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按情況 By Condition > 腸道排毒/便秘 Colon Detox/Constipation


Fiber Perfect by Jarrow Formulas

150 Caps 粒
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 通便、回復腸道正常功能。
Bowel movement, intestinal tonic.

成份 Ingredients: (6粒 Cap)
Fiber纖維=2 gm:
Psyllium洋車前、Beet fiber紅菜頭、inulin-FOS、Beneficial bacteria metabolites益生菌=200 mg, Chlorella Yaeyama八重山綠藻=200 mg.
Proprietary Blend of Botanicals=1420 mg
Fennel seed茴香、Rhubarb root土耳其大黃根、Ginger root薑、Slippery elm bark赤楡、Dandelion蒲公英、Peppermint leaves歐薄荷。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 纖維通不但有柔和的通便作用,最重要的是能重建腸道的組織、強化腸道肌肉、幫助腸道回復正常的排便功能 ( 沒有倚賴性 )等,可作長期腸道保健之用。
This formula is not a simple herbal laxative, but re-builds the tissues of the colon, strengthens intestinal muscles, help the colon back to normal action, no dependency, suitable for long terms use.
Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative. Psyllium husks play an important role in lowering cholesterol. Psyllium also softens stool and relieves constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. When psyllium husk comes in contact with water, it swells and forms a gelatinous mass that stimulates the transport of waste through the intestinal tract. Unlike wheat bran and some other fiber supplements, psyllium generally does not cause excessive gas and bloating.
Chlorophyll is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems.

用法指引 Directions: 開始時每日三次,每次一粒,飯前服用。如果排泄物太軟太多水便應減少份量。但排便次數或情況沒有增加時則增加份量,原則是每日三次,但每次的份量因人而且。
One capsule three times daily on an empty stomach. If fecal matters are too soft then reduce the dosage. If no obvious difference then increase the dosage. Three times daily is the principle but no two people are alike.
After consuming a period of time, some of the hard fecal matter on outside wall of the intestines will be broken and go down the intestines and begin to clog up the tract. Then the dosage may be increased. There is no maximum restriction on the dosage. Some may take up to 20 capsules per day.
When at least two bowel movements daily steadily for over two weeks are achieved, the surface fecal hard matters on the intestine will be removed. Then this is the time to carry out the deep intestinal cleansing.

備註 Remarks: 多年所形成遲鈍的腸道,一般人通常需要用上四至九個月的時間來使腸道完全回復正常的功能,但需視乎每人腸道及飲食習慣而定,只要保持健康飲食習慣,之後便不需倚靠腸道清來幫助排便。
詳情請向Healthcare Professional查詢。
After the years causing the sluggish intestines, it may take four to nine months to re-build the intestines and back to normal action. The proper diet is the key and dependency on supplement is not required then.
Please consult healthcare professional.
Please read the note on “Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program.”

Bowel movement, intestinal tonic.
(6粒 Cap)
Fiber纖維=2 gm:
Psyllium洋車前、Beet fiber紅菜頭、inulin-FOS、Beneficial bacteria metabolites益生菌=200 mg, Chlorella Yaeyama八重山綠藻=200 mg.
Proprietary Blend of Botanicals=1420 mg
Fennel seed茴香、Rhubarb root土耳其大黃根、Ginger root薑、Slippery elm bark赤楡、Dandelion蒲公英、Peppermint leaves歐薄荷。
纖維通不但有柔和的通便作用,最重要的是能重建腸道的組織、強化腸道肌肉、幫助腸道回復正常的排便功能 ( 沒有倚賴性 )等,可作長期腸道保健之用。
This formula is not a simple herbal laxative, but re-builds the tissues of the colon, strengthens intestinal muscles, help the colon back to normal action, no dependency, suitable for long terms use.
Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative. Psyllium husks play an important role in lowering cholesterol. Psyllium also softens stool and relieves constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. When psyllium husk comes in contact with water, it swells and forms a gelatinous mass that stimulates the transport of waste through the intestinal tract. Unlike wheat bran and some other fiber supplements, psyllium generally does not cause excessive gas and bloating.
Chlorophyll is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems.
One capsule three times daily on an empty stomach. If fecal matters are too soft then reduce the dosage. If no obvious difference then increase the dosage. Three times daily is the principle but no two people are alike.
After consuming a period of time, some of the hard fecal matter on outside wall of the intestines will be broken and go down the intestines and begin to clog up the tract. Then the dosage may be increased. There is no maximum restriction on the dosage. Some may take up to 20 capsules per day.
When at least two bowel movements daily steadily for over two weeks are achieved, the surface fecal hard matters on the intestine will be removed. Then this is the time to carry out the deep intestinal cleansing.
詳情請向Healthcare Professional查詢。
After the years causing the sluggish intestines, it may take four to nine months to re-build the intestines and back to normal action. The proper diet is the key and dependency on supplement is not required then.
Please consult healthcare professional.
Please read the note on “Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program.”

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