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按情況 By Condition > 糖尿病/胰臟 Diabetes/Pancreas


Pancreas Formula by Dr. Morse

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 胰島素分泌過高或過低、胰臟、消化功能。
Hypo and hyper glycemia, pancreas, digestive function.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Devil's Club Root Bark, Gentian Root龍膽草、Gymnema Sylvestre武靴葉、Astragalus Root北耆、 Juniper Berries杜松、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Bilberry Leaf山桑子、Aloe Vera (100:1) 蘆薈。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 大英印第安人用Devil's Club Root Bark治療糖尿病,現代的臨床實驗亦發現它可降低血糖水平。
武靴葉的葉及根很有醫藥價值,於古印度用來治療糖尿病已有2,000的歷史。古印度的醫生發現咀嚼此植物的葉子可以破壞糖的甜味,因此稱此種植物為 "糖的消滅者",也就是讓甜的食物不再很甜。隨後的臨床試驗亦證明定量服食此草藥3~4個月可以降低尿中的糖類。而近代印度的臨床實例說明此種草藥的提煉物對需注射胰島素或不需注射胰島素的糖尿病患者都非常有效。科學研究顯示武靴葉可刺激胰島素的分泌而維持血糖水平,自從1930年來對武靴葉的研究顯示,它對於糖尿病I及II型都有顯著的果效,它可重造胰臟內胰島素細胞的功能。
近代的藥物及臨床研究證明武靴葉此種草藥對口腔的味蕾及腸的吸收表層都有功效。口腔的味蕾感應糖的結構與腸吸收糖的組織結構相似。武靴葉植物中的重要有效成分是一種稱為 “匙羹藤酸" 的有機酸。組成此種有機酸的分子有著與葡萄糖分子相同的原子結構。 這些分子會填充味蕾上的受體1~2個小時,從而防止味蕾對食物中的糖分子發生作用。同樣的原理,有機酸中的類似葡萄糖的分子會填充腸的吸收表層的受體,從而防止腸吸收糖分子。
British Columbia Indians used the root-bark of Devil's club to counteract the weakening effects of Diabetes. With modern Clinical testing, it was found that the extract from Devil's club root-bark lowered the blood-sugar level.
Gymnema has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years. It came to be known as "destroyer of sugar" because,in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema sylvestre suppressed the taste of sugar. That is, sweet foods no longer tasted sweet. In later generations, clinical tests showed that regular use over a period of three to four months helped to reduce glycosuria, or the appearance of carbohydrates in urine. Recent scientific studies have linked Gymnema Sylvestre to the body's ability to maintain healthy blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion of the pancreas. Gymnema Sylvestre has been the object of considerable research since the 1930s, with promising results for Types 1 and 2 diabetes. This herb appears to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
Recent pharmacological and clinical studies have shown that Gymnema sylvestre acts on two sites:
First, the taste buds in the oral cavity; Second, the absorptive surface to the intestines.
The benefits of Gymnema sylvestre are two-fold:
By suppressing the taste of sweet foods, the desire to eat them is also suppressed. Picture a luscious-looking large piece of chocolate candy, which you know, despite the tempting look, is not sweet. Why bother to eat it? It is important to remember that this effect of Gymnema sylvestre's will last for only one to two hours. If you are using the herb to break the sugar habit, then it would be wise to take some Gymnema sylvestre before social events or other times when you might be tempted to dive into the tray of sweets. Gymnema sylvestre significantly reduces the metabolic effects of sugar by preventing the intestines from absorbing the sugar molecules during the process of digestion. Because there is a change in the absorption of sugar, there is a consequent change in the blood sugar level.
Animal studies indicate that juniper berries lower blood sugar in experimentally induced diabetes.
Italian scientists recently found that a dried bilberry leaf extract consistently caused a drop in glucose levels in rats.

用法指引 Directions: 每日三至六次,每次一抽。空肚服用較好。
1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals.
Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours.
Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。
It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

Hypo and hyper glycemia, pancreas, digestive function.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Devil's Club Root Bark, Gentian Root龍膽草、Gymnema Sylvestre武靴葉、Astragalus Root北耆、 Juniper Berries杜松、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Bilberry Leaf山桑子、Aloe Vera (100:1) 蘆薈。
大英印第安人用Devil's Club Root Bark治療糖尿病,現代的臨床實驗亦發現它可降低血糖水平。
武靴葉的葉及根很有醫藥價值,於古印度用來治療糖尿病已有2,000的歷史。古印度的醫生發現咀嚼此植物的葉子可以破壞糖的甜味,因此稱此種植物為 "糖的消滅者",也就是讓甜的食物不再很甜。隨後的臨床試驗亦證明定量服食此草藥3~4個月可以降低尿中的糖類。而近代印度的臨床實例說明此種草藥的提煉物對需注射胰島素或不需注射胰島素的糖尿病患者都非常有效。科學研究顯示武靴葉可刺激胰島素的分泌而維持血糖水平,自從1930年來對武靴葉的研究顯示,它對於糖尿病I及II型都有顯著的果效,它可重造胰臟內胰島素細胞的功能。
近代的藥物及臨床研究證明武靴葉此種草藥對口腔的味蕾及腸的吸收表層都有功效。口腔的味蕾感應糖的結構與腸吸收糖的組織結構相似。武靴葉植物中的重要有效成分是一種稱為 “匙羹藤酸" 的有機酸。組成此種有機酸的分子有著與葡萄糖分子相同的原子結構。 這些分子會填充味蕾上的受體1~2個小時,從而防止味蕾對食物中的糖分子發生作用。同樣的原理,有機酸中的類似葡萄糖的分子會填充腸的吸收表層的受體,從而防止腸吸收糖分子。
British Columbia Indians used the root-bark of Devil's club to counteract the weakening effects of Diabetes. With modern Clinical testing, it was found that the extract from Devil's club root-bark lowered the blood-sugar level.
Gymnema has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years. It came to be known as "destroyer of sugar" because,in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema sylvestre suppressed the taste of sugar. That is, sweet foods no longer tasted sweet. In later generations, clinical tests showed that regular use over a period of three to four months helped to reduce glycosuria, or the appearance of carbohydrates in urine. Recent scientific studies have linked Gymnema Sylvestre to the body's ability to maintain healthy blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion of the pancreas. Gymnema Sylvestre has been the object of considerable research since the 1930s, with promising results for Types 1 and 2 diabetes. This herb appears to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
Recent pharmacological and clinical studies have shown that Gymnema sylvestre acts on two sites:
First, the taste buds in the oral cavity; Second, the absorptive surface to the intestines.
The benefits of Gymnema sylvestre are two-fold:
By suppressing the taste of sweet foods, the desire to eat them is also suppressed. Picture a luscious-looking large piece of chocolate candy, which you know, despite the tempting look, is not sweet. Why bother to eat it? It is important to remember that this effect of Gymnema sylvestre's will last for only one to two hours. If you are using the herb to break the sugar habit, then it would be wise to take some Gymnema sylvestre before social events or other times when you might be tempted to dive into the tray of sweets. Gymnema sylvestre significantly reduces the metabolic effects of sugar by preventing the intestines from absorbing the sugar molecules during the process of digestion. Because there is a change in the absorption of sugar, there is a consequent change in the blood sugar level.
Animal studies indicate that juniper berries lower blood sugar in experimentally induced diabetes.
Italian scientists recently found that a dried bilberry leaf extract consistently caused a drop in glucose levels in rats.
1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals.
Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours.
Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。
A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。
It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

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