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Herbal Eyebright by Dr. Christopher

1 oz (30 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose:

視力、所有眼睛問題。 Vision, all visual problems.

成份 Ingredients:

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Bayberry Bark月桂果、Eyebright Herb小米草、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Red Raspberry Leaves覆盆子、Cayenne Pepper辣椒。

詳細內容 Descriptions:

自古以來,人們都用草本茶及眼藥來清潔眼睛內的灰塵、污穢,消除細菌感染和促進眼睛的血液循環。在十九世紀初期,這活動非常普遍,很多草本藥或製藥廠,都在藥房出售不同形式的眼睛清潔劑,通常都是一個瓶子,頂部有一螺旋式洗眼杯,現在你仍然可以在一些古董店裡找到。但自從二世界大戰後,被視為能醫百病的抗生素出現後,這些活動便很快地被遺忘了。 這配方是基於多世紀以來,所沿用的一流眼睛清潔草本植物,這配方因奇蹟地醫好了病人的眼疾如感染、失調,甚至青光眼、白內障和眼盲而聞名。 小米草是歐洲的野生植物,它的英文名稱因它於中世紀開始被用作治療眼疾而來。小米草有抗菌及收斂作用,可收緊眼睛周圍的薄膜及粘膜,有效強化及促進循環。小米草中的單寧酸可減輕眼睛發炎的情況,更可形成一層眼睛表面的保護層。另外它的咖啡酸有抗感染功能,對於無論是急性或者長期性的發炎、對光線過敏都非常有效。它能減輕眼睛紅腫的情況,可減輕眼睛疲勞及其它視覺問題。 北美黄蓮:因它有強力的抗菌及消毒作用,但同時又性質柔和而聞名。在身體上的敏感部位如眼睛、鼻腔及黏膜等,有很強的消滅感染功效,如使用大蒜可能會構成傷害。它含有北美黄蓮鹼、小檗鹼、氫化小蘖鹼、樹脂及揮發油等,頭兩種生物鹼在醫學上記載有抗菌作用。 覆盆子:柔和的收斂劑。 雖然辣椒對眼睛有點兒刺痛,但它能大大增強眼睛的血液循環。 For centuries people have washed their eyes with herbal teas and tonics. This was done to physically cleanse the eyes of dust and dirt particles, destroy harmful bacteria which cause eye infections and to increase circulation to the eyes. In the early 1900’s washing eyes became so popular that many herbal and pharmaceutical companies sold bottles of eyewashing preparations in the drug stores, and the top of the bottle was actually an eyecup that screwed off. You can still find these bottles for sale in many antique stores along with hundreds of clear, white and cobalt blue eyecups which have now become collectors’ items. After WWII the practice of washing eyes was dropped, for you guessed it – antibiotics again – the supposed cure-all. This formula is based on classic eyewash herbs that have been used for literally centuries for this purpose This herbal formula became famous for miracle healings with eye infections, disorders and diseases, even cataracts, glaucoma and blindness. Eyebright is a European wild plant. It gets its name because it has been used since the Middle Ages to treat eye irritation. Eyebright's antibiotic and astringent properties tighten membranes and mucus surrounding the eyes, effectively strengthening and improving circulation. The tannins in it may decrease eye inflammation, as well as making a protective film over the surface of the eye. The caffeic acid may act as an anti-infective agent. It is useful for acute or chronic inflammations as well as over sensitivity to light. It is beneficial for reducing redness and swelling. It has also been used for the treatment of eye fatigue and other disturbances of vision. Goldenseal root is famous for being a mild acting, but highly effective antibacterial and antiseptic herb. In the clinic I found it extremely useful for destroying infection around the sensitive areas of the body like the eyes, inside the sinus, and sensitive mucous membrane areas where garlic could be too strong. It contains the alkaloids hydrastine, berberine and canadine, and volatile oils and resins. The first two alkaloids are listed medically as antibacterial and antiseptic. Red Raspberry is a mild astringent. Although the Cayenne in the formula did sting a bit, it so dramatically increased the blood circulation to the eyes.

用法指引 Directions:

加兩至十滴於盛有蒸餾水或過濾水的眼杯內 ( 可用泳鏡 ),緊貼於眼部,再提起頭部向天,眼睛張開 ( 因有辣椒的成份,會有刺痛的感覺 ),眼球可配合作上下、左右以及旋轉的運動,完成後先清洗眼杯,再以同樣步驟做另一隻眼睛。後備的作法可以找一個空的滴眼樽,用蒸餾水稀釋後,再滴落眼睛上。 每日一至六次。 Mix 2 to 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled or filtered water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. Then they would rinse the eyecup and do the other eye. Secondary direction: find an empty small eye bottle, drop a few drops into the eyes after dilution with distilled water. Once to six times daily.

備註 Remarks:

同時服用山桑子配方,果效更強。For best result, take with Bilberry Formula.

視力、所有眼睛問題。 Vision, all visual problems.

( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生) Bayberry Bark月桂果、Eyebright Herb小米草、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Red Raspberry Leaves覆盆子、Cayenne Pepper辣椒。

自古以來,人們都用草本茶及眼藥來清潔眼睛內的灰塵、污穢,消除細菌感染和促進眼睛的血液循環。在十九世紀初期,這活動非常普遍,很多草本藥或製藥廠,都在藥房出售不同形式的眼睛清潔劑,通常都是一個瓶子,頂部有一螺旋式洗眼杯,現在你仍然可以在一些古董店裡找到。但自從二世界大戰後,被視為能醫百病的抗生素出現後,這些活動便很快地被遺忘了。 這配方是基於多世紀以來,所沿用的一流眼睛清潔草本植物,這配方因奇蹟地醫好了病人的眼疾如感染、失調,甚至青光眼、白內障和眼盲而聞名。 小米草是歐洲的野生植物,它的英文名稱因它於中世紀開始被用作治療眼疾而來。小米草有抗菌及收斂作用,可收緊眼睛周圍的薄膜及粘膜,有效強化及促進循環。小米草中的單寧酸可減輕眼睛發炎的情況,更可形成一層眼睛表面的保護層。另外它的咖啡酸有抗感染功能,對於無論是急性或者長期性的發炎、對光線過敏都非常有效。它能減輕眼睛紅腫的情況,可減輕眼睛疲勞及其它視覺問題。 北美黄蓮:因它有強力的抗菌及消毒作用,但同時又性質柔和而聞名。在身體上的敏感部位如眼睛、鼻腔及黏膜等,有很強的消滅感染功效,如使用大蒜可能會構成傷害。它含有北美黄蓮鹼、小檗鹼、氫化小蘖鹼、樹脂及揮發油等,頭兩種生物鹼在醫學上記載有抗菌作用。 覆盆子:柔和的收斂劑。 雖然辣椒對眼睛有點兒刺痛,但它能大大增強眼睛的血液循環。 For centuries people have washed their eyes with herbal teas and tonics. This was done to physically cleanse the eyes of dust and dirt particles, destroy harmful bacteria which cause eye infections and to increase circulation to the eyes. In the early 1900’s washing eyes became so popular that many herbal and pharmaceutical companies sold bottles of eyewashing preparations in the drug stores, and the top of the bottle was actually an eyecup that screwed off. You can still find these bottles for sale in many antique stores along with hundreds of clear, white and cobalt blue eyecups which have now become collectors’ items. After WWII the practice of washing eyes was dropped, for you guessed it – antibiotics again – the supposed cure-all. This formula is based on classic eyewash herbs that have been used for literally centuries for this purpose This herbal formula became famous for miracle healings with eye infections, disorders and diseases, even cataracts, glaucoma and blindness. Eyebright is a European wild plant. It gets its name because it has been used since the Middle Ages to treat eye irritation. Eyebright's antibiotic and astringent properties tighten membranes and mucus surrounding the eyes, effectively strengthening and improving circulation. The tannins in it may decrease eye inflammation, as well as making a protective film over the surface of the eye. The caffeic acid may act as an anti-infective agent. It is useful for acute or chronic inflammations as well as over sensitivity to light. It is beneficial for reducing redness and swelling. It has also been used for the treatment of eye fatigue and other disturbances of vision. Goldenseal root is famous for being a mild acting, but highly effective antibacterial and antiseptic herb. In the clinic I found it extremely useful for destroying infection around the sensitive areas of the body like the eyes, inside the sinus, and sensitive mucous membrane areas where garlic could be too strong. It contains the alkaloids hydrastine, berberine and canadine, and volatile oils and resins. The first two alkaloids are listed medically as antibacterial and antiseptic. Red Raspberry is a mild astringent. Although the Cayenne in the formula did sting a bit, it so dramatically increased the blood circulation to the eyes.

加兩至十滴於盛有蒸餾水或過濾水的眼杯內 ( 可用泳鏡 ),緊貼於眼部,再提起頭部向天,眼睛張開 ( 因有辣椒的成份,會有刺痛的感覺 ),眼球可配合作上下、左右以及旋轉的運動,完成後先清洗眼杯,再以同樣步驟做另一隻眼睛。後備的作法可以找一個空的滴眼樽,用蒸餾水稀釋後,再滴落眼睛上。 每日一至六次。 Mix 2 to 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled or filtered water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. Then they would rinse the eyecup and do the other eye. Secondary direction: find an empty small eye bottle, drop a few drops into the eyes after dilution with distilled water. Once to six times daily.

同時服用山桑子配方,果效更強。For best result, take with Bilberry Formula.

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