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Cholesterol Vital Maintenance by Gaia Herbs

60 Liquid Veggie Capsules 液體丸
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 膽固醇。

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wildcrafted有機或野生 )
Artichoke leaf朝鮮薊= 200 mg, Coleus Root洋紫蘇=160 mg, Guggulu resin 香膠=150 mg, Arjuna Bark=100 mg, Wild Yarn rhizome野芋=22 mg, Policosanol甘蔗原素=8 mg, Great Celadine top & roots白屈菜=8 mg.

詳細內容 Descriptions: 降低總膽固醇形成及聚積、增加HDL、預防異常的血液凝結、降低過高的血壓、增強血液循環系統等。
Arjuna Bark所含的化合物可保持體內健康的膽固醇水平及促進心臟健康。
Reducing forming and accumulating of cholesterol, raising HDL, prevention of abnormal blood clotting, lowering high blood pressure, increasing blood circulation, etc.
Artichoke reduces the formation of cholesterol in the liver, promotes the excretion of cholesterol through the bile and protects cholesterol from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Coleus helps to maintain healthy fat metabolism.
Guggul contains resin, volatile oils, and gum. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones. Guggul significantly lowers serum triglycerides and cholesterol as well as LDL and VLDL cholesterols (the “bad” cholesterols). At the same time, it raises levels of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol). As antioxidants, guggulsterones keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, an action which protects against atherosclerosis. Guggul has also been shown to reduce the stickiness of platelets—another effect that lowers the risk of coronary artery disease. Clinical trials in India (using 1,500 mg of extract per day) have confirmed guggul extracts improve lipid levels in humans.
Arjuna herb contains several important constituents, including Terminalia arjuna, gallic acid and ethyl gallate. These elements help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.
Wild Yarn & Greater celandine balance cholesterol levels by promoting the normal excretion of cholesterol through the bile.

用法指引 Directions: 保健用:每日兩粒。空肚服用。
General: 2 tabs daily between meals.
Cholesterol and high blood lipid: 2 to 3 tabs twice daily.
Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.

備註 Remarks: 最好同時服用其它心臟配方及Udo’s Choice Oil Blend。
For best result, should be taken other Heart Formula and Udo’s Choice Oil Blend.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Avoid any greasy foods.

( Organic or wildcrafted有機或野生 )
Artichoke leaf朝鮮薊= 200 mg, Coleus Root洋紫蘇=160 mg, Guggulu resin 香膠=150 mg, Arjuna Bark=100 mg, Wild Yarn rhizome野芋=22 mg, Policosanol甘蔗原素=8 mg, Great Celadine top & roots白屈菜=8 mg.
Arjuna Bark所含的化合物可保持體內健康的膽固醇水平及促進心臟健康。
Reducing forming and accumulating of cholesterol, raising HDL, prevention of abnormal blood clotting, lowering high blood pressure, increasing blood circulation, etc.
Artichoke reduces the formation of cholesterol in the liver, promotes the excretion of cholesterol through the bile and protects cholesterol from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Coleus helps to maintain healthy fat metabolism.
Guggul contains resin, volatile oils, and gum. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones. Guggul significantly lowers serum triglycerides and cholesterol as well as LDL and VLDL cholesterols (the “bad” cholesterols). At the same time, it raises levels of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol). As antioxidants, guggulsterones keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, an action which protects against atherosclerosis. Guggul has also been shown to reduce the stickiness of platelets—another effect that lowers the risk of coronary artery disease. Clinical trials in India (using 1,500 mg of extract per day) have confirmed guggul extracts improve lipid levels in humans.
Arjuna herb contains several important constituents, including Terminalia arjuna, gallic acid and ethyl gallate. These elements help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.
Wild Yarn & Greater celandine balance cholesterol levels by promoting the normal excretion of cholesterol through the bile.
General: 2 tabs daily between meals.
Cholesterol and high blood lipid: 2 to 3 tabs twice daily.
Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.
最好同時服用其它心臟配方及Udo’s Choice Oil Blend。
For best result, should be taken other Heart Formula and Udo’s Choice Oil Blend.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Avoid any greasy foods.

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