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Infla-Profen Extra Strength by Gaia Herbs

60 Liquid-Filled Caps 粒液裝丸
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 各種關節炎、痛風、各種關節痛症。
All kinds of arthritis, gout, all kinds of painful joint problem.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Devil's Claw root爪鈎草=300 mg, Feverfew tops小白菊=300 mg, Turmeric rhizome薑黃=100 mg, Yucca root絲蘭=46 mg, Burdock root & seed牛蒡=32 mg, Celery seed西芹=16 mg, Jamaican Dogwood bark牙買加土當歸=12 mg, Nettle leaf蕁麻=10 mg, Ginger rhizome薑( Supercritical CO2 Extract )=8 mg

詳細內容 Descriptions: 關節炎及促進身體重造關節和其組織。
早於八十年代,於倫敦市的偏頭痛診所已證實小白菊於減輕頭痛的果效,所有於實驗中的患者都感受於服用小白菊的葉後,頭痛情況得到舒緩。小白菊葉含有豐富的小白菊內脂,一種可以使腦部血管壁減少對某些使血管擴張及收縮的反應的化合物,這正是開始偏頭痛的根源。於Ann Arbor Michigan另類治療中心專門研究痛楚的醫生Alison Lee表示,血管的開合可能會引致神經痛楚及某些舒緩血管肌肉發炎的原因。
Joint inflammation, assisting the body in rebuilding its joints and tissues.
The main active ingredients in Devil's claw are Harpogoside and Beta sitosterol, which possess anti-inflammatory properties and create support for joint, ligament and tendon problems. Studies have shown strong anti-inflammatory properties to help sufferers of arthritis and inflammatory diseases. It also dissolves and removes excess calcium deposits on bone joints
Nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
Some good evidence of feverfew’s headache-healing powers emerged in the mid-1980s during a study at the City of London Migraine Clinic. All of the people included in the study were accustomed to taking crushed feverfew leaves for their headaches. The leaves—the medicinal parts of the plant—are rich in parthenolide, a compound that makes the walls of the blood vessels in the brain less reactive to substances that cause them to contract and dilate. That’s how migraines begin. The opening and closing of blood vessels may set off pain nerves and inflame the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, says Alison Lee, M.D., a pain-management specialist and medical director of Barefoot Doctors, an alternative medicine practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Turmeric has a centuries-long history of being used for joint pain and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin in turmeric is potentially useful for relieving the inflammation Many sources recommend curcumin for arthritis-related inflammation and pain.
Yucca is used to treat inflammations caused by degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism. A study looking at patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis speculate that Yucca saponins block the release of toxins from the intestines, which tends to inhibit normal formation of cartilage. Saponins have natural steroid properties which help with inflammation, healing, and pain.
Celery seed helps the body deal with excessive uric acid in the blood that is the main cause of gout and ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation.
Nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

用法指引 Directions: 每日兩至三次,每次兩粒。空肚服用較好。
2 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals.
Serving Period: 10 to 15 days.

備註 Remarks:

All kinds of arthritis, gout, all kinds of painful joint problem.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Devil's Claw root爪鈎草=300 mg, Feverfew tops小白菊=300 mg, Turmeric rhizome薑黃=100 mg, Yucca root絲蘭=46 mg, Burdock root & seed牛蒡=32 mg, Celery seed西芹=16 mg, Jamaican Dogwood bark牙買加土當歸=12 mg, Nettle leaf蕁麻=10 mg, Ginger rhizome薑( Supercritical CO2 Extract )=8 mg
早於八十年代,於倫敦市的偏頭痛診所已證實小白菊於減輕頭痛的果效,所有於實驗中的患者都感受於服用小白菊的葉後,頭痛情況得到舒緩。小白菊葉含有豐富的小白菊內脂,一種可以使腦部血管壁減少對某些使血管擴張及收縮的反應的化合物,這正是開始偏頭痛的根源。於Ann Arbor Michigan另類治療中心專門研究痛楚的醫生Alison Lee表示,血管的開合可能會引致神經痛楚及某些舒緩血管肌肉發炎的原因。
Joint inflammation, assisting the body in rebuilding its joints and tissues.
The main active ingredients in Devil's claw are Harpogoside and Beta sitosterol, which possess anti-inflammatory properties and create support for joint, ligament and tendon problems. Studies have shown strong anti-inflammatory properties to help sufferers of arthritis and inflammatory diseases. It also dissolves and removes excess calcium deposits on bone joints
Nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
Some good evidence of feverfew’s headache-healing powers emerged in the mid-1980s during a study at the City of London Migraine Clinic. All of the people included in the study were accustomed to taking crushed feverfew leaves for their headaches. The leaves—the medicinal parts of the plant—are rich in parthenolide, a compound that makes the walls of the blood vessels in the brain less reactive to substances that cause them to contract and dilate. That’s how migraines begin. The opening and closing of blood vessels may set off pain nerves and inflame the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, says Alison Lee, M.D., a pain-management specialist and medical director of Barefoot Doctors, an alternative medicine practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Turmeric has a centuries-long history of being used for joint pain and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin in turmeric is potentially useful for relieving the inflammation Many sources recommend curcumin for arthritis-related inflammation and pain.
Yucca is used to treat inflammations caused by degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism. A study looking at patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis speculate that Yucca saponins block the release of toxins from the intestines, which tends to inhibit normal formation of cartilage. Saponins have natural steroid properties which help with inflammation, healing, and pain.
Celery seed helps the body deal with excessive uric acid in the blood that is the main cause of gout and ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation.
Nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
2 caps twice to three times daily preferably between meals.
Serving Period: 10 to 15 days.

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