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Green Vibrance by Vibrant Health 60 Day Suppy

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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

幫助造血、清血、抗氧化、免疫力、完備營養元素等。 Blood building & purifying, antioxidant, immunity, complete nutrients, etc.

成份 Ingredients:

1) Complete vitamins, minerals & nutrients 完備維他命、礦物質及營養元素 ( Certified Organic 有機認證 ): Certified organic Alfalfa Grass juice powder有機紫花苜蓿汁、Certified organic Barley grass juice powder有機大麥草汁、Certified organic Oat grass juice powder有機燕麥莫汁、Certified organic Kamut grass juice powder有機Kamut草汁、Certified organic Wheat grass juice powder有機小麥草汁、Wild crafted Hydrilla verticillata powder野生黑藻、Certified organic Spirulina powder有機螺旋藻、Chlorella (cracked cell) (Japan) 日本綠藻(已破壁)、Certified Organic Freeze dried Parsley有機冰乾歐芹、Certified organic Beet juice powder有機紅菜頭汁、Certified organic Broccoli sprout powder有機西蘭花發芽粉、Certified Organic Freeze dried Spinach有機冰乾菠菜、Acerola berry juice powder 印度櫻桃果汁、Certified organic Nova Scotia Dulse 有機新斯科夏紅藻、Certified organic Rockweed 有機岩草、Wild harvested Irish Moss 野生角叉菜。 2) Cell membrane & Nerve Support 細胞膜及神經支持: Lecithin powder卵磷脂、Vitamin E, Policosanol甘蔗原素。 3) Digestive System消化系統: Fiber纖維: Stabilized brown rice bran米糠、Certified organic whole apple powder ( binds heavy metals for removal from the gut and bloodstream.)有機認證整個蘋果粉 ( 與重金屬連結後,將它們從腸道和血液中排去體外 )、Certified organic de-oiled Flax seed concentrate有機認證亞麻籽、Certified organic Alfalfa sprout powder有機紫花苜蓿發芽粉。 Prebiotics 益生元: Larch arabinogalactan (an effective prebiotic; increases total beneficial gut microflora while shrinking populations of pathogenic bacteria) 伯半乳糖 ( 有益於腸道益生菌而縮減致病細菌的生長)、Nutraflora® fructo-oligosaccharides (feeds probiotics and suppresses pathogens) 果寡糖 ( 益生菌的食物及抑制致病細菌 )。 Probitoic 益生菌: Blend of 8 Strains of Probiotic Bacteria 18 Billion Organisms八種益生菌菌株(共1,800億): Lactobacillus rhamnosus HA-111=2.25 billion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus B, HA-114=2.25 billion, Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122=4.5 billion, Bifidobacterium bifidum HA-132=2.25 billion, Bifidobacterium breve HA-129=2.25 billion, Bifidobacterium longum HA-135=1.80 billion, Lactobacillus helveticus HA-128=1.35 billion, Lactobacillus paracasei HA-108=1.35 billion. Enzyme酵素: Protease 4.5=110 HUT & Protease 6.0=110 HUT分解蛋白質、Lipase=150 FCCLU分解脂肪、Amylase=6 DU & Invertase= 1 SU分解碳水化合物、Cellulase=7 CU分解纖維。 4) Antioxidant & Circulation 抗氧化及循環: Certified organic wheat sprout powder from grain有機小麥草芽粉、Silymarin standardized extract乳薊、Ginkgo biloba standardized extract銀杏、Green tea catechins standardized extract綠茶、Grape seed standardized OPC extract葡萄籽抽取物。 5) Immunity免疫系統: Suma powder蘇馬 ( Amazon strong anti-cancer plant亞馬遜森林超強抗癌植物)、Astragalus北耆 & Schizandra berry五味子 ( They are Chinese immune booster herb but unlike Echinacea that stimulates the immune system, they work by fortifying the immune system. 強力免疫力中草藥,但不像紫錐花般刺激免疫系統,而是強化它 )、Beta-1,3-1,6 glucans. 6) Energy力量: Royal jelly powder (Chloramphenacol free) 蜂皇漿、Wild crafted Midwestern Bee pollen powder野生花粉、Siberian ginseng standardized extract西伯利亞人參。 7) Tonic調理: Certified organic ginger root powder=20 mg有機薑、Certified organic cayenne pepper powder=2 mg有機辣椒。 8) Flavor天然香味: Certified organic Stevia leaf powder有機甜菊。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

Green Vibrance 於1992年開始問世,它是市場上第一隻出現的綠色超級食物。始後,很多公司也開始模仿它,可是直到今天,都沒有任何一隻綠色超級食物可比美Green Vibrance。Green Vibrance是全球營養最完備的綠色超級食物,而且全部都是有以機認證或全天然的綠色食物制造,在市面上絕對找不到同類產品包含58種以有機或全天然的食品來制造的綠色超級食物。 最全面的營養,包括: 人體各種所需的大小營養元素、 改善消化及腸道系統、 改善人體各循環系統、 增強身體骨骼結構、 改善排除從新陳代謝及排毒而來的廢物、 改善精神系統、 改善心肺功能、 增強持久力、 改善血糖及膽固醇控制、 增強免疫力、 抗衰老等。 Green Vibrance came into being back in 1992. It was the first green superfood to appear in health and natural food stores. Since then, our concept of a green superfood has been imitated many times by other companies. Green Vibrance is the most complete certified organic and natural green superfood on the market. You can’t find other green products made from 58 organic and natural green food except Green Vibrance. More complete nutrition: A host of rare, scarce nutrients, Improved digestion and gastrointestinal function, Improved circulation, A stronger skeleton resistant to osteoporosis, More energy, Improved clearance of waste products of metabolism, detoxification, Improved neurological health, Improved cardiovascular function and health, Increased endurance, Improved blood sugar and cholesterol control, Strengthened immunity, Slowed aging, etc.

用法指引 Directions:

代餐:將一滿匙(內附),加入水或蔬菜汁中飲用,勿用熱水,會破壞當中的營養及酵素,適空肚服用。 營養補充:每日兩次,每次1/4匙。 服用期:60至120日。 Meal Replacement: Mix one rounded tablespoon scoop (enclosed) into large amount of vegetable juice or water on an empty stomach. Nutrition Supplement: 1/4 scoop twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients. Serving Period: 60 to 120 days.

備註 Remarks:

Powder粉裝:Please store in refrigerator after opening. 請於開蓋後存放於冰箱內。

幫助造血、清血、抗氧化、免疫力、完備營養元素等。 Blood building & purifying, antioxidant, immunity, complete nutrients, etc.

1) Complete vitamins, minerals & nutrients 完備維他命、礦物質及營養元素 ( Certified Organic 有機認證 ): Certified organic Alfalfa Grass juice powder有機紫花苜蓿汁、Certified organic Barley grass juice powder有機大麥草汁、Certified organic Oat grass juice powder有機燕麥莫汁、Certified organic Kamut grass juice powder有機Kamut草汁、Certified organic Wheat grass juice powder有機小麥草汁、Wild crafted Hydrilla verticillata powder野生黑藻、Certified organic Spirulina powder有機螺旋藻、Chlorella (cracked cell) (Japan) 日本綠藻(已破壁)、Certified Organic Freeze dried Parsley有機冰乾歐芹、Certified organic Beet juice powder有機紅菜頭汁、Certified organic Broccoli sprout powder有機西蘭花發芽粉、Certified Organic Freeze dried Spinach有機冰乾菠菜、Acerola berry juice powder 印度櫻桃果汁、Certified organic Nova Scotia Dulse 有機新斯科夏紅藻、Certified organic Rockweed 有機岩草、Wild harvested Irish Moss 野生角叉菜。 2) Cell membrane & Nerve Support 細胞膜及神經支持: Lecithin powder卵磷脂、Vitamin E, Policosanol甘蔗原素。 3) Digestive System消化系統: Fiber纖維: Stabilized brown rice bran米糠、Certified organic whole apple powder ( binds heavy metals for removal from the gut and bloodstream.)有機認證整個蘋果粉 ( 與重金屬連結後,將它們從腸道和血液中排去體外 )、Certified organic de-oiled Flax seed concentrate有機認證亞麻籽、Certified organic Alfalfa sprout powder有機紫花苜蓿發芽粉。 Prebiotics 益生元: Larch arabinogalactan (an effective prebiotic; increases total beneficial gut microflora while shrinking populations of pathogenic bacteria) 伯半乳糖 ( 有益於腸道益生菌而縮減致病細菌的生長)、Nutraflora® fructo-oligosaccharides (feeds probiotics and suppresses pathogens) 果寡糖 ( 益生菌的食物及抑制致病細菌 )。 Probitoic 益生菌: Blend of 8 Strains of Probiotic Bacteria 18 Billion Organisms八種益生菌菌株(共1,800億): Lactobacillus rhamnosus HA-111=2.25 billion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus B, HA-114=2.25 billion, Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122=4.5 billion, Bifidobacterium bifidum HA-132=2.25 billion, Bifidobacterium breve HA-129=2.25 billion, Bifidobacterium longum HA-135=1.80 billion, Lactobacillus helveticus HA-128=1.35 billion, Lactobacillus paracasei HA-108=1.35 billion. Enzyme酵素: Protease 4.5=110 HUT & Protease 6.0=110 HUT分解蛋白質、Lipase=150 FCCLU分解脂肪、Amylase=6 DU & Invertase= 1 SU分解碳水化合物、Cellulase=7 CU分解纖維。 4) Antioxidant & Circulation 抗氧化及循環: Certified organic wheat sprout powder from grain有機小麥草芽粉、Silymarin standardized extract乳薊、Ginkgo biloba standardized extract銀杏、Green tea catechins standardized extract綠茶、Grape seed standardized OPC extract葡萄籽抽取物。 5) Immunity免疫系統: Suma powder蘇馬 ( Amazon strong anti-cancer plant亞馬遜森林超強抗癌植物)、Astragalus北耆 & Schizandra berry五味子 ( They are Chinese immune booster herb but unlike Echinacea that stimulates the immune system, they work by fortifying the immune system. 強力免疫力中草藥,但不像紫錐花般刺激免疫系統,而是強化它 )、Beta-1,3-1,6 glucans. 6) Energy力量: Royal jelly powder (Chloramphenacol free) 蜂皇漿、Wild crafted Midwestern Bee pollen powder野生花粉、Siberian ginseng standardized extract西伯利亞人參。 7) Tonic調理: Certified organic ginger root powder=20 mg有機薑、Certified organic cayenne pepper powder=2 mg有機辣椒。 8) Flavor天然香味: Certified organic Stevia leaf powder有機甜菊。

Green Vibrance 於1992年開始問世,它是市場上第一隻出現的綠色超級食物。始後,很多公司也開始模仿它,可是直到今天,都沒有任何一隻綠色超級食物可比美Green Vibrance。Green Vibrance是全球營養最完備的綠色超級食物,而且全部都是有以機認證或全天然的綠色食物制造,在市面上絕對找不到同類產品包含58種以有機或全天然的食品來制造的綠色超級食物。 最全面的營養,包括: 人體各種所需的大小營養元素、 改善消化及腸道系統、 改善人體各循環系統、 增強身體骨骼結構、 改善排除從新陳代謝及排毒而來的廢物、 改善精神系統、 改善心肺功能、 增強持久力、 改善血糖及膽固醇控制、 增強免疫力、 抗衰老等。 Green Vibrance came into being back in 1992. It was the first green superfood to appear in health and natural food stores. Since then, our concept of a green superfood has been imitated many times by other companies. Green Vibrance is the most complete certified organic and natural green superfood on the market. You can’t find other green products made from 58 organic and natural green food except Green Vibrance. More complete nutrition: A host of rare, scarce nutrients, Improved digestion and gastrointestinal function, Improved circulation, A stronger skeleton resistant to osteoporosis, More energy, Improved clearance of waste products of metabolism, detoxification, Improved neurological health, Improved cardiovascular function and health, Increased endurance, Improved blood sugar and cholesterol control, Strengthened immunity, Slowed aging, etc.

代餐:將一滿匙(內附),加入水或蔬菜汁中飲用,勿用熱水,會破壞當中的營養及酵素,適空肚服用。 營養補充:每日兩次,每次1/4匙。 服用期:60至120日。 Meal Replacement: Mix one rounded tablespoon scoop (enclosed) into large amount of vegetable juice or water on an empty stomach. Nutrition Supplement: 1/4 scoop twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients. Serving Period: 60 to 120 days.

Powder粉裝:Please store in refrigerator after opening. 請於開蓋後存放於冰箱內。

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