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Source Naturals 有機螺旋藻

Source Naturals USDA certified Organic Spirulina

8 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 有益於免疫系統、肝臟、腎臟、血液、消化及循環系統。
Good to immunity, liver, kidney, blood, digestion & circulation.

成份 Ingredients: 螺旋藻

詳細內容 Descriptions: Source naturals 螺旋藻為100%被美國其中最嚴格的認證機構USDA所認證,且經冷壓營養沒有被破壞的螺旋藻,沒有加入任何的雜質及人工化合物。
螺旋藻含高達65 - 70%可消化的蛋白質,其蛋白質含量是雞肉的三倍、大米的十倍,包含了8種人體無法自行製造的氨基酸。螺旋藻的抗氧化物:胡蘿蔔素含量特別高,亦含有極豐富的維他命B雜,特別是B12,對素食者特別重要。亦含有多種維他命、14種高吸收的礦物質及多種微量元素。更含有Gamma-亞麻油酸、高量的DNA與RNA。另外,螺旋藻的細胞內並且含有一種特殊的藻藍素 ( Phycocyanin ),它與葉綠素結合在一起成為強力的抗氧化物。
ESource naturals is 100% certified cold-pressed organic by USDA without any additive and chemical.Spirulina: a spiral-shaped one-celled form of blue-green algae, attaining sizes of 0.5 millimeters in length, is one of the oldest creatures in the world. Spirulina is one of the richest and most complete sources of nutrition in the world. It contains over 60 vital substances: vitamins and minerals, all of the essential amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes andantioxidants. Spirulina also contains high amounts of solar energy. Virtually everything you need for a healthy body and an active life.
Spirulina increases production of antibodies, cytokines (infection fighting proteins), and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer.
Spirulina is approximately 65-70% easily digestible protein. Its protein content is 3 times and 10 times higher than chicken and rice. Spirulina protein is 95% digestible compared to meat sources. It contains 18 out of 22 amino acids and all of the essential amino acids. Spirulina is particularly high in powerful antioxidant beta-carotene. Spirulina is an excellent source of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12, which is important for vegetarians. This nutritious food also contains multi-vitamin and 14 naturally chelated minerals and numerous trace elements. It also contains Gamma linolenic acid, high amount of RNA & DHA, phycocyanin: become a strong antioxidant when combined with chlorophyll.

用法指引 Directions: 每日一至兩次,每次一茶匙(3g),混入一大杯水中。
服用期:75日。8 oz
1 teaspoon (3g) mixed with large amount of water or vegetable juice on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients.
Serving Period: 75 days. (8 oz)

備註 Remarks:

Good to immunity, liver, kidney, blood, digestion & circulation.
Source naturals 螺旋藻為100%被美國其中最嚴格的認證機構USDA所認證,且經冷壓營養沒有被破壞的螺旋藻,沒有加入任何的雜質及人工化合物。
螺旋藻含高達65 - 70%可消化的蛋白質,其蛋白質含量是雞肉的三倍、大米的十倍,包含了8種人體無法自行製造的氨基酸。螺旋藻的抗氧化物:胡蘿蔔素含量特別高,亦含有極豐富的維他命B雜,特別是B12,對素食者特別重要。亦含有多種維他命、14種高吸收的礦物質及多種微量元素。更含有Gamma-亞麻油酸、高量的DNA與RNA。另外,螺旋藻的細胞內並且含有一種特殊的藻藍素 ( Phycocyanin ),它與葉綠素結合在一起成為強力的抗氧化物。
ESource naturals is 100% certified cold-pressed organic by USDA without any additive and chemical.Spirulina: a spiral-shaped one-celled form of blue-green algae, attaining sizes of 0.5 millimeters in length, is one of the oldest creatures in the world. Spirulina is one of the richest and most complete sources of nutrition in the world. It contains over 60 vital substances: vitamins and minerals, all of the essential amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes andantioxidants. Spirulina also contains high amounts of solar energy. Virtually everything you need for a healthy body and an active life.
Spirulina increases production of antibodies, cytokines (infection fighting proteins), and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer.
Spirulina is approximately 65-70% easily digestible protein. Its protein content is 3 times and 10 times higher than chicken and rice. Spirulina protein is 95% digestible compared to meat sources. It contains 18 out of 22 amino acids and all of the essential amino acids. Spirulina is particularly high in powerful antioxidant beta-carotene. Spirulina is an excellent source of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12, which is important for vegetarians. This nutritious food also contains multi-vitamin and 14 naturally chelated minerals and numerous trace elements. It also contains Gamma linolenic acid, high amount of RNA & DHA, phycocyanin: become a strong antioxidant when combined with chlorophyll.

服用期:75日。8 oz
1 teaspoon (3g) mixed with large amount of water or vegetable juice on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients.
Serving Period: 75 days. (8 oz)

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