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Heart Formula by Dr. Morse

4oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

心血管系統。 Cardiovascular system.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Hawthorn berries山楂、Motherwort herb益母草、Bugleweed澤蘭、Dandelion leaf蒲公英、Bladderwrack墨角藻、Lily of the Cally Herb溪谷百合。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

山楂漿果、花卉及葉:傳統歐洲有名的草本植物,多年來有效地被用作治療各種有關心臟及血液循環系統的疾病。山楂含有很多的植物化學因子包括類黃酮 ( Flavonoids ):芸香苷 ( Rutin )、牡荊素 ( Vitexin )、聚合前花青素 ( OPC ) 等等。在美國及世界其它地方的醫學研究中,顯示這些化學因子能直接使心臟供血功能更強及更有力。它也能幫助β細胞從神經到肌肉纖維的傳導性、增加心臟血液循環、防止與壓力有關的心臟病突發、減輕心絞痛痛楚及減低心律失調。這配方對長者是很好的補心劑,幫助他們的心臟,讓他們有更多的精力。 在亞洲的醫學研究中顯示,當血液中含有山楂時,在較少的血液及氧氣供應下,如發生冠狀動脈栓塞,心臟肌肉仍能正常地運作。又如心臟病突發時,因為山楂減慢了心臟細胞的死亡速率,心臟便能生存更長久。山楂亦能大大減少心臟肌肉的受損程度。心臟配方對患有心臟病及有家族性心臟病的人十分有用。 益母草:在整個歐亞兩洲中,人們用它作全面的補心劑。它有很強的調節心跳作用,能治療患有心律失調及心跳加速的病人。 澤蘭有效強化因積水而引致問題的心臟。 墨角藻有效改善血液中的膽固醇水平及血管硬化問題。 Hawthorne berry, flower and leaf is a classic of Traditional European Medicine and has been used effectively for centuries for almost every type of heart and circulatory disease. It contains numerous potent phytochemicals including the flavonoids: hypercide, vitexinrhamnose, rutin, and vitexin and oligomeric procyanidins. These chemicals have been found in medical studies in America and abroad to have a direct effect on the heart, helping it to pump more easily, but with more force. They also help with the beta cells conductivity from the nerve to muscle fibers, increase heart circulation, prevent stress related heart attacks, reduce angina pain and cardiac arrhythmia and are a potent cardiac boost for the elderly, giving them more energy In Asian medical studies it has been established that when Hawthorne is present in the blood, the heart muscle can function normally and survive on less blood and oxygen, like with blocked coronary arteries. Also, if a heart attack does occur, the heart muscle can survive longer because the heart cells don’t die as rapidly. It’s also been established that if damage to the heart muscle does occur, it is much less in those who use Hawthorne than those who don’t. It is important for anyone with heart disease or a family history of heart disease to use this formula. Motherwort herb is used throughout Europe and Asia as a general "fix all" cardiac tonic. It exhibits strong influence over the regularity of the heart beat, helping with both cardiac arrhythmia and taccycardia. Bugleweed will aid the weak heart where there is associated build-up of water in the body. Bladderwrack has been used as a remedy for high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.

用法指引 Directions:

保健用:每日兩抽。空肚服用較好。 心血管問題:每日三至六次,每次一抽。 服用期:10至30日。 General: 2 dropperful daily preferably between meals. Cardiac problems: 1 dropperful three to six times daily. Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.

備註 Remarks:

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

心血管系統。 Cardiovascular system.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Hawthorn berries山楂、Motherwort herb益母草、Bugleweed澤蘭、Dandelion leaf蒲公英、Bladderwrack墨角藻、Lily of the Cally Herb溪谷百合。

山楂漿果、花卉及葉:傳統歐洲有名的草本植物,多年來有效地被用作治療各種有關心臟及血液循環系統的疾病。山楂含有很多的植物化學因子包括類黃酮 ( Flavonoids ):芸香苷 ( Rutin )、牡荊素 ( Vitexin )、聚合前花青素 ( OPC ) 等等。在美國及世界其它地方的醫學研究中,顯示這些化學因子能直接使心臟供血功能更強及更有力。它也能幫助β細胞從神經到肌肉纖維的傳導性、增加心臟血液循環、防止與壓力有關的心臟病突發、減輕心絞痛痛楚及減低心律失調。這配方對長者是很好的補心劑,幫助他們的心臟,讓他們有更多的精力。 在亞洲的醫學研究中顯示,當血液中含有山楂時,在較少的血液及氧氣供應下,如發生冠狀動脈栓塞,心臟肌肉仍能正常地運作。又如心臟病突發時,因為山楂減慢了心臟細胞的死亡速率,心臟便能生存更長久。山楂亦能大大減少心臟肌肉的受損程度。心臟配方對患有心臟病及有家族性心臟病的人十分有用。 益母草:在整個歐亞兩洲中,人們用它作全面的補心劑。它有很強的調節心跳作用,能治療患有心律失調及心跳加速的病人。 澤蘭有效強化因積水而引致問題的心臟。 墨角藻有效改善血液中的膽固醇水平及血管硬化問題。 Hawthorne berry, flower and leaf is a classic of Traditional European Medicine and has been used effectively for centuries for almost every type of heart and circulatory disease. It contains numerous potent phytochemicals including the flavonoids: hypercide, vitexinrhamnose, rutin, and vitexin and oligomeric procyanidins. These chemicals have been found in medical studies in America and abroad to have a direct effect on the heart, helping it to pump more easily, but with more force. They also help with the beta cells conductivity from the nerve to muscle fibers, increase heart circulation, prevent stress related heart attacks, reduce angina pain and cardiac arrhythmia and are a potent cardiac boost for the elderly, giving them more energy In Asian medical studies it has been established that when Hawthorne is present in the blood, the heart muscle can function normally and survive on less blood and oxygen, like with blocked coronary arteries. Also, if a heart attack does occur, the heart muscle can survive longer because the heart cells don’t die as rapidly. It’s also been established that if damage to the heart muscle does occur, it is much less in those who use Hawthorne than those who don’t. It is important for anyone with heart disease or a family history of heart disease to use this formula. Motherwort herb is used throughout Europe and Asia as a general "fix all" cardiac tonic. It exhibits strong influence over the regularity of the heart beat, helping with both cardiac arrhythmia and taccycardia. Bugleweed will aid the weak heart where there is associated build-up of water in the body. Bladderwrack has been used as a remedy for high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.

保健用:每日兩抽。空肚服用較好。 心血管問題:每日三至六次,每次一抽。 服用期:10至30日。 General: 2 dropperful daily preferably between meals. Cardiac problems: 1 dropperful three to six times daily. Serving Period: 10 to 30 days.

Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。 A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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