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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 淋巴系統 Lymphatic System

Introduction to Lymphatic System 淋巴系統簡介: 淋巴系統跟血液循環相類似,帶有血液的動脈和靜脈的管導分佈全身每一部位,只是淋巴液是透明的。 它有主要三個功能: 1) 負責收集體內多餘的液體、蛋白質、從新陳代謝所產生的副產品和廢物; 2) 負責生產淋巴細胞來抵抗疾病; 3) 負責運送已被腸道分解的脂肪到血液裡。 除了神經系統外,人體全身都有淋巴系統,它的主要部份有骨髓、脾臟、胸腺、淋巴結和扁桃體。其它器官包括心臟、肺、腸道、肝和皮膚都含有淋巴組織。 淋巴系統並沒有心臟,它是隨身體的肌肉移動而流動的。 淋巴結分佈於淋巴管導的各處,這些像豆一般形象的結含有淋巴細胞。所有從血液中流回的淋巴液都要經過這些結,從而過濾及消滅一切多餘的廢物、致病原體和毒素等。淋巴結是生產吞噬細胞的中心,吞噬細胞負責吞噬細菌和毒素。於受感染時,這些淋巴結可能會腫脹起來,這代表吞噬細菌的數量正在大大的增加,常常導致淋巴結發炎及感受痛楚。腫起的淋巴結常位於頸、腋窩和鼠蹊。 惡性淋巴瘤是因為惡性的淋巴細胞大量生生產而不斷的積聚於淋巴結或其它淋巴組織內而形成的。 The lymphatic system is like the blood circulation - the tubes branch through all parts of the body like the arteries and veins that carry blood. Except that the lymphatic system carries a colourless liquid called 'lymph'. Its three principal functions are: 1) To collect the excess fluids, protein, by-products from metabolism and wastes, 2) To defend the body against disease by producing lymphocytes, 3) To Transports digested fat from the intestine to the bloodstream Lymphatics are found in every part of the body except the central nervous system. The major parts of the system are the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and the tonsils. Other organs, including the heart, lungs, intestines, liver, and skin also contain lymphatic tissue. There is no heart like pump, the muscular movements of the body move along the lymph in these lymphatics. Along the course of the lymphatic vessels are situated the lymph nodes (lymph glands). These nodes are bean-shaped organs containing large numbers of leukocytes. All the lymph being returned along the lymphatics to the bloodstream must pass through several of these nodes, which filter out infectious and toxic material and destroy it. The nodes serve as a center for the production of phagocytes, which engulf bacteria and poisonous substances. During the course of any infection, the nodes become enlarged because of the large number of phagocytes being produced; these nodes are often painful and inflamed. The swollen glands most often observed are located on the neck, in the armpit and in the groin. Lymphoma is a disease in which malignant lymphocytes grow too fast or live too long. These cells may then accumulate in the lymph nodes or other areas of the lymphatic system to form tumors. 每個腎臟負責每一邊的淋巴系統,當左邊的腎臟較虛弱的話,那時左邊的淋巴系統便會有問題,相反右邊也一樣。腎臟配方跟淋巴配方一起配合是相當重要的。 Each Kidney controls each side of your body’s lymphatic system. When the left kidney is weak you will begin to have problems lymphatically on the left side of the body and vice versa! The Kidney formula is key when using Lymphatic formulas. See 5 Days Kidney Cleansing Program 參五天腎/膀胱排毒程式