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Yin Chiao - Echinacea Complex by Planetary Formulas

120 粒 Tablets
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

傷風、感冒、咳。 Cold & Flu, Coughs.

成份 Ingredients:

Yin Chiao Formula (Honeysuckle, Forsythia Flower, Peppermint Leaf, Fermented Soy Bean, Licorice root, Schizonepeta plant, Balloon Flower, platycodon root, arctium seed, lophatherum plant). 銀翹解毒片:( 銀花、連翹、薄荷腦、豆豉、甘草、荊芥、桔梗、竹葉、板藍根 )。 Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia Standardized Extract)紫錐花、Boneset Leaf and Stem 貫葉澤蘭花、Elecampane.

詳細內容 Descriptions:

銀翹解毒片配方:主要用于治療風熱感冒、重型發熱、輕度怕冷、頭暈頭痛、鼻塞咽痛、全身無力、口渴思飲。 於1798年北京同仁堂研制了銀翹解毒片,多年來治療了無數的傷風感冒。 銀花:清熱解毒,用於治療上呼吸道感染、流行性感冒。 連翹:有清熱解毒、消癰散結、宣散透邪。 薄荷腦:清熱、除頭、眼、耳堵塞。 豆豉:清熱透疹、寬中除煩、入肺、有發汗、祛痰、利尿的作用。 甘草:清熱解毒、袪痰止咳、具輔助、協調、矯味作用。 荊芥:袪風解表、透疹、消癰、止血的功能。用於風寒感冒、發熱惡寒、無汗、頭痛、身痛。 桔梗:用於外感痰多咳嗽、咳痰不爽、風熱咳嗽、痰多胸悶、咽喉腫痛、聲音嘶啞、氣滯胸悶。 竹葉:能清熱除煩,生津利尿。 板藍根:清熱解毒,涼血利咽,消痛散結。適應於風熱,熱毒症,如急性扁桃體炎、流行腮腺炎、咽喉炎及感冒等。 In 1798 Dr. Wu Ju Tong first published the herbal formula, Yinchiao or Honeysuckle-Forsythia Pill. For hundreds of years, Yin Chiao has dealt a quick end to billions of unwanted colds, flu and other ailments. Honeysuckl: Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins, Expels Externally Contracted Wind Heat. Forsythia: Expels Contracted Wind Heat, Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins. Peppermint: Disperses Wind Heat, Clears the Head and Eyes and Benefits the Throat Fermented Soy Bean: Releases the Exterior for both Cold and Hot Exterior Conditions, Alleviates Irritability. Chinese Licorice root: Tonifies the spleen, benefits the oi, detoxifies fire poisons, moderates and harmonizes other herbs. Schizonepeta: Releases Exterior, expels wind cold and wind heat. Balloon Flower: Transforms Cold Phlegm, Circulates Lung Energy, Benefits the Throat, Directs the Action of Other Herbs Upwards. Crested Grass: Releases the exterior, disperses wind heat, lessens irritability, relieves thirst. Edible Burdock: Detoxifies fire poison, disperses wind heat and benefits the throat. Yin Chiao is one of the most valued of all classic Chinese herbal formulas for optimal health during the changing seasons. Planetary Formulas Yin Chiao-Echinacea Complex combines this time-honored classic with America's primary immune supporting botanical, echinacea. The addition of Chinese isatis and notopterygium, along with North American boneset and elecampane, completes this dynamic health combination.*

用法指引 Directions:

保健用:每日兩粒。空肚服用較好。 各種不適:每日兩至四次,每次兩至四粒。 General: 2 tabs daily preferably between meals. Various diseases: 2 to 4 tabs twice to four times daily.

備註 Remarks:

傷風、感冒、咳。 Cold & Flu, Coughs.

Yin Chiao Formula (Honeysuckle, Forsythia Flower, Peppermint Leaf, Fermented Soy Bean, Licorice root, Schizonepeta plant, Balloon Flower, platycodon root, arctium seed, lophatherum plant). 銀翹解毒片:( 銀花、連翹、薄荷腦、豆豉、甘草、荊芥、桔梗、竹葉、板藍根 )。 Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia Standardized Extract)紫錐花、Boneset Leaf and Stem 貫葉澤蘭花、Elecampane.

銀翹解毒片配方:主要用于治療風熱感冒、重型發熱、輕度怕冷、頭暈頭痛、鼻塞咽痛、全身無力、口渴思飲。 於1798年北京同仁堂研制了銀翹解毒片,多年來治療了無數的傷風感冒。 銀花:清熱解毒,用於治療上呼吸道感染、流行性感冒。 連翹:有清熱解毒、消癰散結、宣散透邪。 薄荷腦:清熱、除頭、眼、耳堵塞。 豆豉:清熱透疹、寬中除煩、入肺、有發汗、祛痰、利尿的作用。 甘草:清熱解毒、袪痰止咳、具輔助、協調、矯味作用。 荊芥:袪風解表、透疹、消癰、止血的功能。用於風寒感冒、發熱惡寒、無汗、頭痛、身痛。 桔梗:用於外感痰多咳嗽、咳痰不爽、風熱咳嗽、痰多胸悶、咽喉腫痛、聲音嘶啞、氣滯胸悶。 竹葉:能清熱除煩,生津利尿。 板藍根:清熱解毒,涼血利咽,消痛散結。適應於風熱,熱毒症,如急性扁桃體炎、流行腮腺炎、咽喉炎及感冒等。 In 1798 Dr. Wu Ju Tong first published the herbal formula, Yinchiao or Honeysuckle-Forsythia Pill. For hundreds of years, Yin Chiao has dealt a quick end to billions of unwanted colds, flu and other ailments. Honeysuckl: Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins, Expels Externally Contracted Wind Heat. Forsythia: Expels Contracted Wind Heat, Clears Heat, Cleans Toxins. Peppermint: Disperses Wind Heat, Clears the Head and Eyes and Benefits the Throat Fermented Soy Bean: Releases the Exterior for both Cold and Hot Exterior Conditions, Alleviates Irritability. Chinese Licorice root: Tonifies the spleen, benefits the oi, detoxifies fire poisons, moderates and harmonizes other herbs. Schizonepeta: Releases Exterior, expels wind cold and wind heat. Balloon Flower: Transforms Cold Phlegm, Circulates Lung Energy, Benefits the Throat, Directs the Action of Other Herbs Upwards. Crested Grass: Releases the exterior, disperses wind heat, lessens irritability, relieves thirst. Edible Burdock: Detoxifies fire poison, disperses wind heat and benefits the throat. Yin Chiao is one of the most valued of all classic Chinese herbal formulas for optimal health during the changing seasons. Planetary Formulas Yin Chiao-Echinacea Complex combines this time-honored classic with America's primary immune supporting botanical, echinacea. The addition of Chinese isatis and notopterygium, along with North American boneset and elecampane, completes this dynamic health combination.*

保健用:每日兩粒。空肚服用較好。 各種不適:每日兩至四次,每次兩至四粒。 General: 2 tabs daily preferably between meals. Various diseases: 2 to 4 tabs twice to four times daily.

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