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Herbal Iron by Dr Christopher

100 Veg Cap 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

鐵質主要用來制造血色素和肌球蛋白;紅血球細胞氧化作用;幫助酵素作用;幫助免疫系統等。 Production of hemoglobin & myoglobin; oxygenation of red blood cells; aid in immunity.

成份 Ingredients:

White Oak Bark, Yellow Dock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Mullein Leaves, Black Walnut Leaves, Lobelia Herb & Marshmallow Root.

詳細內容 Descriptions:

利用生化原理使鐵質轉變成有機血鐵複合物,促進形成血色素及氧化。除了含有鐵質外,還含有其它礦物質、食物、草本植物,特別是葉綠素,能大大幫助造血。 Biotransforms iron into an organic heme complex and promotes hemoglobin and oxygenation. Delivers iron and synergistic vitamins within the infinite complexity of food.

用法指引 Directions:

保健用:每日一粒。 貧血、月經、孕婦、內外嚴重出血等:每日兩次,每次一至兩粒。 全食物制造,可空肚服用。 服用期:25至100日。 General: 1 tab daily. Anemia, menstruation, pregnancy, bleeding: 1 to 2 tabs twice daily. Whole food supplement may be taken on an empty. Serving Period: 25 to 100 days.

備註 Remarks:

高份量服用鐵質同時會減少銅及鋅的吸收,但卻可增加維他命C的吸收。 常常喝茶或咖啡會引致缺乏鐵質。 應避免長期服用大量的鐵質,特別是兒童,吸收過量會引致嘔吐、肚瀉、腸胃或肝臟受損等。 High intake of iron will decrease the absorption of copper & zinc, but increase in vitamin C. High amount drinking of coffee & tea will cause lack of iron. Over dosage of iron may cause vomit, diarrhea, gastrointestinal or liver damage, especially children.

鐵質主要用來制造血色素和肌球蛋白;紅血球細胞氧化作用;幫助酵素作用;幫助免疫系統等。 Production of hemoglobin & myoglobin; oxygenation of red blood cells; aid in immunity.

White Oak Bark, Yellow Dock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Mullein Leaves, Black Walnut Leaves, Lobelia Herb & Marshmallow Root.

利用生化原理使鐵質轉變成有機血鐵複合物,促進形成血色素及氧化。除了含有鐵質外,還含有其它礦物質、食物、草本植物,特別是葉綠素,能大大幫助造血。 Biotransforms iron into an organic heme complex and promotes hemoglobin and oxygenation. Delivers iron and synergistic vitamins within the infinite complexity of food.

保健用:每日一粒。 貧血、月經、孕婦、內外嚴重出血等:每日兩次,每次一至兩粒。 全食物制造,可空肚服用。 服用期:25至100日。 General: 1 tab daily. Anemia, menstruation, pregnancy, bleeding: 1 to 2 tabs twice daily. Whole food supplement may be taken on an empty. Serving Period: 25 to 100 days.

高份量服用鐵質同時會減少銅及鋅的吸收,但卻可增加維他命C的吸收。 常常喝茶或咖啡會引致缺乏鐵質。 應避免長期服用大量的鐵質,特別是兒童,吸收過量會引致嘔吐、肚瀉、腸胃或肝臟受損等。 High intake of iron will decrease the absorption of copper & zinc, but increase in vitamin C. High amount drinking of coffee & tea will cause lack of iron. Over dosage of iron may cause vomit, diarrhea, gastrointestinal or liver damage, especially children.

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