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健品園地 Health Supplement

按情況 By Condition > 眼睛/視力 Eye/Vision


Eye Wash Formula by Dr. Morse

2 oz (60 ml)
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獨立性 Uniqueness:

功效 Purpose: 視力、所有眼睛問題。
Vision, all visual problems.

成份 Ingredients: ( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Eyebright Herb小米草、Plantain Herb大車前草、White Pond Lily, Horsetail Herb問荊、Bilberry Berries山桑子、Black Walnut Hull黑胡桃、Comfrey Root & Leaf康冨利、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Marshmallow Root藥蜀葵、Centaury Herb日本鬼燈檠、Passion Flower Herb西番蓮、Parsley Root & Leaf歐芹。

詳細內容 Descriptions: 潔淨、強化、重造整個眼部組織。它可促進血液及淋巴流至眼部組織,增強細胞的呼吸和新陳化謝功能。
Clean, strengthen and regenerate the eye tissues. It promotes blood and lymph flow within the eye tissues, allowing for optimum cellular respiration & metabolism.
Cataracts, glaucoma, retina deterioration, eye weaknesses, congestion or foreign particles trapped in the eye tissues, radiation burns, “blood shot” eyes, infections of the eye tissues (pink eye, etc.), retinitis, conjunctivitis, floaters, granulated eye lids, dry eyes, blepharitis, etc.

用法指引 Directions: 加十滴於盛有蒸餾水或過濾水的眼杯內 ( 可用泳鏡 ),緊貼於眼部,再提起頭部向天,眼睛張開 ( 因有辣椒的成份,會有刺痛的感覺 ),眼球可配合作上下、左右以及旋轉的運動,完成後先清洗眼杯,再以同樣步驟做另一隻眼睛。後備的作法可以找一個空的滴眼樽,用蒸餾水稀釋後,再滴落眼睛上。或 可直接滴兩至六滴於眼睛上。
Mix 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled or filtered water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. Then they would rinse the eyecup and do the other eye. Secondary direction: find an empty small eye bottle, drop a few drops into the eyes after dilution with distilled water. Or Use two to six drops for direct usage.
Once to six times daily.
May also be taken internally for even greater result. 1 dropperful 3 times daily preferably between meals.

備註 Remarks:

Vision, all visual problems.
( Organic or wild-crafted有機或野生)
Eyebright Herb小米草、Plantain Herb大車前草、White Pond Lily, Horsetail Herb問荊、Bilberry Berries山桑子、Black Walnut Hull黑胡桃、Comfrey Root & Leaf康冨利、Goldenseal Root北美黄蓮、Marshmallow Root藥蜀葵、Centaury Herb日本鬼燈檠、Passion Flower Herb西番蓮、Parsley Root & Leaf歐芹。
Clean, strengthen and regenerate the eye tissues. It promotes blood and lymph flow within the eye tissues, allowing for optimum cellular respiration & metabolism.
Cataracts, glaucoma, retina deterioration, eye weaknesses, congestion or foreign particles trapped in the eye tissues, radiation burns, “blood shot” eyes, infections of the eye tissues (pink eye, etc.), retinitis, conjunctivitis, floaters, granulated eye lids, dry eyes, blepharitis, etc.
加十滴於盛有蒸餾水或過濾水的眼杯內 ( 可用泳鏡 ),緊貼於眼部,再提起頭部向天,眼睛張開 ( 因有辣椒的成份,會有刺痛的感覺 ),眼球可配合作上下、左右以及旋轉的運動,完成後先清洗眼杯,再以同樣步驟做另一隻眼睛。後備的作法可以找一個空的滴眼樽,用蒸餾水稀釋後,再滴落眼睛上。或 可直接滴兩至六滴於眼睛上。
Mix 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled or filtered water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. Then they would rinse the eyecup and do the other eye. Secondary direction: find an empty small eye bottle, drop a few drops into the eyes after dilution with distilled water. Or Use two to six drops for direct usage.
Once to six times daily.
May also be taken internally for even greater result. 1 dropperful 3 times daily preferably between meals.

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