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健書園地 Health Book

健書園地 Health Book > 草本療法 Herbalism
書名 Book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook
作者 Author: Dr Robert Morse
出版社 Publisher: HOHM Press
國際標準書號 ISBN: 978-1890772338
價錢 Price: $330
這是我恩師,Dr Morse的名著,這暫時是其中一本關於自然療法和草本療法最正確和最好的書,跟Dr Richard Schulze 和 Dr Christopher一樣,他們所有的書都是必看的書,否則,必定於追求自然療法的道途上找不到正確的方向。
372 pages

Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
Revitalize Every System of Your Body
Maximize the Healing Power of Nature
Cleanse Toxins
Heal the Causes of Disease

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook shows you how to cleanse your body of the poisons that are destroying your health, and start the process of complete cellular regeneration that leads to true healing. Based on 30 years of clinical experience, treating thousands of people with conditions ranging from OVERWEIGHT to CANCER, Dr. Robert Morse reveals his ultimate healing system - the Detox Miracle!
Covers the A-Z of Detoxification, including: Why do it? When to do it? What to expect? How it works, and how long it takes.
Explains the uses of specific raw foods and herbs for cleansing and healing every organ, system, and unbalanced condition in the body.
Details the interface of body, mind and soul in the achievement of lifelong health.
Presents the Detox Miracle Diet, and how to adapt it for life.
Includes dozens of easy-to-use References: lists of herbs, herbal formulas, properties of foods, minerals, phytochemicals, and cell salts, etc.; along with raw food recipes; a detailed index; broad-based Resource Guide; and extensive Glossary and Bibliography.