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Super Natural C by Vibrance Health

60 Tab 粒:120mg
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 抗氣化;促進骨膠原、皮膚、骨頭、韌帶、牙齒、血管形成;促進傷口復原;造血等。
Antioxidant; promote formation of collagen, skin, bone, ligament, blood vessel, wound healing; blood building, etc.

成份 Ingredients: Vitamin C (from certified organic Acerola berry extract 針葉櫻桃 )=100 mg
Vitamin C (from wildcrafted Camu camu berry)=20 mg
Acai Berry Juice concentrate, 100% soluble =20 mg Amla water extract pdr (40% polyphenols; 20% emblicanin A)=20 mg
Grape seed extract 葡萄籽, French ( 95% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Green Tea extract 綠茶 (95% polyphenols, 45% EGCG)= 20 mg
Apple extract 蘋果 (60+% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Naseberry extract (80% polyphenols)=20 mg
Pomegranate extract 石榴 (80% polyphenols)=20 mg
White tea extract (90% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Wild Blueberry extract 藍梅(57% polyphenols)= 8 mg
Bioperine (min. 95% piperine)= 20 mg
Raspberry seed extract (80% polyphenols) =1 mg
Cranberry extract 蔓越莓(90% polyphenols and organic acids)= 1 mg
Prune extract 西莓(60% polyphenols) = 1 mg
Tart cherry extract (75% polyphenols)= 1 mg
Wild bilberry ext. 山桑子(65% phenols, 25% anthocyanidins) = 1 mg
Strawberry extract 士多啤利 (60% polyphenols)= 1 mg
Resveratrol = 1 mg
Quercetin = 1 mg

詳細內容 Descriptions: 100%全天然維他命 C
含全食物的 Bioflavinoids
超級天然維他命C含有極高的 Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity:抗氧化指數,由多種含有極高份量天然維他命C的果實天然制成,包括針葉櫻桃、Camu Camu, Amla, Acai Berry等。人工合成的維他命吸收率只有約10 - 20%,並且可能導致過敏或其它問題,化學的東西對人體是有危險性的!
100% Natural Vitamin C
Contains Whole-Food Bioflavinoids
Hand harvested in the Amazon Rainforest
Temperature-controlled proprietary process
No Genetically Modified Materials
No Added Ascorbic Acid
Safe for Vegetarians and it's Kosher

Are you tired of ascorbic acid Vitamin C, that is, vitamin C synthesized from corn sugar? Even though it fits the strictly defined molecular structure of Vitamin C, it is really not the form encountered in food. Indeed, some persons are even allergic to it.

Vibrant Health's Super Natural C takes advantage of recent developments in botanical research and development to combine the highest ORAC value plant extracts with natural vitamin C from Acerola berry and Camu-camu extracts. The result is a 100% natural vitamin C from plant sources.

用法指引 Directions: 保健用:每日一粒。
General: 1 tab daily.
Sickness and tumor: 1 to 3 tabs twice daily.
Whole food supplement may be taken on an empty.
Serving Period: 20 to 60 days.

備註 Remarks: 維他命C屬於水溶性,會隨水份流失,一天多次吸收比大量單一次吸收好。
大量長期服用維他命C有可能引致肚瀉、尿頻、腎石 ( 特別是人工合成的維他命 )。
Vitamin C is water soluble, taken several times in small amount better than in large amount once.
Long term over dosage may cause diarrhea, frequent urination, kidney stone, especially the synthetic vitamin.

Antioxidant; promote formation of collagen, skin, bone, ligament, blood vessel, wound healing; blood building, etc.
Vitamin C (from certified organic Acerola berry extract 針葉櫻桃 )=100 mg
Vitamin C (from wildcrafted Camu camu berry)=20 mg
Acai Berry Juice concentrate, 100% soluble =20 mg Amla water extract pdr (40% polyphenols; 20% emblicanin A)=20 mg
Grape seed extract 葡萄籽, French ( 95% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Green Tea extract 綠茶 (95% polyphenols, 45% EGCG)= 20 mg
Apple extract 蘋果 (60+% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Naseberry extract (80% polyphenols)=20 mg
Pomegranate extract 石榴 (80% polyphenols)=20 mg
White tea extract (90% polyphenols)= 20 mg
Wild Blueberry extract 藍梅(57% polyphenols)= 8 mg
Bioperine (min. 95% piperine)= 20 mg
Raspberry seed extract (80% polyphenols) =1 mg
Cranberry extract 蔓越莓(90% polyphenols and organic acids)= 1 mg
Prune extract 西莓(60% polyphenols) = 1 mg
Tart cherry extract (75% polyphenols)= 1 mg
Wild bilberry ext. 山桑子(65% phenols, 25% anthocyanidins) = 1 mg
Strawberry extract 士多啤利 (60% polyphenols)= 1 mg
Resveratrol = 1 mg
Quercetin = 1 mg
100%全天然維他命 C
含全食物的 Bioflavinoids
超級天然維他命C含有極高的 Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity:抗氧化指數,由多種含有極高份量天然維他命C的果實天然制成,包括針葉櫻桃、Camu Camu, Amla, Acai Berry等。人工合成的維他命吸收率只有約10 - 20%,並且可能導致過敏或其它問題,化學的東西對人體是有危險性的!
100% Natural Vitamin C
Contains Whole-Food Bioflavinoids
Hand harvested in the Amazon Rainforest
Temperature-controlled proprietary process
No Genetically Modified Materials
No Added Ascorbic Acid
Safe for Vegetarians and it's Kosher

Are you tired of ascorbic acid Vitamin C, that is, vitamin C synthesized from corn sugar? Even though it fits the strictly defined molecular structure of Vitamin C, it is really not the form encountered in food. Indeed, some persons are even allergic to it.

Vibrant Health's Super Natural C takes advantage of recent developments in botanical research and development to combine the highest ORAC value plant extracts with natural vitamin C from Acerola berry and Camu-camu extracts. The result is a 100% natural vitamin C from plant sources.
General: 1 tab daily.
Sickness and tumor: 1 to 3 tabs twice daily.
Whole food supplement may be taken on an empty.
Serving Period: 20 to 60 days.
大量長期服用維他命C有可能引致肚瀉、尿頻、腎石 ( 特別是人工合成的維他命 )。
Vitamin C is water soluble, taken several times in small amount better than in large amount once.
Long term over dosage may cause diarrhea, frequent urination, kidney stone, especially the synthetic vitamin.

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