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Miracle Krystal Salt by Klamath

1.1 lb磅
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:


成份 Ingredients:


詳細內容 Descriptions:

From the Himalayas 喜瑪拉雅山脈天然鹽 Full Spectrum of Essential Absorbable Minerals In the ultimate Ionic form 含全面天然礦物質 100% Pure, 250 Million Year Old Salt Crystals 250萬年古代鹽結晶體 Not Iodized Contains Natural Iodine Why is this salt so special? Krystal Salt holds the same crystaline structure that corresponds harmoniously with our bones and enzymes. Unlike normal table salt, which has just two elements: Sodium and Chloride, Krystal Salt contains up to 72 minerals that naturally exist in our bodies. These minerals are in the same proportion as found within human cells. These elements appear in ionic colloidal form which is the most absorbable to the cells, and has a natural adaptive absorption process, which means it can help to balance the body's needs. Pure crystal salt. This Krystal Salt is uniquely mined by hand. It is free of heat processing, has no additives, and no preservatives.

用法指引 Directions:

備註 Remarks:



From the Himalayas 喜瑪拉雅山脈天然鹽 Full Spectrum of Essential Absorbable Minerals In the ultimate Ionic form 含全面天然礦物質 100% Pure, 250 Million Year Old Salt Crystals 250萬年古代鹽結晶體 Not Iodized Contains Natural Iodine Why is this salt so special? Krystal Salt holds the same crystaline structure that corresponds harmoniously with our bones and enzymes. Unlike normal table salt, which has just two elements: Sodium and Chloride, Krystal Salt contains up to 72 minerals that naturally exist in our bodies. These minerals are in the same proportion as found within human cells. These elements appear in ionic colloidal form which is the most absorbable to the cells, and has a natural adaptive absorption process, which means it can help to balance the body's needs. Pure crystal salt. This Krystal Salt is uniquely mined by hand. It is free of heat processing, has no additives, and no preservatives.

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