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Chlorella ( Yaeyama ) by Source Naturals

8 oz (227g)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 有益於免疫系統、肝臟、腎臟、血液、消化及循環系統。
Good to immunity, liver, kidney, blood, digestion & circulation.

成份 Ingredients: 100% fresh-water chlorella, grown on the coral reef island of Ishigaki, Japan. Yaeyama Chlorella=3 mg.

詳細內容 Descriptions: Source Naturals的綠藻來自Yaeyama Chlorella八重山,生長於日本無污染Island of Ishigaki的珊瑚礁,由純淨的山澗水所灌溉。Yaeyama有超過35年生產綠藻的經驗,為日本最大的綠藻生產者及世界大型生產廠的先驅。八重山純潔及超高質量的綠藻為世界所聞名。其細胞壁經Jet-Spray Drying處理,其內營養大大被釋放而充份被人體直接所吸收,市面上一些Chlorella產品並沒有經破壁處理。
綠藻俗稱小球藻,又名海中金翡翠,是生長在新鮮、無污染水域的單細胞植物,是植物界的元老級人物 (2億年前的植物 )。綠球藻含有特殊而可貴的綠球藻成長素(CGF),不但可以活化細胞,延緩老化現象,也能提高人體的免疫能力,改善酸性體質,強化肝臟、腎臟的機能。
綠藻可引發人體產生干擾素 (Interferon),增加體內吞噬細胞及T細胞,吞掉及對付外來細菌和致病物質,又有抗癌的效果。
綠藻是其中一種含有最豐富DNA及RNA的植物,還有多種酵素如chlorophyllase and pepsin、超過20種的維他命及礦物質、全維他命B雜、8種必需氨基酸等。
Source Naturals Chlorella Yaeyama is grown on the coral reef island of Ishigaki, Japan, fed by pure mountain drinking water and food-grade nutrients. It has over 35 years experience in research and growth of Chlorella. It is the largest Chlorella grower in Japan and the world pioneer in large-scale production. Yaeyama Chlorella is known the world over for its quality and purity. Yaeyama Chlorella cell walls are broken by high impact jet-spray drying. In your body, the open cells allow the nutrients to be released and assimilated directly into your system. Some commercial chlorella is not cell-wall-broken. Chlorella has been on earth since the pre-Cambrian period over 2 billion years. One of chlorella's unique properties is C.G.F. (Chlorella Growth Factor). C.G.F. acids in the process of growth, control division, growth and production of cells. C.G.F. is considered to be the most valuable component in chlorella.
Chlorella gets its name from the high amount of chlorophyl it possesses. Chlorella contains more chlorophyl per gram than any other plant. Chlorophyl is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems, such as the liver and the blood.
Chlorella stimulates the activity of macrophages and T-cells by increasing interferon levels thus enhancing the immune system's ability to combat foreign invaders.
Chlorella is one of the highest natural sources of DNA and RNA, and contains many different types of enzymes such as chlorophyllase and pepsin, 19 amino acids, including the eight essential amino acids, 20 different vitamins and minerals and most of the B complex.

用法指引 Directions: 每日一至兩次,每次一茶匙(3g),混入一大杯水中。勿用熱水,會破壞當中的營養及酵素,適空肚服用。
1 teaspoon (3g) mixed with large amount of water or vegetable juice on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients.
Serving Period: 38 to 75 days.

備註 Remarks:

Good to immunity, liver, kidney, blood, digestion & circulation.
100% fresh-water chlorella, grown on the coral reef island of Ishigaki, Japan. Yaeyama Chlorella=3 mg.
Source Naturals的綠藻來自Yaeyama Chlorella八重山,生長於日本無污染Island of Ishigaki的珊瑚礁,由純淨的山澗水所灌溉。Yaeyama有超過35年生產綠藻的經驗,為日本最大的綠藻生產者及世界大型生產廠的先驅。八重山純潔及超高質量的綠藻為世界所聞名。其細胞壁經Jet-Spray Drying處理,其內營養大大被釋放而充份被人體直接所吸收,市面上一些Chlorella產品並沒有經破壁處理。
綠藻俗稱小球藻,又名海中金翡翠,是生長在新鮮、無污染水域的單細胞植物,是植物界的元老級人物 (2億年前的植物 )。綠球藻含有特殊而可貴的綠球藻成長素(CGF),不但可以活化細胞,延緩老化現象,也能提高人體的免疫能力,改善酸性體質,強化肝臟、腎臟的機能。
綠藻可引發人體產生干擾素 (Interferon),增加體內吞噬細胞及T細胞,吞掉及對付外來細菌和致病物質,又有抗癌的效果。
綠藻是其中一種含有最豐富DNA及RNA的植物,還有多種酵素如chlorophyllase and pepsin、超過20種的維他命及礦物質、全維他命B雜、8種必需氨基酸等。
Source Naturals Chlorella Yaeyama is grown on the coral reef island of Ishigaki, Japan, fed by pure mountain drinking water and food-grade nutrients. It has over 35 years experience in research and growth of Chlorella. It is the largest Chlorella grower in Japan and the world pioneer in large-scale production. Yaeyama Chlorella is known the world over for its quality and purity. Yaeyama Chlorella cell walls are broken by high impact jet-spray drying. In your body, the open cells allow the nutrients to be released and assimilated directly into your system. Some commercial chlorella is not cell-wall-broken. Chlorella has been on earth since the pre-Cambrian period over 2 billion years. One of chlorella's unique properties is C.G.F. (Chlorella Growth Factor). C.G.F. acids in the process of growth, control division, growth and production of cells. C.G.F. is considered to be the most valuable component in chlorella.
Chlorella gets its name from the high amount of chlorophyl it possesses. Chlorella contains more chlorophyl per gram than any other plant. Chlorophyl is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems, such as the liver and the blood.
Chlorella stimulates the activity of macrophages and T-cells by increasing interferon levels thus enhancing the immune system's ability to combat foreign invaders.
Chlorella is one of the highest natural sources of DNA and RNA, and contains many different types of enzymes such as chlorophyllase and pepsin, 19 amino acids, including the eight essential amino acids, 20 different vitamins and minerals and most of the B complex.

1 teaspoon (3g) mixed with large amount of water or vegetable juice on an empty stomach once or twice daily. Heat will destroy the nutrients.
Serving Period: 38 to 75 days.

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