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神聖幾何 Orgone 吊墜

Sacred Geometry Orgone Pendant

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獨立性 Uniqueness:


功效 Purpose:


成份 Ingredients:

24 kt gold, silver, copper and SBB COIL 

This orgonite is programed with Natural 432HZ Harmonics Vibration, which unites us with the universal harmony. 
經調至 tuned to 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency( DNA Reapiring Power) and 4096hz Crystal Tuning Fork(Angel Frequency):有更強能量及療效作用。
Solfeggio Frequency 參考資料 

Diameter: 35 mm 

詳細內容 Descriptions:

Wilhelm Reich威廉·賴希生於1897奧地利,起初於維也納大學修讀法律,不久轉到醫學院學習醫學。1922年獲醫學博士學位。Dr Reich綜合弗洛伊德主義與馬克思主義,提出了「弗洛伊德主義的馬克思主義」體系,成為精神分析學的創始人,被稱為「維也納第一精神分析學派」。
Dr Reich 於臨床裡發現,偶然發現當人處於情緒崩潰的情況下,有生物電流Bio-electric Charge的出現。這電流於負面情緒時從體外流入體內,於正面喜悅時卻從體內流出體外。同時發現電流外展時影響副交感神經,導致血管舒張、血流增多、鎮痛、增強消化、腸道蠕動增加、愉快、性興奮等。內收時影響交感神經,顯示跟剛才所提外展時相反的生理影響。
他再從微生物裡發現囊泡Vesicle發展到生命體,稱為 Bion及Biogensis。進一步生物實驗裡,他發現非金屬物質和金屬性物質組合下,會產生影響Bion的生物能量,並稱為 Orgone energy。他發現非金屬物質non-metallic 會吸收及儲存能量,相反金屬性物質metallic會釋放能量。最後設計了這能量收集器Orgone Energy Accumulator: ORAC。
人體本身也有能量場Aura,正常需要吸收食物及外界Orgone 能量(如太陽)來維持正常生命。但各種負能量影響下,人體健康便會產生出各種問題,負能量導致bion形成有問題細胞,包括癌症也因此而成。
ORAC就是用來避免Biopathic Disturbances,除袪積蓄於體內的負能量並轉化成正能量。
Dr. Reich還製作了Cloudbuster,可以驅散雲層,使天氣晴郎。 

到了2000年, Don及Carol Croft發現將有機樹脂和金屬混合後,更能吸引及收集Orgone Energy,經過測試及改良後製成了Orgonite,每個Orgonite Tower內都加入5個白水晶柱,一個向上,其他的向四個方向,將轉化後的能量發放出來,而且不停運作。




生命之花是將圓形拆成許多全等的尖橢圓光輪而成。 過程重複7次,同時向外旋轉,創造出“細胞”圖案。 而每到第8次分裂就是一次新的向外旋轉,如此重複下去,直到無限次,創造出母體。
雖然生命之花圖樣在二維看起來是一連串的圓形,但其實是在表達三維空間球內有球的過程,因此圖樣很像人體細胞的減數分裂,也讓生命之花成為自然創生過程的幾何象徵。 由於每個“細胞”都包含母體的模式,生命之花就好比全像圖片,和宇宙相仿,其圖樣的樹枝狀結構描繪了光的幾何互動模式,如同人體內的遺傳物質、DNA的遺傳密碼排列。 生命之花是一種純粹的意識火焰,位於地球孕育源頭的深處,人類的意識層次需要依賴它才得以存在。 在它的比例結構中涵蓋了有關生命的每一種面向。 它代表了所有的數學方程式,所有的物理學定律,每一種音樂和弦,每一種生命的生理形式,包括你的身體。 包括每個原子、所有的次元層次,它包含波動宇宙中的每件事。


梅爾卡巴 Merkaba
梅爾卡巴是指在我們人體內外由一個形如六芒星的神聖幾何學構成的晶體能量場。 梅爾就是指在相同的空間存在兩個反方向旋轉的光場。 它能調整人的意識和身心。 通常這些幾何能量場以接近於光的速度在人身體內外轉動,只是由於人們沒有意識到此場的存在,能量場已經減速或者完全停止。 當人們真正認識到能量場的存在並主動應用時,梅爾卡巴場才有可能被激活並發揮其巨大的作用。
參考資料: 梅爾卡巴 

The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire and is linked to the Solar Plexus; the center for personal power and acceptance. It creates the natural balance between the physical and spiritual. Each side sits flat, no matter how it is turned, making it the perfect symbol for balance and stability.
The Cube is associated with the element of Earth and corresponds to the Root Chakra. The Hexahedron sits flat, firmly rooted to its spot. Meditating on this shape will assist in grounding energy, maintaining focus, removing tension and easing physical stresses. It will reconnect your energies to those of the earth and nature.
The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra; the center for love and compassion. This chakra is where we access our healing and nurturing aspects, where we find acceptance and forgiveness. The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. By working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature our self and begin to understand our true nature
The Icosahedron is associated with the element of Water and corresponds to the Sacral Chakra. Water is all about movement, flow, and change. This shape can assist in enhancing the creative thought process. It may assist in removing any emotional blockages that are disrupting creative energies. The Icosahedron is an amazing tool that teaches us to ‘go with the flow’; allowing freedom of expression, creativity and positive change to flow effortlessly through us.
The Dodecahedron is linked to the Ethers/Universe and works through the higher Chakras from the 6th Third Eye, 7th Crown, 8th Higher Crown and above. It is a perfect tool to use in meditation as the energy held within this sacred shape can raise your vibration up to facilitate connection to your Higher Self and the Source. The Dodecahedron is an expression of life and consciousness, allowing us to go beyond the vibrations of the physical body and to reconnect with the higher vibration of our true nature.
The MekaBa is the Light Body vehicle, and it is the key to understanding how to move from one dimension or level to another. It is the divine light vehicle supposedly used by Ascended Masters to connect with, and reach those in tune with the higher realms. When this shape is activated around your body, you are in a place of complete protection, with the surrounding energy being generated from pure Divine Love.
Metatron’s Cube is a sacred Sacred Geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation, and it is this ‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of time.Source energy, through the field of Metatron’s Cube, creates the potential field of creation – a field of high vibrational frequencies that ripple out through creation eventually creating colour, then sound and finally at their lower levels of vibration – physical matter.

用法指引 Directions:


盡量放於空氣流通之處。如長期放於密封地方,請最少一個月一次放於戶外做淨化,或可用其它Orgone / 能量石等同放一日。

備註 Remarks:

Orgonite是一種能量,是充滿宇宙和我們身體一切事物的乙太Ether 能的另一種名字。
各種不同材料組合之Orgonite 有不同作用,但都有都有化解負能量作用,並可增加個人能量、Aura 場增強、植物及生物之能量增強、療癒作用等。








24 kt gold, silver, copper and SBB COIL 

This orgonite is programed with Natural 432HZ Harmonics Vibration, which unites us with the universal harmony. 
經調至 tuned to 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency( DNA Reapiring Power) and 4096hz Crystal Tuning Fork(Angel Frequency):有更強能量及療效作用。
Solfeggio Frequency 參考資料 

Diameter: 35 mm 

Wilhelm Reich威廉·賴希生於1897奧地利,起初於維也納大學修讀法律,不久轉到醫學院學習醫學。1922年獲醫學博士學位。Dr Reich綜合弗洛伊德主義與馬克思主義,提出了「弗洛伊德主義的馬克思主義」體系,成為精神分析學的創始人,被稱為「維也納第一精神分析學派」。
Dr Reich 於臨床裡發現,偶然發現當人處於情緒崩潰的情況下,有生物電流Bio-electric Charge的出現。這電流於負面情緒時從體外流入體內,於正面喜悅時卻從體內流出體外。同時發現電流外展時影響副交感神經,導致血管舒張、血流增多、鎮痛、增強消化、腸道蠕動增加、愉快、性興奮等。內收時影響交感神經,顯示跟剛才所提外展時相反的生理影響。
他再從微生物裡發現囊泡Vesicle發展到生命體,稱為 Bion及Biogensis。進一步生物實驗裡,他發現非金屬物質和金屬性物質組合下,會產生影響Bion的生物能量,並稱為 Orgone energy。他發現非金屬物質non-metallic 會吸收及儲存能量,相反金屬性物質metallic會釋放能量。最後設計了這能量收集器Orgone Energy Accumulator: ORAC。
人體本身也有能量場Aura,正常需要吸收食物及外界Orgone 能量(如太陽)來維持正常生命。但各種負能量影響下,人體健康便會產生出各種問題,負能量導致bion形成有問題細胞,包括癌症也因此而成。
ORAC就是用來避免Biopathic Disturbances,除袪積蓄於體內的負能量並轉化成正能量。
Dr. Reich還製作了Cloudbuster,可以驅散雲層,使天氣晴郎。 

到了2000年, Don及Carol Croft發現將有機樹脂和金屬混合後,更能吸引及收集Orgone Energy,經過測試及改良後製成了Orgonite,每個Orgonite Tower內都加入5個白水晶柱,一個向上,其他的向四個方向,將轉化後的能量發放出來,而且不停運作。




生命之花是將圓形拆成許多全等的尖橢圓光輪而成。 過程重複7次,同時向外旋轉,創造出“細胞”圖案。 而每到第8次分裂就是一次新的向外旋轉,如此重複下去,直到無限次,創造出母體。
雖然生命之花圖樣在二維看起來是一連串的圓形,但其實是在表達三維空間球內有球的過程,因此圖樣很像人體細胞的減數分裂,也讓生命之花成為自然創生過程的幾何象徵。 由於每個“細胞”都包含母體的模式,生命之花就好比全像圖片,和宇宙相仿,其圖樣的樹枝狀結構描繪了光的幾何互動模式,如同人體內的遺傳物質、DNA的遺傳密碼排列。 生命之花是一種純粹的意識火焰,位於地球孕育源頭的深處,人類的意識層次需要依賴它才得以存在。 在它的比例結構中涵蓋了有關生命的每一種面向。 它代表了所有的數學方程式,所有的物理學定律,每一種音樂和弦,每一種生命的生理形式,包括你的身體。 包括每個原子、所有的次元層次,它包含波動宇宙中的每件事。


梅爾卡巴 Merkaba
梅爾卡巴是指在我們人體內外由一個形如六芒星的神聖幾何學構成的晶體能量場。 梅爾就是指在相同的空間存在兩個反方向旋轉的光場。 它能調整人的意識和身心。 通常這些幾何能量場以接近於光的速度在人身體內外轉動,只是由於人們沒有意識到此場的存在,能量場已經減速或者完全停止。 當人們真正認識到能量場的存在並主動應用時,梅爾卡巴場才有可能被激活並發揮其巨大的作用。
參考資料: 梅爾卡巴 

The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire and is linked to the Solar Plexus; the center for personal power and acceptance. It creates the natural balance between the physical and spiritual. Each side sits flat, no matter how it is turned, making it the perfect symbol for balance and stability.
The Cube is associated with the element of Earth and corresponds to the Root Chakra. The Hexahedron sits flat, firmly rooted to its spot. Meditating on this shape will assist in grounding energy, maintaining focus, removing tension and easing physical stresses. It will reconnect your energies to those of the earth and nature.
The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra; the center for love and compassion. This chakra is where we access our healing and nurturing aspects, where we find acceptance and forgiveness. The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. By working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature our self and begin to understand our true nature
The Icosahedron is associated with the element of Water and corresponds to the Sacral Chakra. Water is all about movement, flow, and change. This shape can assist in enhancing the creative thought process. It may assist in removing any emotional blockages that are disrupting creative energies. The Icosahedron is an amazing tool that teaches us to ‘go with the flow’; allowing freedom of expression, creativity and positive change to flow effortlessly through us.
The Dodecahedron is linked to the Ethers/Universe and works through the higher Chakras from the 6th Third Eye, 7th Crown, 8th Higher Crown and above. It is a perfect tool to use in meditation as the energy held within this sacred shape can raise your vibration up to facilitate connection to your Higher Self and the Source. The Dodecahedron is an expression of life and consciousness, allowing us to go beyond the vibrations of the physical body and to reconnect with the higher vibration of our true nature.
The MekaBa is the Light Body vehicle, and it is the key to understanding how to move from one dimension or level to another. It is the divine light vehicle supposedly used by Ascended Masters to connect with, and reach those in tune with the higher realms. When this shape is activated around your body, you are in a place of complete protection, with the surrounding energy being generated from pure Divine Love.
Metatron’s Cube is a sacred Sacred Geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation, and it is this ‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of time.Source energy, through the field of Metatron’s Cube, creates the potential field of creation – a field of high vibrational frequencies that ripple out through creation eventually creating colour, then sound and finally at their lower levels of vibration – physical matter.


盡量放於空氣流通之處。如長期放於密封地方,請最少一個月一次放於戶外做淨化,或可用其它Orgone / 能量石等同放一日。

Orgonite是一種能量,是充滿宇宙和我們身體一切事物的乙太Ether 能的另一種名字。
各種不同材料組合之Orgonite 有不同作用,但都有都有化解負能量作用,並可增加個人能量、Aura 場增強、植物及生物之能量增強、療癒作用等。






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