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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 肺/呼吸 ( 哮喘 ) Lung / Respiration ( Astham )

野英櫻糖漿 ( 適合兒童服用 )

Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup by Planetary Herbals

8 oz (240 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 咳嗽、氣管、呼吸系統。
Cough and respiratory system.

成份 Ingredients: Yerba Santa Leaf, Elecampane Root, Elecampane Flower, Grindelia Bud, Osha Root, Echinacea purpurea Root, Horehound Leaf, Hyssop Leaf, Polypody Root, Platycodon Root, Marshmallow Root, Apricot Seed, Irish Moss Thallus, Mullein Leaf, Licorice Root, Stinging Nettle Leaf, White Pine Bark, Angelica Root, Loquat Leaf, Sichuan Fritillary Bulb, and Black Cherry Bark.

詳細內容 Descriptions: 紫錐花是所知其中一種最強的免疫興奮劑及強化劑,紫錐花所含有的植物化學因子 ( Phytochemicals ) 能阻止細菌、病毒及其它有害生物進入細胞壁內,也能激發及加增血液中白血球的數量 ( T細胞加增二倍,巨噬細胞三倍 )。紫錐花也能加增伽瑪球蛋白的數量,從而幫助B細胞製造抗體來對付特定的細菌、病毒及有害的病原體。紫錐花能加增干擾素 ( Interferon:是一群抗病毒的醣蛋白,人體製造來對抗寄生蟲、細菌等病原體 )、白細胞介素、免疫球蛋白及其它在血液内重要的天然免疫化合物的數量,再刺激它們的活動能力。
Echinacea is one of the strongest immune stimulators and enhancers known. It can double and triple the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream and increase the number of Granulocytes. It also stimulates the phagocytosis, the ability to kill and eat the bad guys, in all of these white blood cells. Echinacea can also increase the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other important natural immune chemicals present in your blood.
Wild Cherry Bark is an important cough remedy.
Mullein Leaf is a good respiratory remedy. Also for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation whilst stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness.
Horehound has medicinally substantiated value as a cough suppressant and expectorant.
Honey was added as a natural flavour especially for children.

用法指引 Directions: 每日一至六次,每次一茶匙。空肚服用較好。
1 teaspoon once to six times daily preferably between meals.
1/4 to 1/2 adult dosage for 2 to 10 years children.
Serving Period: 5 to 30 days.

備註 Remarks:

Cough and respiratory system.
Yerba Santa Leaf, Elecampane Root, Elecampane Flower, Grindelia Bud, Osha Root, Echinacea purpurea Root, Horehound Leaf, Hyssop Leaf, Polypody Root, Platycodon Root, Marshmallow Root, Apricot Seed, Irish Moss Thallus, Mullein Leaf, Licorice Root, Stinging Nettle Leaf, White Pine Bark, Angelica Root, Loquat Leaf, Sichuan Fritillary Bulb, and Black Cherry Bark.
紫錐花是所知其中一種最強的免疫興奮劑及強化劑,紫錐花所含有的植物化學因子 ( Phytochemicals ) 能阻止細菌、病毒及其它有害生物進入細胞壁內,也能激發及加增血液中白血球的數量 ( T細胞加增二倍,巨噬細胞三倍 )。紫錐花也能加增伽瑪球蛋白的數量,從而幫助B細胞製造抗體來對付特定的細菌、病毒及有害的病原體。紫錐花能加增干擾素 ( Interferon:是一群抗病毒的醣蛋白,人體製造來對抗寄生蟲、細菌等病原體 )、白細胞介素、免疫球蛋白及其它在血液内重要的天然免疫化合物的數量,再刺激它們的活動能力。
Echinacea is one of the strongest immune stimulators and enhancers known. It can double and triple the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream and increase the number of Granulocytes. It also stimulates the phagocytosis, the ability to kill and eat the bad guys, in all of these white blood cells. Echinacea can also increase the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other important natural immune chemicals present in your blood.
Wild Cherry Bark is an important cough remedy.
Mullein Leaf is a good respiratory remedy. Also for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation whilst stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness.
Horehound has medicinally substantiated value as a cough suppressant and expectorant.
Honey was added as a natural flavour especially for children.
1 teaspoon once to six times daily preferably between meals.
1/4 to 1/2 adult dosage for 2 to 10 years children.
Serving Period: 5 to 30 days.

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