is a capillary protectant, protecting the literally trillions of capillaries existing as part of the delicate kidney filtering system. Mallic and Gallic acids, the same as found in apples and apple cider vinegar, have long been used for kidney and bladder infections.
All of the other herbs in this formula contain phytochemicals that are either diuretic, anti-microbial or
anti-inflammatory to the entire urinary system.
General: Two dropperfuls once daily preferably between meals.
Kidney/Bladder Problem: One dropperful three to six times daily.
Kidney Detox: Please refer to the note “5 Days Kidney Cleansing Program.”
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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