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MenoChange by Planetary Herbals

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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:


成份 Ingredients:

Black Cohosh Extract Yielding 2.5% Triterpene Glycosides, Magnesium Citrate, Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Dong Quai Root Extract (4:1), Wild Yam Root Extract (4:1), Calcium Citrate, Anemerrhena Root, Bai-Zhu Atractylodes Rhizome, Bupleurum Root, Epimedium Leaf, Gardenia Fruit, Tree Peony Root Bark, Phellodendron Bark, Poria Sclerotium, Chinese Peony Root, Ginger Root, Motherwort Leaf and Licorice root

詳細內容 Descriptions:

證實可舒緩於更年期中的熱潮紅。它亦能減輕經前綜合症和幫助因缺乏血液而導致的貧血、被抑制的經期、子宮出血、產後腹痛、乾腸道、長期盆骨失調、便秘和頭痛等。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 黑升麻根非常有名於舒緩因更年期所帶來熱潮紅、夜汗和經痛等的問題,它可減低於一般更年期時出現較高荷爾蒙的問題,這種稱為激黃體素的荷爾蒙增加,被認為是導致熱潮紅和其它經期問題的主因,黑升麻根亦能舒緩經前綜合症。 Cimicifuga-Vitex Compound Herbal Supplement Planetary Herbals MenoChange Cimicifuga-Vitex Compound is a comprehensive botanical preparation, used to support a woman’s changing cycle through menopause. It contains a standardized black cohosh extract, along with wild yam root extract from Native American herbal traditions and Europe’s premier female regulator, Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree Berry). These are combined with traditional Chinese herbs, including dong quai, renowned for their ability to support a healthy reproductive system.

用法指引 Directions:

3 tablets daily between meals.

備註 Remarks:


Black Cohosh Extract Yielding 2.5% Triterpene Glycosides, Magnesium Citrate, Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Dong Quai Root Extract (4:1), Wild Yam Root Extract (4:1), Calcium Citrate, Anemerrhena Root, Bai-Zhu Atractylodes Rhizome, Bupleurum Root, Epimedium Leaf, Gardenia Fruit, Tree Peony Root Bark, Phellodendron Bark, Poria Sclerotium, Chinese Peony Root, Ginger Root, Motherwort Leaf and Licorice root

證實可舒緩於更年期中的熱潮紅。它亦能減輕經前綜合症和幫助因缺乏血液而導致的貧血、被抑制的經期、子宮出血、產後腹痛、乾腸道、長期盆骨失調、便秘和頭痛等。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 黑升麻根非常有名於舒緩因更年期所帶來熱潮紅、夜汗和經痛等的問題,它可減低於一般更年期時出現較高荷爾蒙的問題,這種稱為激黃體素的荷爾蒙增加,被認為是導致熱潮紅和其它經期問題的主因,黑升麻根亦能舒緩經前綜合症。 Cimicifuga-Vitex Compound Herbal Supplement Planetary Herbals MenoChange Cimicifuga-Vitex Compound is a comprehensive botanical preparation, used to support a woman’s changing cycle through menopause. It contains a standardized black cohosh extract, along with wild yam root extract from Native American herbal traditions and Europe’s premier female regulator, Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree Berry). These are combined with traditional Chinese herbs, including dong quai, renowned for their ability to support a healthy reproductive system.

3 tablets daily between meals.

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