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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 天然抗生素 Antibiotic ( Natural )

蜂膠液 (加倍效力)

Propolis Double Strength by Eclectic Institute

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 細菌、病毒、真菌及發炎。
Bacteria, virus, fungus and inflammation.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Fresh Propolis (Bee Resin). Organic grape alcohol content: 88%. Fresh Herb Strength 1:2

詳細內容 Descriptions: 使用蜂膠的歷史可追溯至遠古時代的埃及、希臘及羅馬等。蜂膠是蜜蜂採集樹木的樹皮及嫩芽的樹脂狀物質和唾液混合具有黏性的褐綠色物質,可塗抹於蜂巢空隙裂縫,防止強風和濕氣,使蜂巢內部保持無菌狀態,蜂膠的英文Propolis 是出自希臘文原意是「保衛城市」的意思,對蜜蜂而言,能保護蜂巢內的幼蟲,對人類而言則能抗細菌、病毒、黴菌等病源對身體有保護作用,可以增強抵抗力。
蜂膠中含有不下數百種生藥成份,其中最重要的就是類黃酮 (Flavonoids)。蜂膠中的類黃酮有38 種之多,是蜂膠的精華所在,約佔萃取物的40-50%,如此豐富的成份是一般天然食物少見的,也是蜂膠經濟與醫學價值所在。
The use of Propolis in popular medicine goes back all the way to ancient times in Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
Propolis is a resinous yellow-brown to dark brown substance collected by worker honey bees from the growing parts of trees and shrubs The bees pack the propolis on their hind legs, and carry it back to their colony, where it is combined with beeswax and used by worker "hive" bees as a sealant and sterilant in the colony nest.
Flavonoids account for much of the biological activity in propolis. At least 38 flavonoids have been found in propolis.
Propolis has been found to have an inhibitory affect on at least 21 species of bacteria (including MRSA). 9 species of fungi (including the causative organisms of thrush, ringworm and athlete's foot), 3 species of protozoa (including Giardia)1 and a range of viruses (including herpes and influenza).
Propolis has been shown to have a range of other therapeutic properties, including anticancer effects, antioxidant effects, wound healing and tissue repair effects, gastro-intestinal effects, skin infection effects, anti-inflammatory effects, anaesthetic effects, effects on the immune system, cardiovascular effects and dental care effects, effective in the treatment of bronchitis and similar disorders; influenza and herpes; ringworm and skin fungi; a range of dental disorders; skin ulcers, burns and abscesses; ear infections; giardia and colitis, hip inflammation; and vaginal and cervical inflammation.

用法指引 Directions: 每日一至三次、每次10 至30滴,可內或外用。飽肚服用。
10 to 30 drops once to three times daily after meal, may be applied externally.
Serving Period: 20 to 180 days

備註 Remarks: 個別對密蜂產品有過敏的人士應避免使用此產品。
Individuals with a sensitivity to salicylates or bees should not use this product

Bacteria, virus, fungus and inflammation.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Fresh Propolis (Bee Resin). Organic grape alcohol content: 88%. Fresh Herb Strength 1:2
使用蜂膠的歷史可追溯至遠古時代的埃及、希臘及羅馬等。蜂膠是蜜蜂採集樹木的樹皮及嫩芽的樹脂狀物質和唾液混合具有黏性的褐綠色物質,可塗抹於蜂巢空隙裂縫,防止強風和濕氣,使蜂巢內部保持無菌狀態,蜂膠的英文Propolis 是出自希臘文原意是「保衛城市」的意思,對蜜蜂而言,能保護蜂巢內的幼蟲,對人類而言則能抗細菌、病毒、黴菌等病源對身體有保護作用,可以增強抵抗力。
蜂膠中含有不下數百種生藥成份,其中最重要的就是類黃酮 (Flavonoids)。蜂膠中的類黃酮有38 種之多,是蜂膠的精華所在,約佔萃取物的40-50%,如此豐富的成份是一般天然食物少見的,也是蜂膠經濟與醫學價值所在。
The use of Propolis in popular medicine goes back all the way to ancient times in Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
Propolis is a resinous yellow-brown to dark brown substance collected by worker honey bees from the growing parts of trees and shrubs The bees pack the propolis on their hind legs, and carry it back to their colony, where it is combined with beeswax and used by worker "hive" bees as a sealant and sterilant in the colony nest.
Flavonoids account for much of the biological activity in propolis. At least 38 flavonoids have been found in propolis.
Propolis has been found to have an inhibitory affect on at least 21 species of bacteria (including MRSA). 9 species of fungi (including the causative organisms of thrush, ringworm and athlete's foot), 3 species of protozoa (including Giardia)1 and a range of viruses (including herpes and influenza).
Propolis has been shown to have a range of other therapeutic properties, including anticancer effects, antioxidant effects, wound healing and tissue repair effects, gastro-intestinal effects, skin infection effects, anti-inflammatory effects, anaesthetic effects, effects on the immune system, cardiovascular effects and dental care effects, effective in the treatment of bronchitis and similar disorders; influenza and herpes; ringworm and skin fungi; a range of dental disorders; skin ulcers, burns and abscesses; ear infections; giardia and colitis, hip inflammation; and vaginal and cervical inflammation.
每日一至三次、每次10 至30滴,可內或外用。飽肚服用。
10 to 30 drops once to three times daily after meal, may be applied externally.
Serving Period: 20 to 180 days
Individuals with a sensitivity to salicylates or bees should not use this product

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