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Female Tonic Formula by Dr. Christopher

100 Cap 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

女性生殖系統、調理和循環系統。 Female reproductive system, tonic and circulatory system.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Squawvine蔓虎刺、Red Raspberry leaves樹莓、Nettle leaves蕁麻、Dandelion Leaves蒲公英、Wild Yam Root野薯蕷、Cramp Bark肝木莢、Chickweed繁縷、Purple Dulse Leaves紫藻、Chaste Tree Berries貞潔樹、Motherwort益母草、Ginger root薑。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

幫助強化和滋潤女士生殖器官,因它作為調理之用,所以可作長期之服用。 蔓虎刺於幫助生育方面有最明顯的功效,它可強化子宮、防止流產和舒緩子宮及卵巢的阻塞問題。它的抗菌作用有助抗陰道感染,對於經期失調、經痛、經期過長和經血過多等都非常有效。 樹莓葉可調理子宮、防止流產和產後經血過多。它亦可舒緩於懷孕期間的嘔吐不適、減輕分娩時的痛楚、增加乳汁等。 蕁麻能滋潤母親和胎兒、到減輕分娩時的痛楚和防止經血過多。 野山芋的根部含有植物性雌激素及天然黄體酮素,於使用馬尿之前,它曾經是用來制造荷爾蒙的唯一來源,臨床實驗證明它能改善賀爾蒙分泌不平衡的問題。 肝木莢是世界上其中一種最好的女性調理草藥,它可鎮靜子宮、舒緩經期性抽筋和產後的痛楚。它可防止流產和內部出血,它亦用於治療肌肉抽筋和心跳。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 益母草非常有效於刺激受壓抑或延遲的月經週期、舒緩經痛、特別是起因於憂慮或壓力的問題。它可舒緩假性分娩痛楚、幫助產後子宮回復正常、減低產後流血問題和舒緩子宮收縮,它亦有助更年期的問題。 Strengthen and nourish the female reproductive organs. It is a tonic formula that it may be daily taken for an extended periods of time. Squawvine is most beneficial in childbirth. It strengthens the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage, and relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries. It is antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections, and is also good for amenorrhea (irregular menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and menorrhagia (excessive or prolonged menstruation). Raspberry leaf tones the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. It’s also relieve nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy, reducing pain during labor and after birth, assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk. Nettle leaves nourish mother and fetus, diminish pain during and after birth and prevent hemorrhage. Wild Yam root contains plant sources of steroids. At one time, this herb was the sole source of chemicals that were used in manufacturing hormones, before medicine decided horse piss was better. This valuable herb has been successfully and clinically proven to help with a myriad of female hormone imbalance problems. Cramp Bark is one of the best female regulators in the herb world. It is a uterine sedative, aiding in menstrual cramps, afterbirth, and postpartum pains. It helps to prevent miscarriage, as well as internal hemorrhaging. It is often used to treat muscle cramping and spasms, as well as heart palpitations. Chaste Tree berry has had a tremendous amount of clinical findings, and scientific research is proving its effectiveness. It is documented in clinical trials to balance female hormones and successfully treat everything from acne, menstrual problems and PMS (an 86% success rate), to poor lactation and fibroid tumors. Chaste Tree stimulates your pituitary gland to produce leutenizing hormone to normalize both the cycle, the levels of prolactin and progesterone hormones. Motherwort is valuable in the stimulation of suppressed or delayed menstruation, and to ease dysmenorrhoea, especially where there is anxiety or tension involved. It may be used to ease false labour pains, will help restore the uterus, reduce the risk of post-partum bleeding and ease uterine contractions. It is also helpful during the menopause.

用法指引 Directions:

保健用:每日兩粒。空肚服用較好。 懷孕:每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。 服用期:11至50日。 General: 2 caps daily preferably between meals. Pregnancy: 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily. Serving Period: 11 to 50 days.

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage.

女性生殖系統、調理和循環系統。 Female reproductive system, tonic and circulatory system.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Squawvine蔓虎刺、Red Raspberry leaves樹莓、Nettle leaves蕁麻、Dandelion Leaves蒲公英、Wild Yam Root野薯蕷、Cramp Bark肝木莢、Chickweed繁縷、Purple Dulse Leaves紫藻、Chaste Tree Berries貞潔樹、Motherwort益母草、Ginger root薑。

幫助強化和滋潤女士生殖器官,因它作為調理之用,所以可作長期之服用。 蔓虎刺於幫助生育方面有最明顯的功效,它可強化子宮、防止流產和舒緩子宮及卵巢的阻塞問題。它的抗菌作用有助抗陰道感染,對於經期失調、經痛、經期過長和經血過多等都非常有效。 樹莓葉可調理子宮、防止流產和產後經血過多。它亦可舒緩於懷孕期間的嘔吐不適、減輕分娩時的痛楚、增加乳汁等。 蕁麻能滋潤母親和胎兒、到減輕分娩時的痛楚和防止經血過多。 野山芋的根部含有植物性雌激素及天然黄體酮素,於使用馬尿之前,它曾經是用來制造荷爾蒙的唯一來源,臨床實驗證明它能改善賀爾蒙分泌不平衡的問題。 肝木莢是世界上其中一種最好的女性調理草藥,它可鎮靜子宮、舒緩經期性抽筋和產後的痛楚。它可防止流產和內部出血,它亦用於治療肌肉抽筋和心跳。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 益母草非常有效於刺激受壓抑或延遲的月經週期、舒緩經痛、特別是起因於憂慮或壓力的問題。它可舒緩假性分娩痛楚、幫助產後子宮回復正常、減低產後流血問題和舒緩子宮收縮,它亦有助更年期的問題。 Strengthen and nourish the female reproductive organs. It is a tonic formula that it may be daily taken for an extended periods of time. Squawvine is most beneficial in childbirth. It strengthens the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage, and relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries. It is antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections, and is also good for amenorrhea (irregular menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and menorrhagia (excessive or prolonged menstruation). Raspberry leaf tones the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. It’s also relieve nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy, reducing pain during labor and after birth, assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk. Nettle leaves nourish mother and fetus, diminish pain during and after birth and prevent hemorrhage. Wild Yam root contains plant sources of steroids. At one time, this herb was the sole source of chemicals that were used in manufacturing hormones, before medicine decided horse piss was better. This valuable herb has been successfully and clinically proven to help with a myriad of female hormone imbalance problems. Cramp Bark is one of the best female regulators in the herb world. It is a uterine sedative, aiding in menstrual cramps, afterbirth, and postpartum pains. It helps to prevent miscarriage, as well as internal hemorrhaging. It is often used to treat muscle cramping and spasms, as well as heart palpitations. Chaste Tree berry has had a tremendous amount of clinical findings, and scientific research is proving its effectiveness. It is documented in clinical trials to balance female hormones and successfully treat everything from acne, menstrual problems and PMS (an 86% success rate), to poor lactation and fibroid tumors. Chaste Tree stimulates your pituitary gland to produce leutenizing hormone to normalize both the cycle, the levels of prolactin and progesterone hormones. Motherwort is valuable in the stimulation of suppressed or delayed menstruation, and to ease dysmenorrhoea, especially where there is anxiety or tension involved. It may be used to ease false labour pains, will help restore the uterus, reduce the risk of post-partum bleeding and ease uterine contractions. It is also helpful during the menopause.

保健用:每日兩粒。空肚服用較好。 懷孕:每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。 服用期:11至50日。 General: 2 caps daily preferably between meals. Pregnancy: 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily. Serving Period: 11 to 50 days.

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage.

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