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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 糖尿病/胰臟 Diabetes/Pancreas


Pancreas Formula by Dr. Christopher

2 oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

胰島素分泌過高或過低、胰臟、消化功能。 Hypo and hyper glycemia, pancreas, digestive function.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Goldenseal 北美黄蓮、Uva ursi熊果葉、Cayenne辣椒、Cedar berries雪松、Licorice root甘草、Mullein毛心草。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

我們的胰臟是用來幫助消化澱粉質、蛋白質及脂肪的腺體,亦是生產胰島素來控制血液內糖份的重要腺體。 糖尿病I及II型及高、低胰島素等問題。 北美黄蓮含有胰島素,可改善胃口及幫助消化。 熊果葉可控制血糖水平。 辣椒是強力的刺激劑,好的血液循環是復原的關鍵,它亦增強其它草藥的果效。 雪松果可促進胰臟功能、平衡胰島素、調理腎上腺、幫助身體對抗壓力及憂慮。 毛心草幫助平衡整個內分泌系統。 Our pancreas is a gland that helps to digest starches, proteins and fats. It also produces the hormones needed for the body to use sugar. The proper function of the pancreas, diabetes ( Type I & II), high or low blood sugar (hyper or hypoglycemia). Goldenseal contains insulin, improves appetite and aids digestion. Uva ursi helps control the sugar levels in diabetes. Cayenne powerful stimulant, good circulation in the body is the key to healing, increases the effectiveness of the other herbs which causes them to work better in the body Cedar berries healing to the pancreas, furnishes insulin to the body, heals the adrenals, helps the body to cope with stress and worry. Mullein helps balance the whole endocrine system.

用法指引 Directions:

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三抽。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 dropperfuls twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage. A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。 It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

胰島素分泌過高或過低、胰臟、消化功能。 Hypo and hyper glycemia, pancreas, digestive function.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Goldenseal 北美黄蓮、Uva ursi熊果葉、Cayenne辣椒、Cedar berries雪松、Licorice root甘草、Mullein毛心草。

我們的胰臟是用來幫助消化澱粉質、蛋白質及脂肪的腺體,亦是生產胰島素來控制血液內糖份的重要腺體。 糖尿病I及II型及高、低胰島素等問題。 北美黄蓮含有胰島素,可改善胃口及幫助消化。 熊果葉可控制血糖水平。 辣椒是強力的刺激劑,好的血液循環是復原的關鍵,它亦增強其它草藥的果效。 雪松果可促進胰臟功能、平衡胰島素、調理腎上腺、幫助身體對抗壓力及憂慮。 毛心草幫助平衡整個內分泌系統。 Our pancreas is a gland that helps to digest starches, proteins and fats. It also produces the hormones needed for the body to use sugar. The proper function of the pancreas, diabetes ( Type I & II), high or low blood sugar (hyper or hypoglycemia). Goldenseal contains insulin, improves appetite and aids digestion. Uva ursi helps control the sugar levels in diabetes. Cayenne powerful stimulant, good circulation in the body is the key to healing, increases the effectiveness of the other herbs which causes them to work better in the body Cedar berries healing to the pancreas, furnishes insulin to the body, heals the adrenals, helps the body to cope with stress and worry. Mullein helps balance the whole endocrine system.

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三抽。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 dropperfuls twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage. A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。 It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

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