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按情況 By Condition > 甲狀腺 Thyroid


Thyroid Maintenance Formula by Dr. Christopher

100 Cap 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

甲狀腺功能亢進症 ( 過度活躍:大頸泡)、甲狀腺功能減退 ( 活躍過低 )。 Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Kelp海草、Watercress荊芥、Mullein Leaves毛蕊草、Parsley歐芹、Nettle Leaves蕁麻、Irish Moss角叉菜、Iceland Moss冰島苔、Sheep Sorrel Herb羊酸模。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

調理甲狀腺及副甲狀腺。 海草含有近三十種礦物質,可滋潤各腺體,特別是甲狀腺。它能增強各腺體的功能,可幫助平衡身體的新陳代謝。而海草含高份量的碘,對治療甲狀腺功能減退的情況非常之好。 荊芥含豐富的碘質,有助甲狀腺功能運作正常。 對於調理內分泌系統,特別是甲狀腺,毛蕊草是非常有名的草藥。 歐芹是常與其它草藥配合用作調理甲狀腺及其它腺體。 蕁麻含豐富的碘質,礦物質、維他命及葉綠素,能滋潤整個甲狀腺。 多年來冰島苔都用作調理各腺體之用。 Supports the proper function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Kelp contains nearly thirty minerals which nourish the glands (especially the thyroid and pituitary). By enhancing the action of the glandular system, it helps balance the body's metabolism. The large amounts of iodine found in kelp are important in the treatment of an under-active thyroid. Watercress is one of the best sources of iodine, it aids in the function of the thyroid gland. Mullein is a great herb for the endocrine glandular system especially the thyroid. Parsley is commonly used in combination formulas to support thyroid and other glandular systems. Nettle is rich in iodine, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll and nourishes thyroid gland. Irish moss has been consumed for thousands of years to sound glandular health.

用法指引 Directions:

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

備註 Remarks:

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage. It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

甲狀腺功能亢進症 ( 過度活躍:大頸泡)、甲狀腺功能減退 ( 活躍過低 )。 Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Kelp海草、Watercress荊芥、Mullein Leaves毛蕊草、Parsley歐芹、Nettle Leaves蕁麻、Irish Moss角叉菜、Iceland Moss冰島苔、Sheep Sorrel Herb羊酸模。

調理甲狀腺及副甲狀腺。 海草含有近三十種礦物質,可滋潤各腺體,特別是甲狀腺。它能增強各腺體的功能,可幫助平衡身體的新陳代謝。而海草含高份量的碘,對治療甲狀腺功能減退的情況非常之好。 荊芥含豐富的碘質,有助甲狀腺功能運作正常。 對於調理內分泌系統,特別是甲狀腺,毛蕊草是非常有名的草藥。 歐芹是常與其它草藥配合用作調理甲狀腺及其它腺體。 蕁麻含豐富的碘質,礦物質、維他命及葉綠素,能滋潤整個甲狀腺。 多年來冰島苔都用作調理各腺體之用。 Supports the proper function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Kelp contains nearly thirty minerals which nourish the glands (especially the thyroid and pituitary). By enhancing the action of the glandular system, it helps balance the body's metabolism. The large amounts of iodine found in kelp are important in the treatment of an under-active thyroid. Watercress is one of the best sources of iodine, it aids in the function of the thyroid gland. Mullein is a great herb for the endocrine glandular system especially the thyroid. Parsley is commonly used in combination formulas to support thyroid and other glandular systems. Nettle is rich in iodine, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll and nourishes thyroid gland. Irish moss has been consumed for thousands of years to sound glandular health.

每日兩至三次,每次兩至三粒。空肚服用較好。 服用期:11至25日。 2 to 3 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals. Serving Period: 11 to 25 days.

於最高份量時,建議每服用六天休息一天。 It is best to have a day rest every 6 days at maximum dosage. It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation. 嚴重者建議同時服用內分泌配方。

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