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 全食物制造維他命抑或人功合成維他命?Whole Food Vitamins vs. Synthetic Vitamins?

維他命丸有分為人工合成與全食物制造,人工合成的維他命在人體的吸收率僅有10~20%,人工合成的維他命只是單一化學的複製品,失去了整體協調營養及作用。長期大量服用人工合成的維他命還可能有害無益 (Vit. C引致腎石、鈣引致骨刺 )!一些所謂天然的維他命可能是從死牛肝、煤焦或石油化合物煉製而成的,而一些所謂全天然的礦物質只不過是礦石的粉末,鈣則是蠔殼的粉末,人體絕不容易去吸收這些所謂的「天然物質」!請看看我們一系列100%全天然、無有害化學物質、全食物制造的維他命及礦物質的營養補充品!

Vitamin & mineral can be made of synthetic or whole food!You may only assimilate 10~20% of the synthetic vitamin! Synthetic vitamin is merely the replica of the natural chemical molecule. It loses the whole synergic nutrients & functions! The intake of synthetic vitamin with high dosage in long run could be harmful (Vit. C causes kidney stones, Calcium causes bone spurs)! Some so-called natural vitamin may be made of dead beef liver, coal tar or petro-chemicals? And some so-called natural minerals are made of mined ore powder, calcium from ground up oyster shells. Please take a look at our 100% natural, chemical-free, whole food vitamins & minerals!

Whole Food Vitamin & Mineral 全食物維他命及礦物質

Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals versus Synthetic Vitamins & Minerals 全天然維他命、礦物質 versus 人工合成的維他命、礦物質