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按身體系統 By Body System > 免疫及淋巴系統 Immune and Lymphatic System


NT Kancer by Dr Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:免疫力、癌病。 Immune strength and cancer.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Graviola ( Annona muricata ) 牛心果, Mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia ) 榆葉梧桐, Mullaca ( Physalis angulata ) Chaparral Herb ( Larrea tridentate ) 小檞樹, Bitter Melon ( Momordica chanrantia ) 苦瓜, Madagascar Periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus ) 馬達加斯加長春花, Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒 & Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 花椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

詳細內容 Descriptions:

抑制癌細胞生長子、增強免疫系統能力,能將腫瘤打散及將它排出體外。 牛心果形象似心形,是亞馬遜及南北美州的土產,它的根、皮、葉、果實以及種籽都很有藥用價值。自1940年以來,它的植物化合物已被科學家所研究。於1976年,美國國家癌症研究所發現它的葉及莖有抗癌的作用,美國國家癌症研究所和國家健康研究所都撥出基金贊助美國普渡大學對牛心果加以研究,最少有八份臨床實驗證明牛心果對各種癌症的抗腫瘤及抗癌功效。牛心果就最主要的化合物為annonaceous acetogenins.番荔枝科乙醯生合成物,acetogenins被發現有抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生蟲、抗微生物等的功效,研究發現acetogenins比治療腸癌的化療藥:Adriamycin強一萬倍!於1998年的研究顯示牛心果有最強的抗癌植物化合物。 榆葉梧桐含豐富的抗氧化物:前花色素,其中的procyanidin B-2被獨立的研究證實有抗癌及抗腫瘤的作用。 Mullaca中的激素被證實有抗癌、抗腫瘤、抗白血病的作用,Mullaca中各種的抽取物包括physalins於1980年代美國及泰國的動物實驗中,發現能對抗多種癌症如肺、腸、鼻咽、腦、肝、頸癌等,而這些實驗已於1992年被台灣大學證實有效。中國及俄羅斯亦證實它能提升免疫能力而對抗白血病。 Chaparral含有Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid,根據世界醫學權威書籍Merck Index及Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid為抗氧化劑及具有強力抗腫瘤形成的功效。 Inhibit the growth of cancer cells and enhance the Immune System. Breaks up masses (tumors)& pulls them out of the body. Graviola looks like a heart and is indigenous in South and North America including the Amazon. Its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds are used in natural medicine. Many phytochemicals have been found in Graviola as scientists have been studying its properties since the 1940's. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute found the leaves and stem of Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Purdue University has conducted a great deal of research on Graviola funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National Institute of Health. Graviola have demonstrated significant anti-tumorous, anticancerous against various types of cancer cells, publishing 8 clinical studies on their findings. Its major phytochemical annonaceous acetogenins has been found antitumor, antiparasitic, pesticidal, antiprotozoal, antifeedant, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial. One study demonstrated that an acetogenin in Graviola was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells in which it was 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin (a chemotherapy drug). New studies have been published in 1998 which demonstrated acetogenins has the strongest anticancerous properties. Mutamba bark is a rich source of antioxidant chemicals called proanthocyanidins. Independent research indicates that procyanidin B-2 one kind of the proanthocyanidins has antitumorous and anticancerous effects. Numerous studies have also demonstrated the anticancerous and antileukemic activity of bitter melon against numerous cell lines, including liver cancer, human leukemia, melanoma, and solid sarcomas. The steroids found in mullaca have documented anti-cancerous, anti-tumorous and anti-leukemic actions. Various extracts of mullaca, as well as these extracted plant steroids called physalins, have shown strong in vitro and in vivo (mice) activity against numerous types of human and animal cancer cells including lung, colon, nasopharynx, liver, cervix, melanoma and glioma (brain) cancer cells. This cancer research began in the early 1980s with researchers in Thailand and the U.S. and was verified with research performed at the University of Taiwan in 1992. Other researchers in China and Russia independently demonstrated significant immunomodulatory effects against blastogenesis (a process triggered in leukemia). The main chemicals in Vassourinha scopadulcic acids B in antitumor activity against various human cancer cell lines was demonstrated in a 1993 study and was reported again in 2001. According to pharmacology manuals, Chaparral contains Nordihydroguaiaretic acid. According to the Merck Index, one of the most respected medical chemical books in the world, this acid from chaparral is listed as an anti-oxidant with a Therapeutic Category as an Anti-neoplastic. According to Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, an Anti-neoplastic is "an agent that Prevents the development, growth and proliferation of malignant cells.” Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

用法指引 Directions:

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

備註 Remarks:

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。

非用於:免疫力、癌病。 Immune strength and cancer.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Graviola ( Annona muricata ) 牛心果, Mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia ) 榆葉梧桐, Mullaca ( Physalis angulata ) Chaparral Herb ( Larrea tridentate ) 小檞樹, Bitter Melon ( Momordica chanrantia ) 苦瓜, Madagascar Periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus ) 馬達加斯加長春花, Cayenne Fruit ( Capsicum annuum ) 辣椒 & Prickly Ash Bark ( Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L ) 花椒. In a base of Alcohol & Love

抑制癌細胞生長子、增強免疫系統能力,能將腫瘤打散及將它排出體外。 牛心果形象似心形,是亞馬遜及南北美州的土產,它的根、皮、葉、果實以及種籽都很有藥用價值。自1940年以來,它的植物化合物已被科學家所研究。於1976年,美國國家癌症研究所發現它的葉及莖有抗癌的作用,美國國家癌症研究所和國家健康研究所都撥出基金贊助美國普渡大學對牛心果加以研究,最少有八份臨床實驗證明牛心果對各種癌症的抗腫瘤及抗癌功效。牛心果就最主要的化合物為annonaceous acetogenins.番荔枝科乙醯生合成物,acetogenins被發現有抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生蟲、抗微生物等的功效,研究發現acetogenins比治療腸癌的化療藥:Adriamycin強一萬倍!於1998年的研究顯示牛心果有最強的抗癌植物化合物。 榆葉梧桐含豐富的抗氧化物:前花色素,其中的procyanidin B-2被獨立的研究證實有抗癌及抗腫瘤的作用。 Mullaca中的激素被證實有抗癌、抗腫瘤、抗白血病的作用,Mullaca中各種的抽取物包括physalins於1980年代美國及泰國的動物實驗中,發現能對抗多種癌症如肺、腸、鼻咽、腦、肝、頸癌等,而這些實驗已於1992年被台灣大學證實有效。中國及俄羅斯亦證實它能提升免疫能力而對抗白血病。 Chaparral含有Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid,根據世界醫學權威書籍Merck Index及Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid為抗氧化劑及具有強力抗腫瘤形成的功效。 Inhibit the growth of cancer cells and enhance the Immune System. Breaks up masses (tumors)& pulls them out of the body. Graviola looks like a heart and is indigenous in South and North America including the Amazon. Its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds are used in natural medicine. Many phytochemicals have been found in Graviola as scientists have been studying its properties since the 1940's. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute found the leaves and stem of Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Purdue University has conducted a great deal of research on Graviola funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National Institute of Health. Graviola have demonstrated significant anti-tumorous, anticancerous against various types of cancer cells, publishing 8 clinical studies on their findings. Its major phytochemical annonaceous acetogenins has been found antitumor, antiparasitic, pesticidal, antiprotozoal, antifeedant, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial. One study demonstrated that an acetogenin in Graviola was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells in which it was 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin (a chemotherapy drug). New studies have been published in 1998 which demonstrated acetogenins has the strongest anticancerous properties. Mutamba bark is a rich source of antioxidant chemicals called proanthocyanidins. Independent research indicates that procyanidin B-2 one kind of the proanthocyanidins has antitumorous and anticancerous effects. Numerous studies have also demonstrated the anticancerous and antileukemic activity of bitter melon against numerous cell lines, including liver cancer, human leukemia, melanoma, and solid sarcomas. The steroids found in mullaca have documented anti-cancerous, anti-tumorous and anti-leukemic actions. Various extracts of mullaca, as well as these extracted plant steroids called physalins, have shown strong in vitro and in vivo (mice) activity against numerous types of human and animal cancer cells including lung, colon, nasopharynx, liver, cervix, melanoma and glioma (brain) cancer cells. This cancer research began in the early 1980s with researchers in Thailand and the U.S. and was verified with research performed at the University of Taiwan in 1992. Other researchers in China and Russia independently demonstrated significant immunomodulatory effects against blastogenesis (a process triggered in leukemia). The main chemicals in Vassourinha scopadulcic acids B in antitumor activity against various human cancer cell lines was demonstrated in a 1993 study and was reported again in 2001. According to pharmacology manuals, Chaparral contains Nordihydroguaiaretic acid. According to the Merck Index, one of the most respected medical chemical books in the world, this acid from chaparral is listed as an anti-oxidant with a Therapeutic Category as an Anti-neoplastic. According to Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, an Anti-neoplastic is "an agent that Prevents the development, growth and proliferation of malignant cells.” Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

每日一至四次,每次一至三抽,空肚服用。 一抽約為30滴,1/2技管。

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 於最高份量時,每服用六天,休息一天。 如對酒精敏感者或不想服用酒精者,用100℃的沸水將整個裝著配方的玻璃器皿蒸約半小時,以將酒精燒走。

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