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Feverfew Head Aid by Planetary Formulas

100 Tabs粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 鬆弛神經、助眠、各種痛楚。
Relaxation, sleeping, all kind of pains.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic whenever possible盡量為有機)
Willow Bark Extract白柳=200 mg, Feverfew leaf Extract小白菊=100 mg,
Proprietary Blend: 930 mg
Catnip Leaf and Sterm荊芥、Notopterygium Root羌活、Green Tea Leaf綠茶、Licorice Root甘草、Ligusticum Rhizome川芎、Angelica Root當歸、Siler Root防風、Cyperus Rhizome、Ginger Root薑。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 多世紀以來,中國都用白柳皮作為止痛及減輕發燒。它的主要化學成份為水楊甙,進入體內便被轉化為水楊酸,世紀上最初的亞士匹靈都是從另外一種含有水楊甙的植物:歐洲合歡子中所提煉而成的。現在所有的亞士匹靈都是人工化合物,白柳皮常被稱為『草本亞士匹靈』。水楊酸可減少體內的前列腺素水平,前列腺素是一種類似荷爾蒙的化合物,它會引致痛楚及發炎。白柳皮雖然比亞士匹靈的果效較慢,但持久力會更強,最重要的是它不像亞士匹靈般引致胃出血的副作用。
早於八十年代,於倫敦市的偏頭痛診所已證實小白菊於減輕頭痛的果效,所有於實驗中的患者都感受於服用小白菊的葉後,頭痛情況得到舒緩。小白菊葉含有豐富的小白菊內脂,一種可以使腦部血管壁減少對某些使血管擴張及收縮的反應的化合物,這正是開始偏頭痛的根源。於Ann Arbor Michigan另類治療中心專門研究痛楚的醫生Alison Lee表示,血管的開合可能會引致神經痛楚及某些舒緩血管肌肉發炎的原因。
The bark of the stately white willow tree has been used in China for centuries as a medicine because of its ability to relieve pain and lower fever. The active ingredient in white willow is salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid. The first aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was made from a different salicin-containing herb--meadowsweet--but works in essentially the same way. All aspirin is now chemically synthesized. White willow bark is often called "herbal aspirin." The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins, hormonelike compounds that can cause aches, pain, and inflammation. While white willow bark takes longer to begin acting than aspirin, its effect may last longer. And, unlike aspirin, it doesn't cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects.
Some good evidence of feverfew’s headache-healing powers emerged in the mid-1980s during a study at the City of London Migraine Clinic. All of the people included in the study were accustomed to taking crushed feverfew leaves for their headaches. The leaves—the medicinal parts of the plant—are rich in parthenolide, a compound that makes the walls of the blood vessels in the brain less reactive to substances that cause them to contract and dilate. That’s how migraines begin. The opening and closing of blood vessels may set off pain nerves and inflame the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, says Alison Lee, M.D., a pain-management specialist and medical director of Barefoot Doctors, an alternative medicine practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Catnip has smoothing & pain-relief effect.
Notopterygium is used to disperse cold, unblock painful obstructions caused by wind/damp/cold pain, and serves as a guiding herb to the governing vessel and greater yang channels.
Research at prestigious medical universities shows green tea and its naturally occurring caffeine content can help counter headache discomfort.
Ligusticum’s main functions are to promote the flow of blood and qi, dispel wind, and relieve pain. Many practitioners prescribe it to treat irregular menstrual periods, dysmenorrhea, and headaches. It is also given to patients with inflammation caused by injuries, carbuncles and boils.
Angelica restores the hormonal imbalances that can cause the often severe pain of this disorder.
Siler An herb that is traditionally used to relieve muscle and joint pain due to damp toxins accumulating in tissue.
Used for thousands of years for relief from headaches and other painful conditions, recent research shows that ginger possesses numerous constituents that can inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins.

用法指引 Directions: 需要時一至三粒。
1 to 3 tabs as needed.

備註 Remarks: Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。

Relaxation, sleeping, all kind of pains.
( Organic whenever possible盡量為有機)
Willow Bark Extract白柳=200 mg, Feverfew leaf Extract小白菊=100 mg,
Proprietary Blend: 930 mg
Catnip Leaf and Sterm荊芥、Notopterygium Root羌活、Green Tea Leaf綠茶、Licorice Root甘草、Ligusticum Rhizome川芎、Angelica Root當歸、Siler Root防風、Cyperus Rhizome、Ginger Root薑。
早於八十年代,於倫敦市的偏頭痛診所已證實小白菊於減輕頭痛的果效,所有於實驗中的患者都感受於服用小白菊的葉後,頭痛情況得到舒緩。小白菊葉含有豐富的小白菊內脂,一種可以使腦部血管壁減少對某些使血管擴張及收縮的反應的化合物,這正是開始偏頭痛的根源。於Ann Arbor Michigan另類治療中心專門研究痛楚的醫生Alison Lee表示,血管的開合可能會引致神經痛楚及某些舒緩血管肌肉發炎的原因。
The bark of the stately white willow tree has been used in China for centuries as a medicine because of its ability to relieve pain and lower fever. The active ingredient in white willow is salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid. The first aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was made from a different salicin-containing herb--meadowsweet--but works in essentially the same way. All aspirin is now chemically synthesized. White willow bark is often called "herbal aspirin." The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins, hormonelike compounds that can cause aches, pain, and inflammation. While white willow bark takes longer to begin acting than aspirin, its effect may last longer. And, unlike aspirin, it doesn't cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects.
Some good evidence of feverfew’s headache-healing powers emerged in the mid-1980s during a study at the City of London Migraine Clinic. All of the people included in the study were accustomed to taking crushed feverfew leaves for their headaches. The leaves—the medicinal parts of the plant—are rich in parthenolide, a compound that makes the walls of the blood vessels in the brain less reactive to substances that cause them to contract and dilate. That’s how migraines begin. The opening and closing of blood vessels may set off pain nerves and inflame the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, says Alison Lee, M.D., a pain-management specialist and medical director of Barefoot Doctors, an alternative medicine practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Catnip has smoothing & pain-relief effect.
Notopterygium is used to disperse cold, unblock painful obstructions caused by wind/damp/cold pain, and serves as a guiding herb to the governing vessel and greater yang channels.
Research at prestigious medical universities shows green tea and its naturally occurring caffeine content can help counter headache discomfort.
Ligusticum’s main functions are to promote the flow of blood and qi, dispel wind, and relieve pain. Many practitioners prescribe it to treat irregular menstrual periods, dysmenorrhea, and headaches. It is also given to patients with inflammation caused by injuries, carbuncles and boils.
Angelica restores the hormonal imbalances that can cause the often severe pain of this disorder.
Siler An herb that is traditionally used to relieve muscle and joint pain due to damp toxins accumulating in tissue.
Used for thousands of years for relief from headaches and other painful conditions, recent research shows that ginger possesses numerous constituents that can inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins.
1 to 3 tabs as needed.
Not for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 不適合孕婦服用。

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