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Female Reproductive System by Dr. Morse

2oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

女性生殖系統、調理和循環系統。 Female reproductive system, tonic and circulatory system.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Chaste tree Berries貞潔樹、False Unicorn Root地百合、True Unicorn Root真獨角獸根、Saw Palmetto Berries鋸葉棕、Wild Yam Root野薯蕷、Black Haw Bark梅葉綉球花、Red Raspberry Leaf樹莓、Prickly Ash Bark花椒。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

子宮和卵巢調理,它可帶來女性生殖系統回平衡狀態 ( 促進經期正常 )、平衡內分泌系統、平衡荷爾蒙水平等。所有女性生殖系統問題,如經痛、經期失調、經前綜合症、排卵失調、子宮內膜異位、卵巢和子宮瘤 (腎上腺毛病 )、子宮移位、經血過多、熱潮紅和抽筋 ( 甲狀腺毛病 )、水腫、乳房發育過小或鬆弛、陰道壁乾燥、早產、女性身體調理、女性生殖系統腫瘤、性欲過低等 ( 甲狀腺毛病 )。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 對於女性生殖系統來說,地百合是一種有價值的草藥,固醇類皂甙:雌激素的先驅,成為它調理卵巢和子宮的關鍵。它可幫助治療經期失調、經痛、經血過多、骨盆阻塞和骨盆器官結構鬆弛。傳統它用來防止流產和改善因卵泡形成問題的生殖功能。 真獨角獸根最大的價值在於它於女性生殖系統的調理作用,它能防止流產和調理女性的體質。 鋸葉棕可增加乳汁分泌,有增強女性生殖能力的作用。 野山芋的根部含有植物性雌激素及天然黄體酮素,於使用馬尿之前,它曾經是用來制造荷爾蒙的唯一來源,臨床實驗證明它能改善賀爾蒙分泌不平衡的問題。 梅葉綉球花是強力的子宮鬆馳劑,可舒緩各種經痛問題。 樹莓葉可調理子宮、防止流產和產後經血過多。它亦可舒緩於懷孕期間的嘔吐不適、減輕分娩時的痛楚、增加乳汁等。 Uterine and ovarian tonic, which brings a homeostasis to the female reproductive system (promotes normal menstruation), balances the endocrine gland system, normalizing estrogen levels. All female reproductive issues including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of proper menstruatiuon), PMS, ovulation disorders, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids (adrenal weakness), prolapsed uterus, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding which is estrogen dominance), hot flashes and cramping (low thyroid function), edema, under developed or sagging breasts, dry vaginal walls (low estrogen levels), premature births (estrogen dominance), tones the female body, cancers of the female reproductive organs, low sex drive (also underactive thyroid). False Unicorn Root is a valuable tonic to the reproductive system. The steroidal saponins, precursors of the oestrogens, may account in part for this herb's reputation as an ovarian and uterine tonic. It helps in the treatment of amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge, pelvic congestion and structural laxity of the pelvic organs. It was traditionally used to prevent miscarriage and has a reputation for improving fertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation. The most valuable property of true unicorn root is its tonic influence on the female generative organs, proving of great use in cases of habitual miscarriage and as a general tonic. Saw Palmetto helps the body produce milk for nursing mothers, and acts as a fertility aid for women. Wild Yam root contains plant sources of steroids. At one time, this herb was the sole source of chemicals that were used in manufacturing hormones, before medicine decided horse piss was better. This valuable herb has been successfully and clinically proven to help with a myriad of female hormone imbalance problems. Black Haw is powerful uterine relaxants that alleviate painful menstrual cramps. Raspberry leaf tones the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. It’s also relieve nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy, reducing pain during labor and after birth, assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk.

用法指引 Directions:

每日三至六次,每次一抽。空肚服用較好。 緊急時:每兩小時一抽。 服用期:10至20日。 1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals. Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours. Serving Period: 10 to 20 days.

備註 Remarks:

Be cautious during early pregnancy. May cut suggested usage in half. 於懷孕早期請注意,服用份量可減半。 A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

女性生殖系統、調理和循環系統。 Female reproductive system, tonic and circulatory system.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Chaste tree Berries貞潔樹、False Unicorn Root地百合、True Unicorn Root真獨角獸根、Saw Palmetto Berries鋸葉棕、Wild Yam Root野薯蕷、Black Haw Bark梅葉綉球花、Red Raspberry Leaf樹莓、Prickly Ash Bark花椒。

子宮和卵巢調理,它可帶來女性生殖系統回平衡狀態 ( 促進經期正常 )、平衡內分泌系統、平衡荷爾蒙水平等。所有女性生殖系統問題,如經痛、經期失調、經前綜合症、排卵失調、子宮內膜異位、卵巢和子宮瘤 (腎上腺毛病 )、子宮移位、經血過多、熱潮紅和抽筋 ( 甲狀腺毛病 )、水腫、乳房發育過小或鬆弛、陰道壁乾燥、早產、女性身體調理、女性生殖系統腫瘤、性欲過低等 ( 甲狀腺毛病 )。 已有很多科學研究及臨床實驗證明貞潔樹漿果能平衡賀爾蒙分泌、治療痤瘡、月經問題、經前綜合症、乳汁分泌不良及子宮瘤,研究亦顯示它能增加黄體酮素的產量。貞潔樹可刺激腦下垂體生產激黃體素而平衡經期、催乳素和雌激素的水平。 對於女性生殖系統來說,地百合是一種有價值的草藥,固醇類皂甙:雌激素的先驅,成為它調理卵巢和子宮的關鍵。它可幫助治療經期失調、經痛、經血過多、骨盆阻塞和骨盆器官結構鬆弛。傳統它用來防止流產和改善因卵泡形成問題的生殖功能。 真獨角獸根最大的價值在於它於女性生殖系統的調理作用,它能防止流產和調理女性的體質。 鋸葉棕可增加乳汁分泌,有增強女性生殖能力的作用。 野山芋的根部含有植物性雌激素及天然黄體酮素,於使用馬尿之前,它曾經是用來制造荷爾蒙的唯一來源,臨床實驗證明它能改善賀爾蒙分泌不平衡的問題。 梅葉綉球花是強力的子宮鬆馳劑,可舒緩各種經痛問題。 樹莓葉可調理子宮、防止流產和產後經血過多。它亦可舒緩於懷孕期間的嘔吐不適、減輕分娩時的痛楚、增加乳汁等。 Uterine and ovarian tonic, which brings a homeostasis to the female reproductive system (promotes normal menstruation), balances the endocrine gland system, normalizing estrogen levels. All female reproductive issues including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of proper menstruatiuon), PMS, ovulation disorders, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids (adrenal weakness), prolapsed uterus, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding which is estrogen dominance), hot flashes and cramping (low thyroid function), edema, under developed or sagging breasts, dry vaginal walls (low estrogen levels), premature births (estrogen dominance), tones the female body, cancers of the female reproductive organs, low sex drive (also underactive thyroid). False Unicorn Root is a valuable tonic to the reproductive system. The steroidal saponins, precursors of the oestrogens, may account in part for this herb's reputation as an ovarian and uterine tonic. It helps in the treatment of amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge, pelvic congestion and structural laxity of the pelvic organs. It was traditionally used to prevent miscarriage and has a reputation for improving fertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation. The most valuable property of true unicorn root is its tonic influence on the female generative organs, proving of great use in cases of habitual miscarriage and as a general tonic. Saw Palmetto helps the body produce milk for nursing mothers, and acts as a fertility aid for women. Wild Yam root contains plant sources of steroids. At one time, this herb was the sole source of chemicals that were used in manufacturing hormones, before medicine decided horse piss was better. This valuable herb has been successfully and clinically proven to help with a myriad of female hormone imbalance problems. Black Haw is powerful uterine relaxants that alleviate painful menstrual cramps. Raspberry leaf tones the uterus, helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage. It’s also relieve nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy, reducing pain during labor and after birth, assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk.

每日三至六次,每次一抽。空肚服用較好。 緊急時:每兩小時一抽。 服用期:10至20日。 1 dropperful three to six times daily preferably between meals. Acute: 1 dropperful every 2 hours. Serving Period: 10 to 20 days.

Be cautious during early pregnancy. May cut suggested usage in half. 於懷孕早期請注意,服用份量可減半。 A dropperful around 30 drops. 每抽約為30滴。

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