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按情況 By Condition > 腸道排毒/便秘 Colon Detox/Constipation

Three Weeks Colon Cleansing Program 三星期腸道排毒程式
參考資料: 我們每一個系統、每一個器官、甚至每一個細胞都在不斷地吸收營養及排出廢物。在人體四大排洩系統的器官中 ( 腎、肺、皮膚、腸道 ),大部份的廢物都是經由大腸排出。如果大腸運作不正常或遲鈍,廢物不能正常地排出,就會不斷的累積在體內,引致中毒而生病。美國人的快餐文化,寡菜多肉,使他們平均積聚了10至25磅的廢物在腸道內,這是美國人患病的主要元兇之一。按最高記錄,美國人John Wayne於死時腸道內藏有40磅的廢物。據估計,約有一半美國人的腸道內有腫瘤,而這些腫瘤很有可能發展成為癌症腫瘤。事實上,腸癌奪去美國人的性命比愛滋病還要高四倍。在香港,腸癌是癌症中的第二號殺手,每年約有一千人死於腸病,在調查報告中發現香港人口中有多至90%患有不同程度的便秘。 除了腦部,所有的重要器官都緊接在體幹內,當任何一部分不正常地膨脹,附近受壓迫的器官就會受傷及生病,而腸道所經之處,就是這些主要器官。例如便秘引致大腸發大,甚至形成疝氣,附近的重要器官如肺、心臟、肝、膽囊、胰腺、腎、腎上腺、子宮、前列腺就會受到影響,引致血液、淋巴、神經等系統受阻,不能正常地運作, 甚至形成多種似乎連不上關係的疾病。 這些積聚在大腸內的廢物,不但妨礙其它器官的正常運作,當中的毒素可以經由血液滲入附近的器官,甚至身體內的每一個器官、每一個細胞,從而毒害及感染整個身體,引起各樣的疾病。因此,約有90%的病人,他們的心臟病、血壓、呼吸、血糖、荷爾蒙不平衡、不育、肝病、膽固醇、免疫系統、泌尿系統、腎上腺、下肢血液循環、前列腺、消化系統、脊椎神經、神經系統等等無數的問題,當透過腸道排毒療程後,情况都大為改善,甚至痊癒。所以中西醫皆有「大腸是百病之源」的理論。 還有,無論你去作運動、斷食或桑那浴等,所有透過皮膚、脂肪、肌肉、每個細胞等所分解及排出所積存在我們體內 ( 脂肪、肌肉細胞及衆多的器官 ) 的廢物及毒素,其實最後極大部份都是落在腸道內,再由腸道負責將廢物排出體外。如果腸道不能將這些廢物及毒素及時排出體外,結果還是停留甚至再一次被吸收回體內。因此,腸道排毒是身體排毒的第一步,是回復健康的錦囊妙計。 正常的排便次數:在大自然無憂無慮的環境下生活,進食天然簡單食物的人,他們在每次正餐後二十到三十分鐘內,很自然地排便一次。這樣看來,每天排便二到四次,才是正常的現象。 正常的糞便是柔軟像花生醬而沒有固定形狀,只要用水沖就能散開,但與腹瀉情況完全不同,因為腹瀉的糞便是水狀,這當然視乎你所吃的是什麼及怎樣去咀嚼,但絕不是結實的。 憩室是消化道壁的薄弱處形成的囊,主因是長期便秘所引致,面充滿了陳舊及腐爛的排泄物,引致感染及出血。根據醫學研究報告,現在差不多每一個美國人都會患上這種腸道疾病,但1955年只有15% 的病例。
The entire colon is so big that it is connected to, touches, sits next to or is in the vicinity of every major organ in the human body except the brain. It also touches most of your major blood vessels and nerves. Constipation causes the colon to literally swell, expand and even herniate. And according to the leading medical books, it is happening to all of us. So when an area of the colon gets constipated and swells, it compresses and crushes the organ next to it. This could be the lungs, the heart, the liver and gallbladder, the pancreas, the kidneys and adrenals, the uterus, the prostate, again, almost every major organ in the body. This is simply why a constipated, swollen colon can cause an almost endless amount of seemingly unrelated diseases and problems. And I haven’t even discussed toxic build-up in the colon that literally oozes into your blood and infects and poisons not just the nearby organs, but every organ and every cell in the body. With almost every American, this waste is slowly building up in the body, fat, muscles, organs, just about everywhere. The average American stores from 6 to 10 pounds of toxic fecal waste in their colon. This is NOT healthy. When the backed up poisons reach critical levels it can cause just about every disease known. Your weakest organs and cells get sick and even die. This is one of the most common causes of disease today in America. A sluggish, constipated, swollen bowel, retaining pounds of old fecal matter can either compress a nearby area causing disease, or emit infection and toxins which can affect and infect any area of the body. This explains why about 90% of patients healed their heart problems, blood pressure problems, breathing problems, blood sugar problems, hormone imbalance problems, fertility problems, liver problems, cholesterol problems, immune problems, urinary problems, adrenal and lack of energy problems, prostate problems, digestive problems, lower back problems, leg circulation and nerve problems. The list is almost endless. Everyone wants to do a Detox. Everyone wants to repent their faulty lifestyle sins. But before anyone can do any type of Detoxification or Cleansing program, they must make sure that ALL of the elimination channels are open and the bowel is the first place to begin. There is a simple reason for this. When you do any detox program, the whole idea is to start programs, juice fasting, saunas, exercise, whatever, that will dissolve and purge accumulated waste, poisons and toxins out of your skin, fat, muscles, every cell of the body. All this waste that is removed, ALL OF IT, is deposited into your colon for final removal. If your colon is sluggish, constipated or blocked, then all of this dumped toxic waste will just sit there, IT CAN EVEN BE RE-ABSORBED BACK INTO YOUR BODY, YUCK! This can make you feel worse, not better, and this is the reason so many people feel horrible when doing a detoxification program and quit it after a few days. If you clean your colon first, any detoxification program should be fun and you should feel great during it and vibrant when you are finished. FACT: Colon Cancer actually KILLS 400% more people than AIDS. It also KILLS more men and women in America than Breast and Prostate Cancer. FACT: This year in America 60,000 people will DIE from Colon-Rectal Cancer and an additional 125,000 new cases will be diagnosed. FACT: Up to 50% of Americans have Polyps in their colon. A Polyp is just another name for a tumor. Most Polyps eventually mutate into malignant cancer tumors!