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Valerian Easy Sleep by Planetary Formulas

120 Tabs 粒:900 mg
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 憂慮、失眠、緊張。
Anxiety, insomnia, nervousness.

成份 Ingredients: ( 2 Tab粒) (Organic whenever possible盡量為有機)
纈草Valerian Root=265 mg, Valerian Root Extract=53 mg.
Proprietary Blend: 1.48 g
Jujube Seed大棗、Skullcap Aerial Parts美黄岑、Passion Leaf & Flower西番蓮、Hops Strobile啤酒花、Wood Betony Aerial Parts藥用石蠶、Chamomile Flower洋甘菊、Pinellia Rhizome天南星、Dong Quai Root當歸、Poria Cocos Sclerotium茯苓、Licorice Root甘草、Amber Resin琥珀樹脂、American Ginseng Root美國人參、Ginger Root薑。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 纈草於這二千年來為最常用用作促進睡眠的草藥,現今它的效用已被官方所認定,歐洲及亞洲的藥典都會使用它來與其它成份配方作為促進睡眠之用,且沒有副作用。
Valerian is most often recommended for promotion of a restful sleep for at least two thousands years. Valerian is now officially acknowledged in numerous European and Asian pharmacopoeias for promoting a deep and restful sleep without side effects often associated with other preparations.
Valerian is thought to bind to receptors for a nerve chemical called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). By blocking some nerve impulses from reaching the brain, valerian seems to shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep as well as improve the quality of sleep that results. And, unlike some of the more commonly prescribed sleep medications, valerian is not addictive. Numerous studies of insomniacs have shown that those who take valerian fall asleep faster than participants given a placebo. German health authorities endorse the use of valerian for restlessness and sleeping disorders that are caused specifically by nervous conditions. Valerian is thought to lessen anxiety because in blocking brain receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA, it also inhibits nerve impulses and stress-related messages from reaching the brain. Much research has demonstrated its powerful and safe muscle relaxant.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wild Jujube seed is widely used as a sedative herb for calming the heart and spirit, as well as nourishing the blood, spleen and liver. The herb has been shown to calm, relax, reduce stress, conserve energy, and promote sleep. It is a great herb for those with symptoms of nervous exhaustion, fatigue, irritability and the inability to sleep.
Scullcap has tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic action, relaxes the nervous system and muscles, and may help with hysteria, convulsions, hydrophobia, nervous headaches, neuralgia, asthma, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pain, insomnia, relieving nervous tension and inducing sleep.
Passion flower has a mild sedative effect that encourages sleep. This property has been well-substantiated in numerous studies on animals and humans. Nervous symptoms and cramps that inhibit sleep are alleviated by ingestion of the herb, and leading quickly to restful uninterrupted and deep sleep. Passion flower does not have any ill side effects.
For more than a thousand years hops has been used to soothe digestion and to fill pillows to promote deep sleep. Now with the support of numerous clinical trials, more than 70 official European preparations combine hops with other herbs to promote satisfying sleep.
Wood betony may calm nerves, encourage relaxing sleep, and tone up glandular functioning.
Chamomile Flowers are considered to be one of the safest and gentlest medicinal herbs used to promote relaxation in children and adults. The benefits of chamomile are many including relieving stress and acting as a sleep aid.
Poria Cocos is used for insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, sleep disorder, tension, and nervousness.

用法指引 Directions: 睡前三十分鐘一至三粒。
1 to 3 tabs 30 minutes before bedtime
Serving Period: 40 to 120 days.

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。

Anxiety, insomnia, nervousness.
( 2 Tab粒) (Organic whenever possible盡量為有機)
纈草Valerian Root=265 mg, Valerian Root Extract=53 mg.
Proprietary Blend: 1.48 g
Jujube Seed大棗、Skullcap Aerial Parts美黄岑、Passion Leaf & Flower西番蓮、Hops Strobile啤酒花、Wood Betony Aerial Parts藥用石蠶、Chamomile Flower洋甘菊、Pinellia Rhizome天南星、Dong Quai Root當歸、Poria Cocos Sclerotium茯苓、Licorice Root甘草、Amber Resin琥珀樹脂、American Ginseng Root美國人參、Ginger Root薑。
Valerian is most often recommended for promotion of a restful sleep for at least two thousands years. Valerian is now officially acknowledged in numerous European and Asian pharmacopoeias for promoting a deep and restful sleep without side effects often associated with other preparations.
Valerian is thought to bind to receptors for a nerve chemical called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). By blocking some nerve impulses from reaching the brain, valerian seems to shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep as well as improve the quality of sleep that results. And, unlike some of the more commonly prescribed sleep medications, valerian is not addictive. Numerous studies of insomniacs have shown that those who take valerian fall asleep faster than participants given a placebo. German health authorities endorse the use of valerian for restlessness and sleeping disorders that are caused specifically by nervous conditions. Valerian is thought to lessen anxiety because in blocking brain receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA, it also inhibits nerve impulses and stress-related messages from reaching the brain. Much research has demonstrated its powerful and safe muscle relaxant.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wild Jujube seed is widely used as a sedative herb for calming the heart and spirit, as well as nourishing the blood, spleen and liver. The herb has been shown to calm, relax, reduce stress, conserve energy, and promote sleep. It is a great herb for those with symptoms of nervous exhaustion, fatigue, irritability and the inability to sleep.
Scullcap has tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic action, relaxes the nervous system and muscles, and may help with hysteria, convulsions, hydrophobia, nervous headaches, neuralgia, asthma, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pain, insomnia, relieving nervous tension and inducing sleep.
Passion flower has a mild sedative effect that encourages sleep. This property has been well-substantiated in numerous studies on animals and humans. Nervous symptoms and cramps that inhibit sleep are alleviated by ingestion of the herb, and leading quickly to restful uninterrupted and deep sleep. Passion flower does not have any ill side effects.
For more than a thousand years hops has been used to soothe digestion and to fill pillows to promote deep sleep. Now with the support of numerous clinical trials, more than 70 official European preparations combine hops with other herbs to promote satisfying sleep.
Wood betony may calm nerves, encourage relaxing sleep, and tone up glandular functioning.
Chamomile Flowers are considered to be one of the safest and gentlest medicinal herbs used to promote relaxation in children and adults. The benefits of chamomile are many including relieving stress and acting as a sleep aid.
Poria Cocos is used for insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, sleep disorder, tension, and nervousness.
1 to 3 tabs 30 minutes before bedtime
Serving Period: 40 to 120 days.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。

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