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Hormonal Changease Formula by Dr. Christopher

100 Cap 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

青春期、產前、產後和更年期。 adolescence, pre-natal, post-natal and menopause.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Black Cohosh Root黑升麻、Sarsaparilla Root土當歸、American Ginseng Root美國人參、Licorice Root甘草、False Unicorn Root地百合、Blessed Thistle Herb賜福薊草、Squawvine Herb蔓虎刺。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

提供建造身體所需而制造和保持正常的荷蘭蒙水平。荷蘭蒙水平會因不同的人生階段而升高或降低,包括青春期、產前、產後和更年期。女性和男性都於整個人生階段經歷荷蘭蒙的轉變,都需要幫助身體適應新的荷蘭蒙水平。 黑升麻根非常有名於舒緩因更年期所帶來熱潮紅、夜汗和經痛等的問題,它可減低於一般更年期時出現較高荷爾蒙的問題,這種稱為激黃體素的荷爾蒙增加,被認為是導致熱潮紅和其它經期問題的主因,黑升麻根亦能舒緩經前綜合症。 土當歸是很有價值的草藥,它的最大作用是平衡內分泌系統。它含有與男女性相似的重要天然荷爾蒙,可幫助睪丸激素、雌激素、頭髮生長、特別是於平衡男女性荷爾蒙方面,如熱潮紅、性問題和性無能等。它也常被作為天然的合成代謝類固醇來增強和斷煉肌肉。 對於女性生殖系統來說,地百合是一種有價值的草藥,固醇類皂甙:雌激素的先驅,成為它調理卵巢和子宮的關鍵。它可幫助治療經期失調、經痛、經血過多、骨盆阻塞和骨盆器官結構鬆弛。傳統它用來防止流產和改善因卵泡形成問題的生殖功能。 多年來賜福薊草都用作平衡女性荷爾蒙失調,它可舒緩經期抽筋和幫助增加乳汁。 蔓虎刺於幫助生育方面有最明顯的功效,它可強化子宮、防止流產和舒緩子宮及卵巢的阻塞問題。它的抗菌作用有助抗陰道感染,對於經期失調、經痛、經期過長和經血過多等都非常有效。 Provide the building blocks needed to create and maintain proper hormone levels. Hormone levels rise and fall at different stages of life including adolescence, pre-natal, post-natal and menopause. Women and men both experience hormonal changes throughout life and it adjusts to new hormone levels. Black Cohosh root is now most famous for its ability to relieve the symptoms commonly associated with menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, and menstrual cramps. Black cohosh may diminish the levels of a hormone that is produced in higher amounts during menopause. It is the increase of this hormone, called luteinizing hormone, which is postulated as one of the causes of hot flashes and other menstrual symptoms. Black cohosh is also noted for its ability to alleviate the symptoms of PMS. Sarsaparilla is a valuable herb with many uses. Its most important use is in glandular balance. It contains important natural hormones for men and women alike. Sarsaparilla helps testosterone and progesterone, hair to grow, and especially of great value in hormone regulation in both men and women, hot flashes, sexual problems, and impotence. It can be used as a natural steroid for the production of testosterone, being of help for both sexes in body building. False Unicorn Root is a valuable tonic to the reproductive system. The steroidal saponins, precursors of the oestrogens, may account in part for this herb's reputation as an ovarian and uterine tonic. It helps in the treatment of amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge, pelvic congestion and structural laxity of the pelvic organs. It was traditionally used to prevent miscarriage and has a reputation for improving fertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation. Blessed Thistle has long been used by women to balance out hormonal changes. It is believed to ease menstrual cramps and can also help increase milk supply in breastfeeding women. Squawvine is most beneficial in childbirth. It strengthens the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage, and relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries. It is antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections, and is also good for amenorrhea (irregular menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and menorrhagia (excessive or prolonged menstruation).

用法指引 Directions:

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage.

青春期、產前、產後和更年期。 adolescence, pre-natal, post-natal and menopause.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Black Cohosh Root黑升麻、Sarsaparilla Root土當歸、American Ginseng Root美國人參、Licorice Root甘草、False Unicorn Root地百合、Blessed Thistle Herb賜福薊草、Squawvine Herb蔓虎刺。

提供建造身體所需而制造和保持正常的荷蘭蒙水平。荷蘭蒙水平會因不同的人生階段而升高或降低,包括青春期、產前、產後和更年期。女性和男性都於整個人生階段經歷荷蘭蒙的轉變,都需要幫助身體適應新的荷蘭蒙水平。 黑升麻根非常有名於舒緩因更年期所帶來熱潮紅、夜汗和經痛等的問題,它可減低於一般更年期時出現較高荷爾蒙的問題,這種稱為激黃體素的荷爾蒙增加,被認為是導致熱潮紅和其它經期問題的主因,黑升麻根亦能舒緩經前綜合症。 土當歸是很有價值的草藥,它的最大作用是平衡內分泌系統。它含有與男女性相似的重要天然荷爾蒙,可幫助睪丸激素、雌激素、頭髮生長、特別是於平衡男女性荷爾蒙方面,如熱潮紅、性問題和性無能等。它也常被作為天然的合成代謝類固醇來增強和斷煉肌肉。 對於女性生殖系統來說,地百合是一種有價值的草藥,固醇類皂甙:雌激素的先驅,成為它調理卵巢和子宮的關鍵。它可幫助治療經期失調、經痛、經血過多、骨盆阻塞和骨盆器官結構鬆弛。傳統它用來防止流產和改善因卵泡形成問題的生殖功能。 多年來賜福薊草都用作平衡女性荷爾蒙失調,它可舒緩經期抽筋和幫助增加乳汁。 蔓虎刺於幫助生育方面有最明顯的功效,它可強化子宮、防止流產和舒緩子宮及卵巢的阻塞問題。它的抗菌作用有助抗陰道感染,對於經期失調、經痛、經期過長和經血過多等都非常有效。 Provide the building blocks needed to create and maintain proper hormone levels. Hormone levels rise and fall at different stages of life including adolescence, pre-natal, post-natal and menopause. Women and men both experience hormonal changes throughout life and it adjusts to new hormone levels. Black Cohosh root is now most famous for its ability to relieve the symptoms commonly associated with menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, and menstrual cramps. Black cohosh may diminish the levels of a hormone that is produced in higher amounts during menopause. It is the increase of this hormone, called luteinizing hormone, which is postulated as one of the causes of hot flashes and other menstrual symptoms. Black cohosh is also noted for its ability to alleviate the symptoms of PMS. Sarsaparilla is a valuable herb with many uses. Its most important use is in glandular balance. It contains important natural hormones for men and women alike. Sarsaparilla helps testosterone and progesterone, hair to grow, and especially of great value in hormone regulation in both men and women, hot flashes, sexual problems, and impotence. It can be used as a natural steroid for the production of testosterone, being of help for both sexes in body building. False Unicorn Root is a valuable tonic to the reproductive system. The steroidal saponins, precursors of the oestrogens, may account in part for this herb's reputation as an ovarian and uterine tonic. It helps in the treatment of amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge, pelvic congestion and structural laxity of the pelvic organs. It was traditionally used to prevent miscarriage and has a reputation for improving fertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation. Blessed Thistle has long been used by women to balance out hormonal changes. It is believed to ease menstrual cramps and can also help increase milk supply in breastfeeding women. Squawvine is most beneficial in childbirth. It strengthens the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage, and relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries. It is antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections, and is also good for amenorrhea (irregular menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and menorrhagia (excessive or prolonged menstruation).

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage.

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