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草藥=農藥!毒藥!Toxic Herbs?

現在有很多的食物補充品、草藥等都不是有機或真正天然的。有機或全天然的植物於營養及效能上比無機的高出四至十倍!此外,無機草藥常常含有重金屬、農藥等有害物質,特別是那些從中國而來的產品,其中以水銀超標事件屢見不鮮!中藥為了外觀、防蟲和防霉,會用『硫磺Sulfur』煙燻,倉存時還要多次噴灑『氯化苦Chlorine』或『磷化鋁Aluminum Phosphates』等化學殺蟲劑,引致藥材之原藥性變質,食用之後亦影響健康。難怪一位有名的老中醫也說中草藥的果效好像愈來愈弱了。許多草藥都是用有害的物質如Hexane或Ethylene Oxide Gas等來進行消毒或提煉,不單嚴重影響質素,還帶來害處。市面上有很多產品都沒有標明或驗證為100%天然、野生或有機的,如靈芝、大蒜、銀杏、紫錐花、山桑子、聖約翰草、乳薊、西番蓮等等。

Many commercial dietary supplements & herbal products are not really natural or organic. The real natural & organic plants have 4 to 10 times more nutrition & healing power! Inorganic plants often contain herbicides & heavy metals, especially the ones which come from China. It is not strange a famous old Chinese Medical Doctor said that it seems the effect of Chinese medicine was getting less. Apart from that, toxic sterilizing chemicals or solvent such as hexane & Ethylene Oxide Gas are often used. Many supplements do not have the certified organic or natural labels, such as Reishi, Garlic, Bilberry, Echinacea, Gingko, Milk thistle, Passion flower, St. Johnwort, etc.