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Deep Tissue Massage Oil by Dr. Man

4 oz
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

非用於:頸堅硬、肌肉酸痛、頭痛、痛楚、關節堅硬、關節炎、坐骨神經痛、扭傷、撞傷。Stiff necks, sore muscles, headaches, pain, stiff joints, arthritis, sciatica, bruises, sprain.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Arnica Flower ( Arnica montana )山金車, Comfrey Root ( Symphytum officinale )康冨利, Horse Chestnut ( Mentha arvensis )歐洲七葉樹, Calendula Flower ( Calendula officinale ) 金盞花, St John Wort Flower ( Hypericum perfor )貫葉金絲桃, Marshmallow Root ( Eupatorium purpureum )藥蜀葵, Menthol Crystals ( Mentha arvensis 薄荷腦), Cayenne Fruit ( Capscicum annuums )辣椒, Wintergreen Oil ( Gaultheria procumbens )冬青白珠樹. Olive Oil Base & Jojoba Oil

詳細內容 Descriptions:

這是強力滲透的軟膏,頸部堅硬、肌肉酸痛、頭痛、痛楚、關節堅硬、關節炎等非常有效。 山金車、金盞花、貫葉金絲桃:這三種是最好治療扭傷、撞傷的草藥。 辣椒可增強血液循環而促進治療。 貫葉金絲桃對於坐骨神經痛偷有很好的療效。 冬青白珠樹可舒緩痛楚和緩和肌肉酸痛。 薄荷腦帶來冰涼的感覺,常用作治療頭痛、關節炎和神經痛。 This penetrating salve is excellent for stiff necks, sore muscles, headaches, pain, stiff joints, arthritis, etc. Cayenne increases blood circulation to promote healing. Wintergreen oil relieves pain and helps soothe sore muscle. Menthol has a cooling effect and is used for treating headaches, rheumatic pains and neuralgia. Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

用法指引 Directions:

有需要時適當外塗於皮膚上,好好的按摩五至十分鐘。 Apply externally and massage well 5 to 10 minutes as needed. 先塗上完美組織與骨骼軟膏,再塗上按摩油,它們相互發揮滲透力更強,對於關節磨損和骨刺等毛病,果效更強。 First apply Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment. Then apply the Deep Tissue Massgae Oil. Work the two ointments into the skin; the deeper they seep into the skin, the greater the relief will be for joint wear & bone spur problem.

備註 Remarks:

External use only. 只能外用。

非用於:頸堅硬、肌肉酸痛、頭痛、痛楚、關節堅硬、關節炎、坐骨神經痛、扭傷、撞傷。Stiff necks, sore muscles, headaches, pain, stiff joints, arthritis, sciatica, bruises, sprain.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Arnica Flower ( Arnica montana )山金車, Comfrey Root ( Symphytum officinale )康冨利, Horse Chestnut ( Mentha arvensis )歐洲七葉樹, Calendula Flower ( Calendula officinale ) 金盞花, St John Wort Flower ( Hypericum perfor )貫葉金絲桃, Marshmallow Root ( Eupatorium purpureum )藥蜀葵, Menthol Crystals ( Mentha arvensis 薄荷腦), Cayenne Fruit ( Capscicum annuums )辣椒, Wintergreen Oil ( Gaultheria procumbens )冬青白珠樹. Olive Oil Base & Jojoba Oil

這是強力滲透的軟膏,頸部堅硬、肌肉酸痛、頭痛、痛楚、關節堅硬、關節炎等非常有效。 山金車、金盞花、貫葉金絲桃:這三種是最好治療扭傷、撞傷的草藥。 辣椒可增強血液循環而促進治療。 貫葉金絲桃對於坐骨神經痛偷有很好的療效。 冬青白珠樹可舒緩痛楚和緩和肌肉酸痛。 薄荷腦帶來冰涼的感覺,常用作治療頭痛、關節炎和神經痛。 This penetrating salve is excellent for stiff necks, sore muscles, headaches, pain, stiff joints, arthritis, etc. Cayenne increases blood circulation to promote healing. Wintergreen oil relieves pain and helps soothe sore muscle. Menthol has a cooling effect and is used for treating headaches, rheumatic pains and neuralgia. Dr Man 配方為 真正的強力草本配方 1) 100% 有機或野生 2) 全植物抽取,不含任何的化合物,包括從植物裡抽取出來的化合物,或Standardization 3) 按照傳統做法,跟月球的相,一個月只能浸制一次,足14天,每日多次搖動 4) Herbs Strength 不少於1:4,通常為1:2 至1:3,外間很多配方的藥力很低,常為1:6到1:12不等 5) 最後用 10 Ton Jack將最精華的液體壓出。 保證比外間的Tincture強好幾倍!

有需要時適當外塗於皮膚上,好好的按摩五至十分鐘。 Apply externally and massage well 5 to 10 minutes as needed. 先塗上完美組織與骨骼軟膏,再塗上按摩油,它們相互發揮滲透力更強,對於關節磨損和骨刺等毛病,果效更強。 First apply Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment. Then apply the Deep Tissue Massgae Oil. Work the two ointments into the skin; the deeper they seep into the skin, the greater the relief will be for joint wear & bone spur problem.

External use only. 只能外用。

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