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Green Kamut Wheatgrass by G.K.C. Int.

240 Cap 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

幫助造血、清血、抗氧化、各種營養等。 Blood building & purifying, antioxidant, multi-nutrients, etc.

成份 Ingredients:

65% organic kamut® grass juice, 35% organic alfalfa leaf juice. Green Kamut is gluten free. QAI certified organic.

詳細內容 Descriptions:

Green Kamut Corp. 有機農場面積達2800 英畝,位於美國猶他州東南部的高達5000 英呎高山的古老火山湖床上,一年只種植一次可以讓農作物吸收最高的有機營養,從收割、清洗、榨汁到烘乾全部控制在農場溫度華氏 88 度且使用無巴氏消毒將它們的養份完整保留如同生吃一般 。100%由汁而制成,汁是整棵植物的精華。很多同類產品只將整這些草打成粉,營養價值相差甚遠,吸收率低,也不能服用過多,因這些草的纖維甚難消化,只適合牛隻等動物食用。 Kamut是小麥的近親,但營養成份比小麥草還要高,與小麥草汁相比,Kamut草汁多25%的蛋白質、多10%的胡蘿蔔素,多90%的鉀、多148%的鈣、多50%的鐵、多49%的抗氧化物等,Kamut 含有更多的riboflavin, thiamine and niacin,特別是葉綠素及維他命E,且不含Gluten,不會引起過敏問題。 紫花苜蓿被稱為葉綠素之王,食物之父等,它的根深入地下超過100呎,含極高鹼性及營養,特別是葉綠素,鈣質及維他命K。紫花苜蓿有抗炎、抗菌、抗腫瘤、抗毒、淨血及利尿等功效。 Kamut and alfalfa are planted together on 2,800 acres of virgin organic farmland on an ancient volcanic lake bed over 5 000 feet high in the mountains of South-eastern Utah. Annual crop rotations and the fact that the crops are re-mineralized by the seasonal run-off from the surrounding hills assure maximum nutrition in each harvest. The leaves are harvested, rinsed, juiced, and dried "on sight" at only 88 degrees f. Yielding a completely non-pasteurized product which retains the "live" qualities of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They are all 100% pure grass juice, unlike common commercial products made of ground grass which contains indigestible fiber suitable for cow only. Kamut is an heirloom, non-hybrid ancient grain from the nile region of Egypt. Compared to Wheatgrass Powder, green Kamut® Juice Powder is 25% richer in protein, 10% higher in beta carotene, 90% higher in potassium, 148% higher in calcium, 50% higher in iron and possesses 49% higher antioxidant activity. Kamut contains more riboflavin, thiamine and niacin than common wheat, and is significantly higher in Vitamin E and chlorophyll. Of the 18 amino acids usually found in wheat, 16 are higher in Kamut (from 34% to 65% higher). Alfalfa - the "Father of All Foods" is one of the best known & most nutritious of foods. The root system of the alfalfa plant reaches out over 100 feet into the earth allowing the plant to absorb high levels of minerals, especially calcium. Alfalfa has antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor, tonic, and blood purifying properties, and being diuretic. Detail of Kamut 參考資料

用法指引 Directions:

每日一至兩次,每次三粒,之後飲用一大杯水,勿用熱水,會破壞當中的營養及酵素,適空肚服用。 服用期:40至80日。 三粒Kamut等於1oz鮮草汁。 3 caps with large amount of water on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients. Serving Period: 40 to 80 days. 3 caps=1oz fresh Kamut grass juice.

備註 Remarks:

幫助造血、清血、抗氧化、各種營養等。 Blood building & purifying, antioxidant, multi-nutrients, etc.

65% organic kamut® grass juice, 35% organic alfalfa leaf juice. Green Kamut is gluten free. QAI certified organic.

Green Kamut Corp. 有機農場面積達2800 英畝,位於美國猶他州東南部的高達5000 英呎高山的古老火山湖床上,一年只種植一次可以讓農作物吸收最高的有機營養,從收割、清洗、榨汁到烘乾全部控制在農場溫度華氏 88 度且使用無巴氏消毒將它們的養份完整保留如同生吃一般 。100%由汁而制成,汁是整棵植物的精華。很多同類產品只將整這些草打成粉,營養價值相差甚遠,吸收率低,也不能服用過多,因這些草的纖維甚難消化,只適合牛隻等動物食用。 Kamut是小麥的近親,但營養成份比小麥草還要高,與小麥草汁相比,Kamut草汁多25%的蛋白質、多10%的胡蘿蔔素,多90%的鉀、多148%的鈣、多50%的鐵、多49%的抗氧化物等,Kamut 含有更多的riboflavin, thiamine and niacin,特別是葉綠素及維他命E,且不含Gluten,不會引起過敏問題。 紫花苜蓿被稱為葉綠素之王,食物之父等,它的根深入地下超過100呎,含極高鹼性及營養,特別是葉綠素,鈣質及維他命K。紫花苜蓿有抗炎、抗菌、抗腫瘤、抗毒、淨血及利尿等功效。 Kamut and alfalfa are planted together on 2,800 acres of virgin organic farmland on an ancient volcanic lake bed over 5 000 feet high in the mountains of South-eastern Utah. Annual crop rotations and the fact that the crops are re-mineralized by the seasonal run-off from the surrounding hills assure maximum nutrition in each harvest. The leaves are harvested, rinsed, juiced, and dried "on sight" at only 88 degrees f. Yielding a completely non-pasteurized product which retains the "live" qualities of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They are all 100% pure grass juice, unlike common commercial products made of ground grass which contains indigestible fiber suitable for cow only. Kamut is an heirloom, non-hybrid ancient grain from the nile region of Egypt. Compared to Wheatgrass Powder, green Kamut® Juice Powder is 25% richer in protein, 10% higher in beta carotene, 90% higher in potassium, 148% higher in calcium, 50% higher in iron and possesses 49% higher antioxidant activity. Kamut contains more riboflavin, thiamine and niacin than common wheat, and is significantly higher in Vitamin E and chlorophyll. Of the 18 amino acids usually found in wheat, 16 are higher in Kamut (from 34% to 65% higher). Alfalfa - the "Father of All Foods" is one of the best known & most nutritious of foods. The root system of the alfalfa plant reaches out over 100 feet into the earth allowing the plant to absorb high levels of minerals, especially calcium. Alfalfa has antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor, tonic, and blood purifying properties, and being diuretic. Detail of Kamut 參考資料

每日一至兩次,每次三粒,之後飲用一大杯水,勿用熱水,會破壞當中的營養及酵素,適空肚服用。 服用期:40至80日。 三粒Kamut等於1oz鮮草汁。 3 caps with large amount of water on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients. Serving Period: 40 to 80 days. 3 caps=1oz fresh Kamut grass juice.

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