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健品園地 Health Supplement

Udo's Choice Oil Blend

博士Udo Erasmus 被稱為『有機純亞麻籽油之父』,他將亞麻籽油中必需脂肪酸EFAs的益處帶進世界。他獨特的提煉方法現今仍然被很多生產者所採用。由80年代中開始,他透過無數的講座,甚至電視和電台,使世人認識亞麻籽油的益處。他的名著「Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill」成為關於研究脂肪酸的經典。他後來更研發了一種包括人體各種所需重要的脂肪酸配方,於很多健康食品店及療師診所內你都可以找到高質數的Udo's Choice Oil Blend.
Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., “The father of Organic unrefined Flax Seed Oil”, introduced the importance of essential fats (EFA's) derived from organic flax seeds to the world. He pioneered methods for producing unrefined oils which are still used today by manufacturers of flax and other oils. Starting in the mid-1980's, Udo popularized the use of flax oil through an endless number of public lectures, which eventually led to TV and radio interviews. His groundbreaking book, Fats that Heal Fats That Kill, became the industry's bible on fats. Later he developed an oil blend contains everything we need from fats. High quality & unrefined Udo’s Choice Oil Blend is found in refrigerators in health food stores and in health-minded practitioners' dispensaries around the world.