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健書園地 Health Book

健書園地 Health Book > 草本療法 Herbalism
書名 Book: The Green Pharmacy
作者 Author: Dr James Duke
出版社 Publisher: St. Martin's Press
國際標準書號 ISBN: 978-0875963167
價錢 Price: $185
Dr James Duke 超過30年對藥用植物的研究,他到過不少民族地方研究植物的藥用價值,如Amazon。他的草藥Database被世界公認為世上最全備植物成份的資料庫,這本百科全書包含了120種毛病的草本療法。
507 pages

There's still a lot to learn about the healing power of plants, James Duke points out, but what we do know is already prodigious. Much of that knowledge is gathered in The Green Pharmacy, an A-to-Z guide to that relies on plant-based medicines to cure what ails us. Between the listings, Duke crams personal anecdotes from a lifetime of studying herbs, berries, and bark. For example, he relates how he worried about telling a pregnant niece that ginger could help alleviate her morning sickness because he'd learned from a pharmacologist that ginger could also induce miscarriage. Then he solved the mystery: he'd recommended ginger tea, which contains about 250 milligrams of ginger. The Chinese, he learned, use about 80 times that much to end pregnancies--another testimony to the amazing versatility of these natural medicines. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal
Very readable and fun, The Green Pharmacy is the culmination of the author's 30 years of studying and using herbs. In an interesting mix of folklore and science, Duke, a botanist and authority on healing herbs, describes treatment protocols for over 120 health conditions. Although there is frequent reference to experts and studies, including up-to-date findings from the German Commission E monographs, no accurate references or bibliography are provided. Nonetheless, based on the author's credentials, this is recommended for larger collections.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.